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RPC (Resistive Plate Chamber)

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1 RPC (Resistive Plate Chamber)
Dina Ali Amer SUP. Gdovatjuk V.M

2 What is RPC? Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) are gaseous parallel plate avalanche detectors with time resolutions down to 50 ps, making them attractive for trigger and Time-Of-Flight applications in some cases covering large areas up to a few thousand square meters.

3 Advantages Compared to other technologies are the robustness and simplicity of construction. They are also well adapted to inexpensive industrial production.

4 Mode of operation RPCs were originally operated in streamer mode providing large signals, which simplifies read out electronics and satisfied gap uniformity requirements. However, high rate applications and detector aging issues made the operation in avalanche mode more popular.

5 fundamental processes
A charged particle leaves free charge carriers in the gas, which are drifted towards the anode and multiplied through an appropriate electric field. The high voltage that is applied to the parallel plate electrodes leads to a uniform electric field in the gas gap. The propagation of the growing number of charges induces a signal on a read out electrode.

6 RPC Testing There are 4 main tests for RPC :
Vacuum test → Pump constant pressure gas , and monitoring the change in the pressure which must be limited. Spacer test → To be sure that the gas width is constant through all the chamber. Leakage Current test → Apply high voltage and measure the leakage current which must be limited because of the high resistance of the insulator. Electronic Test →To check all the set up , put all the set up, Put the RPC between two scintillator detector and use cosmic ray

7 Project title Charged Particles Detection → TOF Experiment →
RPC Testing → Characterizing of pulse time.

8 Project Aim and Field Of research
Project Aim :RPC testing till the accelerator be in operation to do (TOF) experiment. Field Of research: TOF in Fundamental High Energy Physics.

9 Description of Equipment (1)

10 Description of Equipment (2)

11 Description of Experiment
The main aim of this experiment is to study the electric pulse characteristics of the RPC detector →And this may achieved by changing the gap size OR gas mixture OR gas pressure. In Our Experiment : this aim is achieved by changing the gas gap.

12 The results: These is a typical charge spectra, received at 12 kV applied voltage

13 This curve shows the dependence of time resolution vs applied voltage


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