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Chicago coal gleaners. Great Railroad Strike 1877.

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Presentation on theme: "Chicago coal gleaners. Great Railroad Strike 1877."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chicago coal gleaners




5 Great Railroad Strike 1877


7 1899 Illustration of Haymarket

8 “Hurray for Anarchy!!” "The time will come when our silence will be more powerful than the voices you are throttling today,"

9 Homestead, Carnegie Steel

10 Henry Clay Frick “I am going to fight…If it takes all summer and all winter, and all next summer and all next winter… I will fight this to the bitter end. I will never recognize the union, never, never.”

11 Homestead Striker behind steel plate barricade

12 Homestead barges on fire

13 Remington’s pro-gov sketch



16 Shift Change Pullman Factory

17 American Railroad Union supports Pullman Strike

18 President Cleveland sends troops to end the Pullman Strike "If it takes the entire army and navy of the United States to deliver a postal card in Chicago, that card will be delivered. President Grover Cleveland, 1894



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