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High-density olive orchards in Israel Dag, A., Avidan B. and Lavee, S. ARO, The Volcani Center, Israel Birger, R, Israeli Olive Board, Israel.

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Presentation on theme: "High-density olive orchards in Israel Dag, A., Avidan B. and Lavee, S. ARO, The Volcani Center, Israel Birger, R, Israeli Olive Board, Israel."— Presentation transcript:

1 High-density olive orchards in Israel Dag, A., Avidan B. and Lavee, S. ARO, The Volcani Center, Israel Birger, R, Israeli Olive Board, Israel

2 Objective To facilitate the use of ‘overhead’ mechanical harvesters ↓ Reduces costs relative to hand harvesting and brings orchards into production within a few years.

3 Tools Growth regulators Selection of cultivars Tree-training design Mechanical pruning Economic calculation


5 Using growth regulators to reduce vegetative growth Gibberellin inhibitors reduce branch elongation ControlUniconazole

6 Effect of gibberellin inhibitors on branch elongation, cv. Barnea

7 Effect of Uniconazole on tree height and yield of cv Barnea

8 Using growth regulators to reduce vegetative growth – side effects Loosely hanging Branches Promotion of lateral-bud development ControlUniconazole

9 Using growth regulators to reduce vegetative growth – conclusions Growth regulators can reduce tree growth. Growth inhibition may be followed by increased fruit set. 0.1 g/tree Uniconazole in soil application gave the best results in terms of growth inhibition and fruit set.


11 Performance of different varieties in ‘High- density’ orchards, Golan Heights, 2005/6. Oil yield (kg/ha.) % of oil Fruit yield (kg/ha.)Cultivar 1,03415.36,760Leccino 2,19518.911,580Arbequina 1,11019.65,690Barnea 44222.21,980Maalot 2,80026.410,600Askal 34017.31,964Souri 1,37118.97,273Picholine 2,26923.19,811Korneiki

12 Oil yield (kg/ha.) % of oil Fruit yield (kg/ha.)Cultivar 2,13920.310,480Leccino 3,56020.217,640Arbequina 2,70022.512,030Barnea 1,76227.56,410Maalot Askal 1,48020.87,107Souri 1,75619.29,140Picholine 2,42122.116,520Korneiki Performance of different varieties in ‘High- density’ orchards, Golan Heights, 2006/7.


14 Tree-shaping design Central leader: ‘Y-form’:Cordon:

15 Effect of different training systems on tree growth in a high-density orchard-Magal, 2005. Leaf area index Training system Cultivar 4 th year 3 rd year 6.1 bc4.9 aCentral leaderBarnea 6.3 bc4.3 bY- trellisBarnea 5.8 cd3.3 cCordonBarnea 7.1 a4.8 aCentral leaderArbequina 5.6 cd4.3 bY- trellisArbequina 5.5 cd3.4 cCordonArbequina 6.0 ab5.0 aCentral leaderMaalot 5.9 c4.0 bY- trellisMaalot 7.7 d2.7 dCordonMaalot

16 Effect of different training systems on tree growth in a high-density orchard-Magal, 2005. Yield Training system Cultivar Oil (kg/ha) Fruit (kg/tree) 2,5228.7Central leaderBarnea 1,7396.0Y- trellisBarnea 3621.3CordonBarnea 1,9907.7Central leaderArbequina 1,4205.4Y- trellisArbequina 2851.1CordonArbequina 1,0433.8Central leaderMaalot 1730.6Y- trellisMaalot 540.2CordonMaalot

17 Effect of different training systems in a high density orchard – conclusions The heavy pruning required to achieve a ‘Cordon’ tree shape delays tree development and reduces yield the first year. This delayed development is disappearing in the second year. Cultivar-yield ranking was: ‘Barnea’ > ‘Arbequina’ > ‘Maalot’. Highest leftover fruit at harvest: ‘Arbequina’ (ca. 15%) A small number of trees were uprooted during harvesting, mainly in the ‘Y’-form pruning system.




21 דרך השמן

22 עיצוב מטע לבוצרת- היקף גזע באר חייל, דצמבר 05


24 עיצוב מטע לבוצרת, קורטינה- שטף קרינה, באר חייל, מרץ 06

25 עיצוב מטע לבוצרת, ברנע- שטף קרינה באר חייל, מרץ 06


27 יבולי 2006 בניסוי שיטות עיצוב- באר חייל טיפוליבול (לשורה) ברנע, זקוף, 3 מ712 ק"ג ברנע- זקוף, 1.5 מ'759 ק"ג קורטינה, זקוף, 3 מ'120 ק"ג קורטינה, זקוף, 1.5 מ'209 ק"ג אחוזי שמן (אבנקור)- ברנע: 12.5%, קורטינה: 17.1%


29 Comparing productivity and harvesting costs: high-density orchards vs. trunk-shaking cultivation systems Traditional olive orchards – ca. 10 x 10 m Intensive olive orchards – ca. 4 x 7 - 7 x 7 m High-density olive orchards – ca. 2-2.5 x 4 m ?


31 Comparing productivity and harvesting costs: high-density orchard vs. trunk-shaking cultivation systems– harvesting costs Comparing productivity and harvesting costs: high-density orchard vs. trunk-shaking cultivation systems – harvesting costs ‘Trunk shaker’- 1,650$ / ha. ‘Overhead harvester’- 533$/ ha.

32 Olive yield (kg/ha) in two adjacent ‘Arbequina’ plots: one plot pruned for ‘overhead’ harvester, other plot pruned for ‘trunk-shaker’, Halutza 2003-6. Average 2006200520042003 9,36517,5005,54013,7207,030Trunk-shaker 6,94510,6605,5408,3803,200Overhead harvester (act.) 12,15618,6649,70014,6605,600Overhead harvester (cal.)* * Calculated for 4 m between rows

33 Comparing productivity and harvesting costs: high-density orchard vs. trunk- shaking cultivation systems- conclusions Reduction in harvest costs Not much change in fruit yield Higher costs in orchards establishment


35 Mechanical pruning Topping: Hedging: After the pruning:

36 Mechanical pruning – Results Four different regimes of topping and hedging with the high-vigor ‘Barnea’ cv. Yield ranged from 1.3 to 4.6 kg/tree for the different treatments (differences not significant). Low yields seem to be the result of heavy pruning, which reduced the proportion of fruit-bearing shoots.

37 Although the orchard is high-density, sufficient room beside the orchard should be provided for the harvester to maneuver and unload the fruit

38 - Small proportion of leafs and branches -Relatively low level of damage to the harvested fruit

39 Jojoba Harvester Jojoba Harvester

40 Acknowledgements Kibutz Magal, Kibutz Gshur,Hulda, Halutza R & D Ramat Negev Chief Scientist – Ministry of Agriculture Technicians; Izak Zipory, Yair Meny, Yulia Sabutin, Moshe Aharon Ehud Hanoch; Yonis Morira

41 Thank You

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