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Getting the Most Out of Your Team Meeting Dave Calhoun, M.Ed. Infant and Early Childhood Conference 5/8/14.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting the Most Out of Your Team Meeting Dave Calhoun, M.Ed. Infant and Early Childhood Conference 5/8/14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting the Most Out of Your Team Meeting Dave Calhoun, M.Ed. Infant and Early Childhood Conference 5/8/14

2 Take a Seat – Make a Friend

3 Outline for today Stages of team development What you need for your meeting Meeting leadership Questions for you Questions for me


5 Different types of meetings Team All-staff Department Management Project/committee One-time meeting


7 Stages of Team Development Where is my team? Forming What do I do about it? Direct the team Establish clear objectives for the team and individual Beginning to know each other and form relationships

8 Stages of Team Development Where is my team? Storming What do I do about it? Establish routine Build trust and relationships Resolve conflicts quickly Remain positive and firm Explain Team Development idea to build understanding and to communicate that things will get better Use tools like Myers-Briggs to help people learn about different work styles and strengths

9 Stages of Team Development Where is my team? Norming What do I do about it? Step back Help team members take responsibility for progress Arrange a team building event to maintain and deepen relationships

10 Stages of Team Development Where is my team? Performing What do I do about it? Delegate tasks and projects Aim to have as light a touch as possible Use well-established relationships to tackle deep issues and expand practice

11 Relationships!

12 How before Task Communication Roles Relationships! Establish your ground rules 99% happens outside the team meeting



15 Take care of the basics Who/what/where/why’s should be answered before meeting

16 Agenda Have one Use it Structure it (explain structure) Update it (review its effectiveness) Make it available before the meeting (and after) Keep it realistic

17 Space Consistent Big enough Comfortable Has what you need Encourages participation and communication

18 Time Consistent start and end time, and day Review this Time within meeting (agenda)

19 Purpose Come up with one, and make sure everyone knows it Review it Remind if needed (put it on the agenda)

20 Review your meeting Are they working? What could we do different? What is helpful? etc

21 Basic meeting structure Check-in / connect – what do we have in common exercise – Helps to find commonalities before contention Agenda items, categorized and clear Wrap-up – Plan for next time Check-in throughout Give them a story to remember

22 What does my meeting look like? EI team description – Also lead educator department meeting (different) Agenda samplesample

23 Leader Have one Know who it is Have a back up plan (succession or absence) Create sense of participation (trust = growth)

24 Role of Leader Facilitator – Effective in core methods – Uses time and space intentionally – Maintains objectivity – Reads underlying dynamics of the group – Releases blocks to the process – Adroit at adapting to changing situation – Assumes responsibility for group journey

25 Role of Leader Creates sense of participation – Manages relationships – Evokes participation and creativity – Honors and affirms group

26 Role of Leader Model for team – Demonstrates professionalism, self-confidence, and authenticity – Maintains personal integrity – Communicates in a way that they would like the team to communicate

27 What do you do when you are not in charge? Model what you want to see Ask questions Wonder with the team Listen to others (make them want to be on the elevator with you) ID people who share your values Propose change (thoughtfully)

28 Short term projects They have meetings too Use the same guidelines as above, slightly heavier leader role may be needed Clear timelines, purpose, roles in group Add ASD group example

29 Outside the team meeting Sit together as a team Reflective supervision Consultations “open door” for each of us Commitment from organization Team building – Retreat – Lunch, coffee, Whole Foods runs – Knitting night

30 Organizational Support Need entire organization to value team meetings Provide what is needed for team’s to meet successfully


32 Relationships Leadership Structure Logistics Organizational Support How do you get the most out of your team meetings?

33 Questions for you (Las Vegas policy) What is working well in your team meetings right now? What are obstacles you are facing in making your team meetings better?

34 Questions for me

35 Thank You! Dave Calhoun, M.Ed.

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