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Teamwork and Leadership. Types of Healthcare Teams Administrative Medical Emergency Hospital Patient Care Physician’s office Outpatient care.

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Presentation on theme: "Teamwork and Leadership. Types of Healthcare Teams Administrative Medical Emergency Hospital Patient Care Physician’s office Outpatient care."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teamwork and Leadership

2 Types of Healthcare Teams Administrative Medical Emergency Hospital Patient Care Physician’s office Outpatient care

3  video video Healthcare Should Be a Team Sport

4 Team Composition  Two or more individuals organized to function cooperatively  Members focused on the same results  Health care team: professionals with a variety of: Health-related backgrounds Education Experiences

5 One-Profession Team: Nursing (example)  Registered nurses (RNs)—team leaders  Licensed practical nurses (LPNs)  Licensed vocational nurses (LVNs)  Certified nursing assistants (CNAs)

6 Multidisciplinary Team  Cooperative group of professionals with different: Qualifications Skills Areas of expertise  Team members complement one another  Provide comprehensive health care  Example: cardiac rehabilitation team

7 Elements of Team Structure  Team purpose  Team goals  Team members’ roles  Team functions

8  What is the reason for the team?  What does it hope to accomplish?  Points all members in right direction  Determines how team should develop & move forward  For health care team: to provide or support patient care Team Purpose

9  Common goals or objectives  Decisions not made independently  Focus on best interest of team  Willingness to listen to opinions of other members Team Goals

10 Team Members’ Roles  Team leader  Recorder or secretary  Spokesperson  Resource  Implementers

11 Team Functions  Activities carried out to meet goals  Unique skills & experiences matched to tasks  Effectiveness of individual impacts all others

12 Required Ingredients for Effective Teamwork  Open & honest communication  Sufficient organizational resources  Mutual support  Understanding & recognizing role & function of each member

13 Guidelines for Preparing Team Meetings  Set meeting time & place in advance  Choose a day & time when all members are available  For regular meetings, schedule for same day & time  Distribute agenda before meeting

14 Group Communication  Listen with full attention to other members  Express ideas as clearly as possible  Encourage feedback on all ideas  Avoid letting negative emotions cloud communications

15 Tips for Contributing to a Team  Remember group dynamics (how members relate to each other)  Encourage contributions from everyone  Avoid letting one member dominate

16 Sources of Conflict  Substance vs. personality differences  Independent work & limited group conversation  Atmosphere of distrust & suspicion  Differences in: Training Knowledge Experience  Competitive work environment

17 Managing Conflict: Steps in Problem Solving  Assessing  Diagnosing  Creating a plan  Implementing the plan  Evaluating the plan  Modifying the plan (if necessary)

18 Leadership  The ability to influence others while working toward a vision or goal

19 Leadership (cont’d)  Characteristics of Successful Health Care Leaders  Understand complexity of coordinated care  Remain open to different points of view  Understand interdependency of health care team

20 Leadership (cont’d)  Leadership Skills  Communication  Problem solving  Management  Self evaluation

21 Leadership (cont’d)(cont’d)  Leadership Styles Leadership Styles  Autocratic (directive) Leader controls decisions & activities  Democratic Leader shares decisions & activities  Laissez-faire (non-directive) Leader hands over power to group

22 Leadership (cont’d)  Leadership and Management: Four Functions of Managers  Planning  Organizing  Directing  Controlling

23 Leadership (cont’d)  Preparing for a Leadership Role  Identify your strengths  Evaluate how you accomplish work  Clarify your values  Assume responsibility for relationships

24  State roles and responsibilities  Describe individual and team areas for growth  Describe team building exercises  Invite discussion for best practices  Recommend one or more strategies  Suggest what to do next  Identify action items AS A LEADER:

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