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Online PD Network October 11, 2011. Agenda for Online Meeting 10-13-11 Proposal Form Routing IPDP Update Due Date October 14, 2011 TrainU Course Updated.

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Presentation on theme: "Online PD Network October 11, 2011. Agenda for Online Meeting 10-13-11 Proposal Form Routing IPDP Update Due Date October 14, 2011 TrainU Course Updated."— Presentation transcript:

1 Online PD Network October 11, 2011

2 Agenda for Online Meeting 10-13-11 Proposal Form Routing IPDP Update Due Date October 14, 2011 TrainU Course Updated Schedule of “To Be Released Marzano Materials” Website Updates Marzano Design Question Pages CAO Website Collegial Study Groups Setting Norms Suggested Structures PD Days Elementary/Secondary Optional Tools/Protocols Monitoring the Learning Component for Marzano Closing Poll and additional Materials

3 Proposal Form Routing Professional Learning Coordinator PrincipalDept of PD

4 IPDP Updates Due Date October 14, 2011 Vodcast: http://vodcast.palmbeach.k12.fl.u s/player.php?key=HYP4E7B77E7 AAB35 http://vodcast.palmbeach.k12.fl.u s/player.php?key=HYP4E7B77E7 AAB35 IPDP TrainU: course/view.php?id=1032 course/view.php?id=1032

5 Suggested Timeline for the IPDP Process

6 Updated Schedule of “To Be Released Marzano Materials” Date Available on PD Website Design QuestionDepartment responsible for material September 15, 2011DQ 1, Part 1, Elements 1Safe Schools October 10, 2011DQ 1, Part 2, Elements 2 and 3 Safe Schools October 17, 2011DQ 6 and 7Safe Schools October 31, 2011DQ 2Safe Schools November 14, 2011DQ 4Curriculum November 14, 2011DQ 5Curriculum November 14, 2011DQ 5Curriculum November 28, 2011DQ 3Safe Schools December 12, 2011DQ 8Safe Schools December 12, 2011DQ 9Safe Schools

7 Website Updates PD Website Marzano Materials will be posted on the PD Website under the Design Question that they address. CAO Website

8 Characteristics of a Study Group Knowledge is constructed through interaction with the selected material (Marzano) and collegial conversations Collaboration and Companionship Commitment to learn and use the new knowledge to change perspectives, practice and policies ASCD, 1996 ASCD Professional Inquiry Kit

9 Study groups can meet to… Integrate the Marzano Teacher Evaluation Framework in their school’s practices and programs Study the latest research on teaching and learning provided by Marzano Monitor the impact of the new practices on students and staff Analyze and target school wide needs Resource: Whole Faculty Study Groups (2005), Corwin

10 Getting Started Participants should be interested in new learning Limit the number to 6-8 people for each study group Gather available materials and resources Set a schedule to decide on a predictable format and schedule for the meetings Resource: Whole Faculty Study Groups (2005), Corwin

11 Roles: Facilitator Resource: North Dakota Department of Public Instruction

12 Roles

13 Getting Started Assign Roles Establish Norms Select a Focus Create an Action Plan Strategies Resource: Whole Faculty Study Groups (2005), Corwin

14 Roles: Facilitator Resource: North Dakota Department of Public Instruction

15 Roles: Recorder Resource: North Dakota Department of Public Instruction

16 Role: Timekeeper Resource: North Dakota Department of Public Instruction

17 Role: Researcher Resource: North Dakota Department of Public Instruction

18 Norms Begin and end on time Take responsibility for one’s own learning Being an active participant What is said in the group stays in the group Respect other’s opinions Be open to changing the status quo Practice active listening ASCD, 1996 ASCD Professional Inquiry Kit

19 Create an Action Plan Resource: North Dakota Department of Public Instruction Topic of Study Specific Areas of Need Actions Intended Results

20 Strategies Study Groups Use

21 Conversation Protocols What do we want to learn about the Marzano Teacher Evaluation Framework? How will we know when each group member has mastered the essential learning of the group? How will we respond when a group member experiences initial difficulty in learning or embracing the essential learning of the group? How will we deepen our learning once we have mastered and embraced the essential learning of the group?

22 Monitoring Effectiveness What evidence is there that our group members are working together to understand and implement our new knowledge of the Marzano Teacher Evaluation Framework? What evidence is there that our practices have improved? What evidence is there that student achievement is improving? Resource: North Dakota Department of Public Instruction

23 District-Opened Component 7506002 Domain 1 of the component is weighted for 30 points. If your school is participating in collegial study groups under the district-opened component 7506002 please make sure that you have emailed

24 Open-Space Session All Professional Development Teams that are participating in the district-based component 7506002 are invited to attend an Open Space Session to share ideas and engage in collegial dialogue on November 11 th at the Pew Center from 1:00Pm to 3:00PM. If you plan to attend please accept your Google invite or email Julie Williams at:

25 Closing Poll & Next Meeting Information Online PD Poll

26 PD Specialist Support  If you need any assistance, please email your PD Specialist. Professional Development Specialists Kelly D'Aoust- Western Central Area Schools Sherry Gibson- South Area Schools, Delray Full Service, South Area Intensive, and District Departments Gina Stafford- Eastern Central Area Schools, Adult Education, Virtual School, and Charter Schools (exception- Western Area Charter Schools) Julie Williams- North Area Schools Diane Wyatt- West Area Schools, Alternative Education Schools and Western Area Charter Schools

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