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GHG emission projections from the agricultural sector in Denmark Steen Gyldenkærne ( Agronomist, PhD) National Environmental Research Institute Denmark.

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2 GHG emission projections from the agricultural sector in Denmark Steen Gyldenkærne ( Agronomist, PhD) National Environmental Research Institute Denmark Workshop on emission projections: Bonn, Germany 6-8 September 2004

3 Introduction Introduction to Danish agriculture The emission inventories - Agriculture - LULUC(F) State of the art in the projections - Regression models/macro economic models Lessons learned

4 Source: O. Hertel, NERI (2001) NH 3 and NH 4 emission in Europe

5 62% of the land is under plough Pig production: 85 % is exported Dairy products: 60% is exported High leaching rates of nitrogen to coastal waters - higher than the IPCC default factor Deforestation is banned Very regulated agriculture - maximum N application rates are 90% of economical optimum - demands for high N-efficiency in manure (50-75%) Restablisment of wetlands and extensification of agricultural areas Danish Agriculture

6 Cattle and sowsPigs, total Development in animals

7 Number of holdings minus 8-9% p.a. Average farmer does not exist - lifestyle has disappeared

8 Data for Agriculture Statistics DenmarkDanish Agricultural Advisory Centre Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences National Environmental Research Institute

9 Agricultural inventory in ONE module

10 Data sheet for Dairy cows (Poulsen et al. 2001)

11 N 2 O and CH 4 emission with and without measures

12 N 2 O and CH 4 emission with and without measures

13 Effect of Land Use, IPCC guidelines Tier 2 - preliminary results

14 Projection models? Macroeconomic Supply-Demand model Expert knowlegde / Bottom up / regression model High national agricultural and environmental regulations Competitiveness Industrial state of the agriculture Veterinarian Standard Investments in buildings and machinery

15 Handling Uncertainty - Monte-Carlo

16 Handling new technology DIEMA is able to handle new technology by adding new variables - today app. 100 different stable combinations - 26 combinations of manure application Biogas plants are incorporated in a preliminary version

17 Important with agricultural knowledge, good net-work and colleagues (informal contacts are invaluable) Bottom-up models and expert knowledge gives the most detailed projections and may be preferred on the short term Macroeconomic models are a good supplement International reporting obligations has to be followed up by allocated financial resources Lessons learned

18 Thanks to all my colleagues Thank you for your attention

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