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The Abrahamic Covenant Part I. Purpose & Principles of our Study The covenants provide an essential framework for God’s revelation of Himself and His.

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Presentation on theme: "The Abrahamic Covenant Part I. Purpose & Principles of our Study The covenants provide an essential framework for God’s revelation of Himself and His."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Abrahamic Covenant Part I

2 Purpose & Principles of our Study The covenants provide an essential framework for God’s revelation of Himself and His plan. They are particularly important for understanding God’s older testament. The covenants are interrelated, so it is profitable to study them in a series in order to see the connections. Each covenant should be studied in its own context, keeping in mind the progress of revelation.

3 Links between the Covenants The Mosaic Covenant is linked to the Abrahamic promises in Exod 6:2-8 and Deut 7:7-9. The Davidic Covenant is linked to the Mosaic Covenant in 2 Sam 7:22-24. The New Covenant is linked to the Mosaic Covenant in Jer 31:33 and Ezek 36:26-28. The New Covenant is linked to the Mosaic and Davidic Covenants in Ezek 34:23-27. The New Covenant is linked to the Abrahamic and Mosaic Covenants in Ezek 36:24-28.

4 Setting of the Abrahamic Covenant: Gen 1-11 God blessed man at creation, enabling him to be fruitful and to rule over the rest of creation (Gen 1 – 2). Man rebelled against the Creator (Gen 3 – 5). Man’s rebellion brought God’s judgment in a worldwide flood (Gen 6 – 9). After the flood, God blessed Noah and gave him the same commands as Adam…but man rebelled again at the Tower of Babel (Gen 10 – 11).

5 Key Passages of the Abrahamic Covenant Promises to Abram – Gen 12:1-3 The Covenant with Abram – Gen 15:1-21 The Affirmation and Sign of the Abrahamic Covenant – Gen 17:1-21 A Second Affirmation and a Prediction Concerning Abraham’s Seed – Gen 22:15- 18

6 The Promises to Abram in Gen 12:1-3: The Command Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go forth from your land, and from your relatives, and from your father’s house, to the land which I will show you;


8 The Promises to Abram in Gen 12:1-3: The Promises And I will make you a great nation, And I will bless you, And I will make great your name;

9 The Promises to Abram in Gen 12:1-3: The Purpose And so you shall be a blessing; And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who slights you I will curse; And all the families of the earth shall be blessed in you.”

10 Abraham’s Response: Gen 12:4-6 These verses record Abraham’s response to God’s promises: –He packed up his family and moved from Haran to the land of Canaan. –Though Canaanites presently occupied the land, God had promised to give it to Abram and to his descendants. –Abram’s obedience demonstrated his faith in God’s word.

11 The Covenant with Abraham – Gen 15:1-21 This passage records the actual covenant ceremony and emphasizes the “seed” and the “land.” It is composed of 2 scenes, both of which conclude at night: –Scene 1 in Gen 15:1-5; emphasis is seed. –Scene 2 in Gen 15:7-21; emphasis is land.

12 Affirmation & Sign of the Abrahamic Covenant – Gen 17:1-21 When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to him again and spoke with him about the covenant. This passage contains 5 different speeches from God to Abram: –Speech 1 (vv. 1-2) - God’s Self-Revelation and Requirement of Obedience –Speech 2 (vv. 3-8) - God Changes Abram’s Name –Speech 3 (vv. 9-14) - Circumcision as the Sign of the Covenant –Speech 4 (vv. 15-16) - God Changes Sarai’s Name –Speech 5 (vv. 19-21) - The Covenant Line Will Be through Isaac, Not Ishmael

13 Next Week: The Abrahamic Covenant Part II

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