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Leo Lam © 2010-2011 Welcome This is EE235 BackHuskies!

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Presentation on theme: "Leo Lam © 2010-2011 Welcome This is EE235 BackHuskies!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leo Lam © 2010-2011 Welcome This is EE235 BackHuskies!

2 Leo Lam © 2010-2011 Today’s menu Introductions Class logistics and expectations Help available Course material starts!

3 Leo Lam © 2010-2011 Introduction Who is this bozo? –Email: –Anonymous message welcome –Office: 253D Performance guarantee –You are my customers –12-hour email response –Reasonable –Candy bar challenge! Five questions!

4 Leo Lam © 2010-2011 Introduction TA: Xiang Chen –Email: (Will post online) –Office hours: Friday 10:30-11:30 –Sieg 232 TA: Hossein Safavi –Email: safavi@uw –Office hours: Monday 12:30-1:30 /Thursdays 1:30- 2:30 –TA Office in Sieg –MATLAB wiz

5 Leo Lam © 2010-2011 Introduction You!

6 Goal Introduction to the “language” of “signals” Manipulating the language (the “system”) Using MATLAB to play with it Preparation for DSP etc. System level thinking Engineering “sense” Communicating with each other technically Discipline in practicing engineering Leo Lam © 2010-2011

7 Logistics Four lectures One lab per week Lab begins next week (need EE account) Grading –60% consistent work –40% “exams” (1 week-5 midterm/1 Final) –Fair, consistent, not “mean” Website (EE  Academics  Class Homepage): Pre-req: Math 136,307,Amath 351, PHY 122 or CSE 142 etc.

8 Leo Lam © 2010-2011 Textbook: $$$ Not required, but recommended Two books recommended –Matlab Primer –Schaum's Outline of Signals and Systems –Advanced Engineering Mathematics

9 Leo Lam © 2010-2011 Expectations Active, curious, question Practice, Practice, Practice Work together Integrity, honor & discipline Lab (six labs) –Read the manual beforehand –Communicate clearly –Collaborate

10 Leo Lam © 2010-2011 Help? Facebook Group! – Your learning social media Me and TA (office hours) Each other (and meet new friends!) HKN help for 215, 233, 235

11 Leo Lam © 2010-2011 Questions? Before the launch…

12 Definition: Signal A signal is a set of information or data that can be modeled as a function of one or more independent variables. Leo Lam © 2010-2011

13 Examples of a “signal”? Electrical parameter over time Radio over time and space Sound/Pressure over time Medical parameters over time Images Video Stock prices (discrete time) People in a room daily (discrete variable/time) Leo Lam © 2010-2011

14 Today What is a signal Some examples Leo Lam © 2010-2011

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