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©2008 1-1 Introduction to Electrical Safety Module 1.

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1 ©2008 1-1 Introduction to Electrical Safety Module 1

2 ©2008 1-2 Recognize key statistics relating to electrical injuries. Module Objectives Recognize OSHA regulations and other standards relating to electrical safety. Understand basic electrical terminology.

3 ©2008 1-3 Understand key facts relating to electric shock. Module Objectives Identify the four types of injury relating to electrical incidents. Understand the basic facts of electricity.

4 ©2008 1-4 Module Objectives Understand Ohm’s Law and describe how the terms current, voltage and resistance relate to Ohm’s Law. Recognize the effects of electricity on the human body.

5 ©2008 1-5 From 1992-2002, there were 3,378 deaths from on-the-job electrical injuries. That’s 4.7% of all occupational deaths. That’s almost one death per day! Electricity is the 4 th leading cause of injury-related occupational death Electrifying Statistics

6 ©2008 1-6 Contact with overhead power lines was the leading cause of electrocutions, causing 42% of the deaths. The second leading cause of electrocutions was failure to properly de-energize equipment. Electrifying Statistics

7 ©2008 1-7 The third most common cause was contact with electrical components mistakenly thought to be de-energized. Contact with buried, underground power lines caused 1% of the fatalities. Electrifying Statistics

8 ©2008 1-8 Non-fatal injuries were also high, with 46,598 from 1992 through 2002. Electrifying Statistics 36% were caused by contact with the electric current of a machine or tool. 34% were caused by contact with wiring or transformers. 2% were caused by contact with buried, underground power lines.

9 ©2008 1-9 OSHA 29 CFR 1910, Subpart I OSHA 29 CFR 1910.147 OSHA 29 CFR 1910, Subpart P OSHA 29 CFR 1910, Subpart S OSHA 29 CFR 1910.333

10 ©2008 1-10 Safety related work practices Safety related maintenance requirements Safety requirements for special equipment Installation safety requirements NFPA 70E

11 ©2008 1-11 A supplement to the NFPA 70E standard Gives step-by-step instructions for how to implement the standard Provides the thought process and rationale for the standard NFPA 70E Handbook

12 ©2008 1-12 OSHA is the SHALL What they all Do NFPA 70E standard is the HOW NFPA 70E handbook is the STEP-BY-STEP

13 ©2008 1-13 One who has received training in and has demonstrated skills and knowledge in the construction and operation of electric equipment and installations and the hazards involved. Qualified Person

14 ©2008 1-14 This program does not meet the requirements for a qualified person. It is intended to raise your awareness of electrical safety. Important Note

15 ©2008 1-15 Arc Flash

16 ©2008 1-16 Electric Shock Types of Electrical Injury Burns Falls Electrocution

17 ©2008 1-17 Electric current won’t flow until there is a complete loop. Electric current always tries to return to its source. When current flows, work can be accomplished. Rules of Electrical Action

18 ©2008 1-18 The body comes into contact with wires in an energized circuit. The body comes into contact with one wire of an energized circuit and a path to the ground. The body comes into contact with a “hot” metallic part that is touching an energized conductor. How Shock Occurs

19 ©2008 1-19 The path of the current through the body. The amount of current flowing through the body. The length of time the body is in the circuit. Severity of Shock Three factors

20 ©2008 1-20 ELECTRICITY = ELECTRONS IN MOTION Basic Facts of Electricity

21 ©2008 1-21 Basic Facts of Electricity Flow of ElectricityFlow of Water CURRENT Flow of electrons Measured in amps I = amps Flow of liquid Measured in gallons per minute (gpm)

22 ©2008 1-22 Basic Facts of Electricity Flow of ElectricityFlow of Water FORCE Measured in voltage V or E = volts Measured in pounds per square inch (psi)

23 ©2008 1-23 Basic Facts of Electricity Flow of ElectricityFlow of Water RESISTANCE Electrical resistance to flow is measured in ohms R = resistance Water resistance to flow is measured as friction or baffles

24 ©2008 1-24 Ohm’s Law A mathematical formula that enables the measurement of electric current moving through a conductive body George Simon Ohm 1789-1854 German Physicist Volts (V) = Amps (I) X Resistance (R) V = IR 1 volt = 1 amp X 1 ohm of resistance

25 ©2008 1-25 A Visual Way to Remember

26 ©2008 1-26 Solution 1.Since we know voltage (V) and resistance (R), which version of the formula should we use? I = V/R

27 ©2008 1-27 Solution 2.Now which numbers do we plug in? I = 120/1,000 3.How many amps? I =.12 amps 4.How many milliamps (mA)? I = 120 milliamps

28 ©2008 1-28 The Human Body Resistance Model Body PartResistance Dry, intact skin Wet skin Within the body Ear to ear 100,000-600,000 ohms 1,000 ohms 400 ohms 100 ohms

29 ©2008 1-29 Strength of current. Duration of contact. Body mass. Gender of person. Moisture on the body. Path of the current. Effects of Electricity Depend On:

30 ©2008 1-30 Photo courtesy of Schneider Electric

31 ©2008 1-31 Photo courtesy of Schneider Electric

32 ©2008 1-32 Photo courtesy of Schneider Electric

33 ©2008 1-33 What the Project Manager Felt 1.The drill had 120 volts. 2.The project manager’s dry skin had a resistance of 100,000 ohms. 3.The flow into the project manager’s hand was 120 volts/100,000 ohms, 0.0012 amps, or 1.2 milliamps.

34 ©2008 1-34 What the Apprentice Felt 1.The drill had 120 volts. 2.The apprentice’s wet skin had a resistance of 1,000 ohms. 3.The flow into the apprentice’s hand was 120 volts/1,000 ohms, 0.12 amps, or 120 milliamps.

35 ©2008 1-35 Facts About Lower Amperage A small circuit in your home carries 12-16 amps of current. That equals 12,000 to 16,000 milliamps. As we’ve learned, as little as 120 milliamps can cause death. Low amperage/voltage circuits are dangerous!

36 ©2008 1-36 NIOSH Low Voltage Study 110-120 v 34% 220-240 v 20% 270-277 v 16% 440-480 v 22% 600 v 8% That’s over 1 in 3 deaths at 120 v or less!

37 ©2008 1-37 ActionPotential BarriersOvercoming the Barriers Action Plan

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