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Funding Jonathan Lewis Service Director – Education, Adult Skills, Resources and Corporate Property.

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Presentation on theme: "Funding Jonathan Lewis Service Director – Education, Adult Skills, Resources and Corporate Property."— Presentation transcript:

1 Funding Jonathan Lewis Service Director – Education, Adult Skills, Resources and Corporate Property

2 How was lunch? Welcome to the Graveyard slot

3 Ready to hear about finance?

4 1. Communicate the story behind the data 2. Follow the 10-20-30 rule – 10 slides, 20 minutes, 30 POINT FONT 3. Hide your notes and bullet points 4. Make it picture perfect 5. Make you personality shine through 6. Arrange for discussion 7. Open and close - Letting your audience know what to expect 7 Ways to make a financial presentation interesting

5 How am I doing? Ready…..

6 Where does funding come from?

7 How does funding come to the Authority?

8 Local authorities are required to identify within each school’s budget share a notional SEN budget from which schools and academies can provide a level of support for all their pupils with SEN. This is not an additional allocation but is a notional amount of funding included in the schools budget share. This should not be regarded by schools and academies as a substitute for their own budget planning and decisions about how much they need to spend on SEN support, or as a fixed budget sum for spending by schools. Ok but how does my child school get funded?

9 NATIONAL FACTORSUSED IN PETEROROUGH Notional SEN Budget A basic per-pupil entitlement  3% Deprivation  100% Prior Attainment  100% Looked After Children  English as an additional language (EAL)  Pupil mobility Sparsity Lump Sum  Split Site  Rates  Private Finance Initiative (PFI) contracts  Minimum Funding Guarantee  Ok but how does my child school get funded?

10 Funding now in schools – notional SEN budget Regard to the whole of the school budget Schools must use their ‘best endeavours’ Challenges for schools Deciding on budget – it’s only notional Meeting needs v. spending the money When to ask for a top up – evidence needed Movers in and out How do schools spend the money?

11 en You promised 10 slides but you haven’t finished? Only 4 more slides to go

12 Schools are responsible for the first £6k of any additional need. The first £6k is not separately identified in schools budgets. Schools Notional SEN Budget – Deprivation Funding + Low High Incidence SEN Funding + 3% of the basic entitlement. Funding in now referred to in 3 elements when discussing high needs pupils. Element 1 – AWPU – £4k meets the cost of the pupil basic education entitlement. Element 2 – 1 st £6k of additional need – Schools need to meet the cost of this from their Notional SEN Budget. Element 3 – Top-up funding – this funding will be allocated by LA to meet the cost of any additional need over and above Element 1 & 2. Element 1 AWPU Element 2 Schools SEN Budget Element 3 Top-up funding from LA Expectation of the High Needs Block

13 Top up Funding… Element 3 is provided by the local authority for an individual pupil who has a high level of needs and schools are expected to use this funding to make provision for that individual pupil.

14 Specialist provision include Special Schools and Enhanced Resource Provision (ERP) Funding is allocated in two parts: £10,000 per place commissioned by the local authority. Top-up funding based on additional need and the numbers of pupils taking a place. Free School Special Schools….lets not go there! Specialist Provision


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