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A model of eating disorders

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1 A model of eating disorders
Biological Stress vulnerability Psychological Anxiety about appearance Social Cultural & family pressures Restriction of eating Bulimia Bingeing Purging Maintain weight Anorexia Continued restriction Reduced anxiety Excessive weight loss Based on Barlow & Durand (1995)

2 Treatments for EDs Behaviour therapy Cognitive behaviour therapy
Weight restoration (anorexia only)

3 CBT Treatment based around:
Identifying dysfunctional thinking processes that cause & maintain disordered eating Use of behavioural exercises to test and modify maladaptive beliefs

4 CBT with bulimia nervosa
Four stages (Fairburn, 1985): Education about effects of bingeing, purging, dieting Modified eating patterns – small meals 5-6 times a day Altering dysfunctional attitudes about food, eating & the body Teaching coping strategies to avoid bingeing & purging

5 CBT with bulimia nervosa
Fairburn et al (1993); comparison of three treatments: CBT (all four parts) BT (just the eating habits part) IPT (interpersonal therapy) Outcome measures: cessation of bingeing/purging; attitudes to body/eating

6 CBT with bulimia nervosa
Start End mo mo Mo Cessation rate CBT IPT BT

7 CBT with bulimia nervosa
CBT works fast & is more effective than BT Not a panacea – only 36% had no symptoms at 1 year follow-up Early treatment gains may be lost; IPT more effective long term Drugs may boost effectiveness (Agras et al, 1992)

8 CBT with anorexia nervosa
Anorexia involves several cognitive distortions: Irrational beliefs about food & weight gain Inaccurate perception of body CBT aims to change these thinking patterns, which are assumed to maintain anorexia behaviour

9 CBT with anorexia nervosa
Treatment goals (Yager, 1994): Educate & inform about anorexia Identify & focus on unhelpful thoughts & beliefs Replace these with more adaptive ways of thinking Identify problems & develop problem solving strategies

10 CBT with anorexia nervosa
Improved body image, eating habits at 7-year follow up (24 patients; Yager, 1994) Can be effective in helping maintain weight but many continue to have distorted body image (Davison & Neale, 1994)

11 CBT with anorexia nervosa
Highly structured treatments (BT, CBT) most effective during initial treatment (<1 year) In longer term, patients may benefit more from psychotherapy/IP/family therapy Addressing underlying problems? Compare bulimia treatment data.

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