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FREEDOM CLASSROOM Preparing a Generation to Champion the Gospel Principle of Liberty of Conscience.

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Presentation on theme: "FREEDOM CLASSROOM Preparing a Generation to Champion the Gospel Principle of Liberty of Conscience."— Presentation transcript:

1 FREEDOM CLASSROOM Preparing a Generation to Champion the Gospel Principle of Liberty of Conscience

2 FREEDOM CLASSROOM Sponsored by the North American Religious Liberty Association – West, a liberty of conscience and religion ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in partnership with: Students in Free Enterprise [SIFE], School of Business, La Sierra University The Department of Education, Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Southeastern California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

3 FREEDOM CLASSROOM What is the North American Religious Liberty Association? A proactive member based organization dedicated to promoting liberty of conscience, freedom of religion and opposing intolerance to freedom of conscience in light of the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ.

4 FREEDOM CLASSROOM What is Liberty of Conscience? The freedom to think and to act in accordance with the dictates of conscience.

5 FREEDOM CLASSROOM Builds on: Government, History & Religion classroom instruction. Integrates: God’s respect for conscientious convictions in all interactions with others. Evidenced by: an attitude of inquiry not debate; remaining friends when there is respectful agreement to disagree.

6 FREEDOM CLASSROOM Develops students as citizens who cherish and advocate our God given liberty of conscience when considering solutions to contemporary issues that affect God given [natural] rights.

7 FREEDOM CLASSROOM Educate high school students about liberty of conscience as a core value: Reflected in the character of God, the nature of man & Gospel proclamations Enshrined in the U.S. Constitution Shaping U.S. History Of Article 18 of the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights

8 Freedom Classroom Educate, inspire & introduce students how to: Be Freedom of Conscience ambassadors in civil relationships This is gospel mission for these times. Understand the underlying truth of the Gospel as freedom of conscience expressed in beliefs, convictions, perspectives and values. Value Freedom of Conscience principles in their community service and personal relationships. Be informed about natural rights, contemporary issues and pending legislation. Advocate for rights at the local, state or national level. Become a Daniel or Esther for such a time as this.

9 Freedom Classroom: Admittance Qualifications Attend a pilot program academy whose Principals, Government, History and Religion teachers give emphasis in their lesson plans to: Separation of Church & State Pluralism v. Dominionism The Free Exercise of Religion State’s Rights vs. Federal Rights Contemporary Human Rights Issues Biblical Principles of Freedom of Conscience

10 Freedom Classroom: Admittance Qualifications Submit a Qualifying Essay Topics will be determined by NARLA West & Educators For example: Should a mosque be built in proximity to “ground zero”? Qualifying Essay Criteria Students shall forward essays via SIFE to NARLA West Freedom Classroom Directors See the Freedom Classroom website’s Essay Competition tab Recommendations will address: Community Service Involvement Potential leadership qualities Potential for higher education Acceptable GPA

11 Freedom Classroom: Admittance Qualifications Students with Qualifying Essays who wish to attend may pay their own way. Essays to be accompanied by a personal statement about why Freedom of Conscience is important to them.

12 Assumptions & Groundrules Freedom Classroom topics will be integrated with the normal sequence called out by the Social Studies Guidelines K9-12. Implementation of topics in the classroom will be evidenced by the quality of essays awarded scholarships. Teachers may provide suggestions for improving the Freedom Classroom experience at any time. Educational Resources accessed on the & Freedom Classroom Directors and SIFE are available to answer questions about the this Freedom Classroom Power Point presentation. For additional information or support contact the Freedom Classroom Co-Directors: Norm Farley Del Andrus

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