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Active Directory and Windows Security Integration with Oracle Database Alex Keh Principal Product Manager, Windows and.NET Oracle.

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2 Active Directory and Windows Security Integration with Oracle Database Alex Keh Principal Product Manager, Windows and.NET Oracle

3 Agenda Database Registration and Name Resolution Single Sign-On – Windows Native Authentication – Kerberos Security for Web Applications on Windows Enterprise User Security and Virtual Directory

4 Database Registration and Name Resolution Overview Store and resolve Net names through Active Directory – Eliminate tnsnames.ora on clients – Centralize configuration, reduce administration – Authenticated connection to Active Directory (11g) Enhanced tools support for storing Net naming – AD Users and Computers – Oracle DB Configuration Assistant, Net Configuration Assistant and Net Manager

5 Database Registration and Name Resolution Active Directory support Client OSServer OSADOIDComments Windows Yes WindowsAnyYes Tools for registering Net Service in AD must be run on Windows Linux/UnixAnyNoYes AD Integration solutions can be used

6 DB Names and Connect Descriptors Repository Database Registration and Name Resolution Configuration/Administration Windows Admin Active Directory 2 – Register Schema with NetCA Client Systems 5 - Configure Directory Naming and AD Usage with NetCA 1 – Ensure Admin can modify Schema in AD 3 - Create Naming Context using NetCA 4 - Register DB in AD using DBCA or Net Manager

7 Database Registration and Name Resolution Run-time 1 – User signs on to Desktop 2 – User issues Connect Request DB Names and Connect Descriptors Repository 3 - Retrieves Connect Descriptor 4 - Connect to DB using Connect Descriptor (Any Platform) Oracle DB AD/KDC

8 Database Registration and Name Resolution Demo Environment Windows XP SP2 Windows Server 2003 EE SP1 (Domain Controller) Machine Name: User: oracle Database Server: orcl Machine Name: Domain: Tools installed on Windows XP Support Tools (under Support directory on CD) -- ADSI Edit is part of it Admin Tools (under i386 directory on CD) -- AD users & computers, etc (These are available on Windows 2003 media,)

9 D E M O N S T R A T I O N Database Registration and Name Resolution

10 Database Registration and Name Resolution Summary 1.Ensure that Administrator can modify Schema in Active Directory 2.Register Schema using NetCA (one time for the entire AD forest) 3.Create Naming Context using NetCA (once per domain or the entire forest depending on where you create it) 4.Register Database in AD using DBCA or Net Manager 5.Configure Directory Naming and Directory Usage (AD) using NetCA (on systems that want to use AD) on clients 6.Set NAMES.LDAP_AUTHENTICATE_BIND=Yes in SQLNET.ORA on all 11g client systems To support pre-11g clients 1.Enable anonymous bind in AD 2.Change ACLs for Oracle Naming Context and Database/Net Services objects to allow anonymous access Please refer to the white paper Configuring Microsoft Active Directory for Net Naming for detailed informationConfiguring Microsoft Active Directory for Net Naming

11 Agenda Database Registration and Name Resolution Single Sign-On – Windows Native Authentication – Kerberos Security for Web Applications on Windows Enterprise User Security and Virtual Directory Q&A

12 Single Sign-On Authentication Client OS Server OS Comments Windows Native Authentication Windows Included and configured in all editions MS KDC is used implicitly Uses External Users mechanism Direct support of Windows group membership for role authorization Enterprise User Security not supported KerberosAny EE and ASO option needed MS KDC is supported Uses External Users mechanism (by default) Enterprise User Security supported EUS and AD integration solutions needed to support authorization through Windows group membership

13 Windows Native Authentication Enabled by default and can work across systems Very easy to configure and use Windows user logon credentials used for database authentication Authentication protocol (Kerberos or NTLM) negotiated based on OS and Domain Controller Oracle Administration Assistant can be used to manage user authentication and role authorization Independent of Database Registration and Name Resolution feature

14 Windows Native Authentication Use of Windows Groups ORA_DBA: all members get SYSDBA privileges ORA_OPER: all members get SYSOPER privileges For any other Windows user, an external user needs to be created in Oracle DB – create user “Sales\frank” identified externally; Windows groups can be used to assign roles (if os_roles is true) – create role sales identified externally; – Corresponding Windows group for a database with SID orcl: ORA_orcl_sales_d if this should be a default role (If Oracle Administration Assistant is used, it makes appropriate changes in AD and Database)

15 Windows Native Authentication 2 - User attempts to sign on to Oracle 1 - User signs on to desktop 4 - Identify as specific External User 5 – Find Windows Group memberships (if os_roles is true) 3 – Negotiate security protocol and exchange security tokens 6 – Assign roles based on DB roles or group memberships (based on os_roles) Oracle DB AD/KDC

16 Windows Native Authentication Configuration Set os_authent_prefix to “” in init.ora Ensure that sqlnet.authentication_services is set to NTS in sqlnet.ora (default set up) Set os_roles to true in init.ora if you want to use Windows Group Membership for role authorization

17 D E M O N S T R A T I O N Windows Native Authentication

18 Kerberos Authentication Integrated with Microsoft Key Distribution Center (MSKDC) Supports heterogeneous systems – A Windows client can connect to a non-Windows server and vice versa Uses External User mechanisms in Database Can also be supported with Enterprise User Security EE and ASO (Advanced Security Option) feature

19 Kerberos Enhancements Constrained Delegation support for better support of Windows middle tier applications Connected User dblink support over Kerberos IPv6 Support Stronger encryption algorithms (AES) – Support default encryption type supported by MS KDC Use DNS Domain Name as Kerberos REALM name by default Kerberos authentication to Oracle database in a MS cross- domain setup Removal of 30 character limit on the Kerberos user name

20 Kerberos Authentication Windows Client Configuration Create Kerberos and sqlnet configuration files using Oracle Net Manager – Set sqlnet.kerberos5_cc_name to “OSMSFT:” in sqlnet.ora so that the credential is retrieved from Microsoft Credential Cache

21 Kerberos Authentication Server configuration (non-Windows) Create Kerberos and sqlnet configuration files on the server using Oracle Net Manager Create user in Active Directory for Database Server On the Domain Controller, use ktpass utility (available from Microsoft) to – Create Database Service Principal in AD – Map the Principal to AD user – Create keytab file Copy keytab file to DB server node Set os_authent_prefix to “” in init.ora

22 Kerberos Authentication User attempts to sign on to Oracle User signs on to desktop Example: SQL> CREATE USER KRBUSER IDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY AS 'KerberosUser@SOMEORGANIZATION.COM'; SQL> Grant connect, resource to KRBUSER; Oracle DB AD/KDC Identify as specific External User and assign DB roles accordingly

23 Agenda Database Registration and Name Resolution Single Sign-On – Windows Native Authentication – Kerberos Security for Web Applications on Windows Enterprise User Security and Virtual Directory

24 Oracle DB Service Test Monitoring User Communities Web Apps On Windows (IIS) Web User Authentication Web Application to DB Authentication Web Applications on Windows AD/KDC

25 Web User Authentication Solutions Oracle Identity Management solutions – Integrated with Active Directory – Supports heterogeneous environments – Check ex.htm ex.htm ASP.NET Membership and Role Provider for Oracle – Validate and manage user and authorization information for your ASP.NET web applications in Oracle Database – Deployment time option – Oracle Database can be on any platform These are Oracle provided solutions which can be used in addition to the solutions provided by Microsoft

26 Web Application to Database Authentication Windows native authentication – Run Web Applications as specific Windows users or use IIS mechanisms for mapping Web users to Windows users – Use OS authenticated connection pool (ODP.NET supports it) – Database must be on Windows Kerberos authentication can be used when Database is on a non-Windows platform User ID/Password – If you must use it, use Secure External Password Store (in Oracle Wallet) to store the password securely – Database can be on any platform Evaluate other security solutions: Oracle Advanced SecurityOracle Advanced Security Recommend the use of Application Context/Client ID for end-to-end auditing and security

27 Agenda Database Registration and Name Resolution Single Sign-On – Windows Native Authentication – Kerberos Security Integration for Web Applications on Windows Enterprise User Security and Virtual Directory

28 Identity Management Options Enterprise User Security (EUS) User Management 4 Databases (UM4DB)

29 Enterprise User Security Centralize user accounts and roles into enterprise directory Requires Oracle Virtual Directory or Oracle Internet Directory

30 What is Oracle Virtual Directory Service that aggregates identity data without consolidation reducing the time it takes to deploy LDAP, Web Service and Database applications

31 EUS – OVD Architecture

32 User Management for Databases (UM4DB) Provides centralized life-cycle management for databases – From hire to exit – Provides self-service Audit/Compliance reports Restricted License of OIM and OVD/OID

33 UM4DB Oracle Databases SQL Server, Sybase DB2 Databases Identity Repository Access Policies WorkflowConnector Rules Engine New or Existing User Approval Self Request Policy Engine Helpdesk Approval Administrator

34 Value: Automated Compliance Reporting

35 EUS and OVD Summary EUS centralizes database account management into a directory EUS works across heterogeneous operating systems OVD enables EUS to work with 3 rd party directories without synchronization

36 Session Summary Most comprehensive solutions for integration with Active Directory and Windows Security Support client/server and web applications Support homogeneous and heterogeneous environments Oracle solutions extend Microsoft offerings

37 For More Information Windows Server System Center Oracle Net Services Oracle Database Security security/index.html Oracle Virtual Directory (OVD) Oracle Identity & Access Management For questions, email

38 The preceding is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for Oracle’s products remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.



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