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THE WAY FORWARD - Self-Evaluation. Changes in the Inspection system Monitoring and Evaluating Self-Evaluation of the Governing Body.

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Presentation on theme: "THE WAY FORWARD - Self-Evaluation. Changes in the Inspection system Monitoring and Evaluating Self-Evaluation of the Governing Body."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE WAY FORWARD - Self-Evaluation

2 Changes in the Inspection system Monitoring and Evaluating Self-Evaluation of the Governing Body

3 Changes in the Inspection System Susan Lewis – Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education and Training in Wales SCHOOL SELF-EVALUATION and the role of Governors in that process

4 Changes in the Inspection System SCHOOL SELF-EVALUATION at the heart of the process

5 Changes in the Inspection System IMPACT work Governors do and way Governors monitor standards and quality in their schools improve effectiveness of current self- evaluation systems will involve a range of stakeholders, including pupils, parents and Governors

6 Changes in the Inspection Process Schools to feel fully involved Nominated person A differentiated system

7 Changes in the Inspection Process SELF-EVALUATION rigour and accuracy more active involvement of Governors, Teachers and Headteachers

8 Changes in the Inspection Process SELF-EVALUATION September 2004:- -Analysis of present report -QUALITY OF: process report findings

9 Changes in the Inspection Process SELF-EVALUATION Strengths and weaknesses Progress and improvement Involvement of all staff Views of Learners, Governors, Parents, Employers, Community


11 MONITORING (checking that the school is doing what it says it is doing) And EVALUATING (working out the effects of what the school is doing on the pupils and staff)

12 Monitoring and Evaluating A Governing Body weakness through:- lack of awareness ineffective

13 Monitoring and Evaluating INFORMATION ??? Is it received? Is it accurate and understandable? Is it relevant?

14 Monitoring and Evaluating THE HEADTEACHER’S REPORT Regular review Forward Looking

15 Monitoring and Evaluating Visiting the School Links with Subject Co-ordinators Committees Surveys Local Education Authority Review


17 Self-Evaluation of the Governing Body How can we evaluate school effectiveness if we don’t evaluate our own?

18 Self-Evaluation of the Governing Body Obstacles lack of confidence, knowledge and training failure to understand their “critical friend” role effect on relationships time

19 Self-Evaluation of the Governing Body BENEFITS “On the right track” prevents complacency prioritise issues team building highlights training needs

20 Self-Evaluation of the Governing Body KEY TO SUCCESS avoid blame or criticism identify strengths encourage teamwork improve “critical friend” role

21 Self-Evaluation of the Governing Body Obtain guidance from “a fresh pair of eyes”

22 THE WAY FORWARD - Self-Evaluation

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