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Mission and strategies What is the next level of our work? Where should we be heading?

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Presentation on theme: "Mission and strategies What is the next level of our work? Where should we be heading?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mission and strategies What is the next level of our work? Where should we be heading?

2 Where have we come from?  CoNGO founded in 1948 “to safeguard the rights of NGOs in consultative status based on Article 71 of the UN Charter”. (Bloem et al). “It aims at enabling these NGOs to fully participate together with the UN

3 NGO/CSW/NY when were we founded?  1972 Esther Hymer, first Chair of the NGO/CSW/NY. Along with others, called for an International Women’s Year. Founding members were the IAW, IFBPW and WILPF  Geneva (1974) and Vienna committees formed later. All three joined under CoNGO to organize the NGO Forum in 1 980 for Copenhagen, Nairobi and Beijing conferences.

4 Our Mandate in the By-Laws  To provide a forum for exchange of information  To assist the international community in implementing the Beijing Platform for Action and other UN agreements  To facilitate cooperation among its member organizations  To work with the CSW and DAW and the UN system (now includes UN Women)

5 What can’t we do according to the By-Laws? STATEMENTS TO THE UN

6 What has changed in the global context ?  Backlash of fundamentalism  global financial crisis -privatization of funding; decline in public funds for UN, international events and NGOs  Stronger regionalism, but weak NGO/CSW ties to regions

7 Great expectations for NGO leadership and logistic support  UN Women –In flux - still shaping its organization and agenda  Call for CSW and NGO/CSW to have greater political impact  Growing interest by young women in the UN and the NGO/CSW/NY

8 What are some forward looking strategies?  EC recommends to streamline the NGO/CSW events over 11 days so that they are less chaotic  Ensure that Consultation Day is exciting and accommodates new as well as veteran NGOs  Have NGO/CSW sponsored events during the CSW: e.g. regional caucuses, networking circles (need help from CoNGO committees on themes)  Under CoNGO, promote establishment of regional NGO/CSW committees

9  Mainstream gender into CoNGO committees and other NGOs at the UN  Improve membership services – e.g. vary format of monthly meetings, evening meetings, young professionals  Fully use electronic media communications and lobby for public Wi-Fi in the Church Center - e.g.. new website design, online discussions to evaluate CSW, use social media  Regular meetings with UN Women and the CSW 56 Bureau  Strengthen our ties with CEDAW

10 Can we do it together?

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