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A Trip to the Big Apple Basic Internet Periods 1,6,& 7.

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1 A Trip to the Big Apple Basic Internet Periods 1,6,& 7

2 The students will plan a five day trip to New York City, calculating costs and the things that they will do. Introduction Are you ready to go on a vacation to one of the largest cities in the United States? There are so many different things to do and sites to see in New York City. In this activity, you will discover many of the things that NYC offers to tourists and design a five day trip to the Big Apple. Maybe you will even uncover the truth to how it got it's nickname. Enjoy exploring one of the most amazing places in the US!

3 New York City  Task  After you complete this activity, you will have a good idea of all of the different entertainment and sites to see exist in NYC. You should be able to identify what tourists typically do when they go to NYC and the costs of such experiences. Then you will share your itinerary with the class and tell us how you decided what to do and what not to do. But most importantly you will HAVE FUN planning a vacation that you or a family could actually go on!

4 Process Students will work with a partner. Each partner will take one section of websites and decide what part (or all) of that will be included in the vacation. For Broadway, come up with show times that work in the schedule, and document the ticket prices of each show for the amount of people who will be attending. Read about each show and write a two to three sentence summary describing what it is about.. Broadway Shows: The Lion King: Lion King Tickets Mary Poppins: Mary Poppins Tickets Wicked: Wicked Tickets Spiderman: Turn of the Dark Spiderman Tickets

5 Another group member will decide when to see the sites! Look on each website to find times of tours and other things that the site provides and decide what time works best. Keep track of the ticket prices for each person who will be attending. Write a two to three sentence summary of each place. Sites to See: The Statue of Liberty: Tickets and Tour Information The Empire State Building: Tickets and Tours NBC Studios: Tickets and Tour Information

6 Partners together will decide where to go eat! You can assume that your hotel will provide a free breakfast, but for some of your other meals you will need to eat out! Look at each restaurant, compare pricing, and decide when you will go there. Figure out what a typical price for dinner will be at your favorite restaurants and don't forget to include dessert! Maybe you will even catch some dinner before one of the shows! Restaurants: 21 Club: Information Chocolate Bar: Information Stage Deli: Information Ruby Foo's: Information

7 Hotels/Lodging: Milford Plaza: Hotel Pricing Novotel New York: Prices Marriot Marquis: Pricing Now that you have examined the web content provided, share your findings with your partner and discuss what options are the best options. Decide why you think one place or activity is better than the other based on the information that you found. Narrow down your options if needed. Some tweeking of the schedule you made may be necessary to make everything fit together (You may need to go to the websites again). Don't be afraid to change you plans!

8 After narrowing down your options or defining the times of the events, you and your partner are ready to put your itinerary together. Start with the day that you will arrive, and go from there. Refer to the rubric for more specific guidelines. ------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------- Create a presentation using Prezi ( or Powerpoint. How to use Prezi How to use PowerPoint

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