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February 6, 2011 Traveling to a March Bd. 6 game 2 …will be: …will be:

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2 February 6, 2011

3 Traveling to a March Bd. 6 game 2 …will be: …will be:

4 Meeting Topics Observations and Situations Hand Check Rule Conflict of Interest Pre-Game Conference – Girls games Special Feature Closing Thoughts

5 Hand Checking Hand checking is any tactic using the hands or arms that allows a player, on offense or defense, to control (hold, impede, push, divert, slow or prevent) the movement of an opposing player. Hand checking is a foul and is not incidental contact. Use the signal - #30

6 Hand Checking Defenders shall not have hand(s) on the offensive player. When a player has a hand on, two hands on or jabs a hand or forearm on an opponent, it is a foul. Players may not place their hands on an opponent with or without the ball. Only incidental contact is permitted. Read Rule 4-27!

7 Hand Checking When a player contacts an opponent with his or her hands as an aid in starting, stopping, driving around, defending a screen, controlling or anticipating the opponent’s next move, it is a foul. Much of the roughness in high school basketball is a direct result of not assessing the proper penalty when illegal contact with the hand(s) occurs.

8 Conflict of Interest Definition – A conflict of interest occurs when an individual is involved in multiple interests one of which could possibly corrupt the motivation for an act in the other. 7

9 Conflict of Interest?? Should you accept/work a game…. 1.Involving the high school you attended? 2.A relative or family member is either a player or coach? 3.The school principal, athletic director or teacher is a very good friend? 4. The coach is an ex-teammate? 5. Involving a high school in the town you live? 8

10 Conflict of Interest Consider the following: 1.If you have any doubt, do not accept 2.Be honest to yourself, commissioner and partner 3.Why put yourself in a situation where there could be a misperception or impropriety? 9

11 Conflict of Interest 4. Do you have the integrity to be impartial despite the perception? 5. Special treatment, privileges, personal relationships with a school/team which can compromise the impartiality must be avoided. “ It’s one thing if it is truly inadvertent, but accepting a game while knowing about a conflict of interest is simply a no-no.” Referee Magazine 10

12 Conflict of Interest 11

13 Gender Equality on the Court

14 Girls vs. Boys basketball Is the pre-game any different? - Most officials report that this doesn’t change, with the exception of a brief discussion about basket interference and goal- tending in reference to the boy’s game - The SAME rules apply to both games: (i.e. – Advantage vs. Disadvantage)

15 Girls vs. Boys Basketball Are there subtle differences in how the game is called? - Most officials reported that they DO call the games differently

16 What are the differences? GIRLS 1.Can they play through the contact? 2.Are they properly equipped (tucking in shirts, hair devices)? 3.Faster whistles from officials (i.e. – jump ball) 4.Coaches want more calls (hand checking) BOYS 1.Faster game 2.Play takes place above the rim 3.Let them play – it makes for an exciting game 4.Coaches want less calls

17 Does the gender of the officials matter? Most officials surveyed reported that it doesn’t matter if there are 2 males, 2 females or 1 female/1 male official calling the game, as long as the game is called CONSISTENTLY on the both ends!

18 Girls vs. Boys Games Do they ever compete at the same level? YES During rivalry games, as well as conference and state tournaments. The level of game may dictate some officiating variances for either game.

19 What do the coaches think? Some believe that officials are quick to anticipate calls during girl’s games because they don’t think the players can handle the contact. Would prefer that officials see/treat them like ‘athletes’, not girls or boys.

20 Conclusion Don’t be afraid to have this dialogue during the pre-game. Set clear expectations during the captains/coaches meeting. Have fun!


22 Officiating Girls Games “any contact is a foul and a held ball was called once two girls got a hand on the ball.” “I’m sure we all know that girls play the game slightly slower and under the rim, but that doesn’t change how I call the game. My hunch is that many officials may call the girl’s game differently because they play the game differently.” 21

23 Officiating Girls Games “It takes some conversations. We've struggled with getting officials not to call a jump ball as soon as the ball is touched by two players. We need to treat players as "athletes" not girls or boys. The "stronger" athlete should have the opportunity to gain control of the ball, as the rule book allows, until there's "undue roughness." Other areas we emphasize, in addition to "playing through contact" is "blocked shots. Female athletes can block shots" 22

24 Officiating Girls Games “I have seen some differences (girls vs. boys) mostly due to officials anticipating a call because they don't realize how athletic my girls are. Usually it is a block call or quick hands taking the ball away. But for the most part I think it is consistent with the boys. We come out and play very aggressive defense and the other team knows that coming in. We work hard on moving our feet and not using our hands, there may be some who feel somehow that being aggressive is a foul.” 23

25 Officiating Girls Games “I think, as do most people I talk with that there is a significant difference in the game and how it is called. To me the biggest disparity is due to the physical difference between the genders and the physical nature of the game. The best example is a drive to the basket. Boys will get contacted, bumped and continue to the basket. There is no significant disadvantage. They don't want a whistle and in most cases coaches also expect the play to continue. The flow of the game is not disrupted.” 24

26 Officiating Girls Games “Contrary, in a girls game you may try and pass on the exact same play and suddenly the player is off balance, tripping and maybe falling to the floor. We now have no whistle because we tried to let them play through it or a very late whistle which does not make us look the best.” 25

27 Officiating Girls Games It’s o.k. that girls fall down. This does not mean we are losing control of the game. I know the crowd goes wild but don't call something just because she fell down. Competitive play verses rough play. Sometimes we see the girls game as rough and call the foul (girls bodying up inside) and the boys game as being competitive post play. Yes, the tall center can out jump the opponent in front of her without there being a pushing foul. 26

28 Mechanics If no big deal, then do it the right way! 27

29 28

30 Quotes ”There are little kindling fires always going during a game. Pour no gasoline.” Barry Mano Editor –Referee Magazine/NASO

31 Questions ? 30

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