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Anti Bullying Policy Training
West Memphis School District
What is Bullying? Any intentional gesture or any intentional written, verbal or physical act or threat that is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening or abusive educational environment for a student or staff. This definition goes beyond what might have been considered bullying in the past to include all intentional forms of bullying. The law shows an intent to protect the sanctity of school for all learners as well as educators.
Why people watch the Bullying?
The bully is someone other people look up to and want to hang out with. They want to "side" with the bully because to do that makes them feel strong. Siding with the bully's victim, on the other hand, would make them feel weak. They're entertained by the bullying. They don't think speaking up will help. They're afraid that if they say something, the bully will turn on them. Watching the bullying is a way to bully "vicariously." This means that they feel like they're getting their frustrations out by hurting someone even though they're not doing the hurting, just watching the hurting. Did you know that if one person watching a bullying situation says "Stop it!", half the time the bullying will stop? This can be hard to do, but it's important to try. When you stand by and do nothing, that's saying that bullying is okay with you. It makes you no better than the bully himself.
Effects of Bullying: withdrawn depressed anxious insecure shy
Numerous studies on the effects of bullying have found that victims of bullying may be more: withdrawn depressed anxious insecure shy uninvolved with others lonely isolated avoidant of school, places, or activities suicidal It causes some students to harm themselves, cutting themselves, for example. Thirty percent of all child suicides can be directly related to bullying. It is a common theme in school shootings as students retaliate for the bullying.
Prevent Bullying in Schools by:
promoting and modeling the use of respectful language fostering an understanding of and respect for diversity and difference building relationships and communicating with families constructively managing classroom behaviors using positive behavioral intervention strategies applying constructive disciplinary practices teaching students skills including positive communication, anger management, and empathy for others engaging students in school or classroom planning and decision-making maintaining a safe and caring classroom for all students
What to do if you see Bullying:
Tell the bully to stop. Examples: "Cut it out!", "That's not funny!", "How'd you like it if someone did that to you?" Let the bully know that what he or she is doing is stupid and mean. If you feel like you can't speak up, walk away from the situation and tell the nearest adult. Get them to come help. This is not tattling! Make sure the kid who's being bullied tells his parents, or a teacher. Offer to go with him if it will help. If she doesn't want to talk to anybody, offer to talk to someone on her behalf. Involve as many people as possible, including other friends or classmates, parents, teachers, school counselors, and even the principal. Do NOT use violence against bullies or try to get revenge on your own. It's possible that by speaking up or helping someone, you've made the bully want to come after you. Be prepared for this, and hold your ground.
Discussion: What are some ways you can stop bullying?
Give some examples that you have seen bullying on campus. Were you ever bullied in any way growing up? How did that make you feel?
What is Cyber-Bullying?
Cyber-bullying is when is when a person, or a group of people ,uses the internet, mobile phones or other digital technologies to threaten, tease or abuse someone. Arkansas: A 2007 law added cyber-bullying to school anti-bullying policies and included provisions for school officials to take action against some off-campus activities. The law applies to electronic acts whether or not they originate on school property "if the electronic act is directed specifically at students or school personnel and is maliciously intended for the purpose of disrupting school, and has a high likelihood of succeeding in that purpose."
Forms of Cyber-bullying
Sending threatening, taunting or teasing s to someone. Using a computer or any other tech to spread gossip or rumors, or to make someone’s private information public. Pretending to be another person online so you can post or things that will embarrass or get that person in trouble. Being a “pretend friend” online so you can later hurt or humiliate someone. “Ganging up” on someone in a chat room or on a message board. “Griefing” someone in an online video game by constantly picking on a new or inexperienced player. Texting hurtful or rude comments to someone’s phone or Blackberry. Using chat, IM, or a blog to exclude people, pick on people, or divide the “populars” from the “unpopulars.” School bullies say hurtful things and post photos on Websites, s, cell phone text messages and photos to torment their classmates.
Why do people Cyber-Bully?
It’s anonymous. The Web lets you hide behind a fake user name or alias, and many bullies feel protected by this “false identity.” They want revenge. If a person is bullied in school, he might decide to fight back online. You don’t have to be a typical “bully” to be mean with IM or . They think everybody’s doing it. Being mean online may seem like something that kids just do…simply a part of life these days. They get caught up in it. Sometimes online bullies start out small, with a funny comment or a joke. Then things slowly get out of hand. They start posting meaner and meaner things, and before they know it, they’re really hurting people with the things they write. They don’t understand how much it hurts. When you’re cruel to someone online, you can’t see her cry, so you might not understand just how bad you’re making her feel.
Phone Rules: 1. People need your parents permission to take and share pictures of minors. 2. Ask permission before taking pictures of other people. 3. Never post pictures of yourself or other kids without first asking your parents or the parents of the other kids.
Good and Bad Calls Good Bad Keeping in touch with family
Keeping in touch with school Accessing the web and information Bullying/Harassing Sending personal information or embarrassing photos
Texting and Chat Rules 1. Only talk to people you know in real life. 2. Never say anything in chat you wouldn’t say in real life. 3. Make sure your parents always know the people you chat with. 4. Tell your parents or someone you trust if someone says something in chat that makes you feel bad. Technology has brought a lot of really cool things to our lives: We use , Instant Messaging, message boards and blogs to stay in touch with our friends, keep up with what’s happening in the world, and just have fun. But being connected all the time leaves us open to a special kind of bully: the online bully.
Bullying Survey 1. Have you gotten bullied? Yes No 2. If you answered yes, how often did someone bully you? Occasionally Often Every day 3. Where did the bullying happen? School Park Bus Somewhere else 4. If you were bullied at school, where did it happen? Hallway Classroom Playground Cafeteria Bathroom Somewhere else 5. Have you ever seen other students being bullied at school? Yes No 6. If you answered yes, how often did it happen? Sometimes A lot Every day 7. Where have you seen other students bullied? Hallway Classroom Playground Cafeteria Bathroom Somewhere else 8. What kinds of things have bullies done to you or to someone you know? Called names Threatened Stole or damaged something Shoved, kicked, or hit Ignored
What can you do about Cyber-Bullying?
Tell someone adult ( parents/teacher, friend) Report to social networking site. NEVER respond or retaliate! Try to ignore it. Save any information and print, so that someone can help you. Remember, the best thing to do if you feel like you are being bullied is to talk to someone.
Bullying Videos
Beat the Bully Game!
Anti Bullying Resources
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