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Psychoanalytic Approaches Themes: 1.determinism 2.conflict 3.unconscious 4.psychoanalytic interpretation “life is not easy!” - Freud.

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Presentation on theme: "Psychoanalytic Approaches Themes: 1.determinism 2.conflict 3.unconscious 4.psychoanalytic interpretation “life is not easy!” - Freud."— Presentation transcript:

1 Psychoanalytic Approaches Themes: 1.determinism 2.conflict 3.unconscious 4.psychoanalytic interpretation “life is not easy!” - Freud

2 Freud’s approach Case study Psychoanalysis Free association Energy systems

3 Freud’s assumptions 1.Development is driven by biology 2.Early experiences engender adult personality 3.Early social life is important 4.Pleasure is sexual from the get go

4 Emphasis on process of personality Energy system –Libido –thanatos Instincts/drives Anxiety Defense mechanisms –Denial –Repression

5 Freud’s Model of the Mind Topographical model of the mind 1.Conscious 2.Preconscious 3.Unconscious –Primary process thinking –Secondary process thinking

6 Freud’s structure continued Structural Model of the Mind Id Ego Superego

7 Growth and Development of Personality Five Stages 1.oral 2.Anal 3.Phallic 4.Latent 5.genital

8 Oral Stage Oral stimulation Crucial task is weaning Oral receptive character

9 Anal Stage Bowel movements— holding and expelling Crucial task is toilet training Anal character – obsessive, rigid, overly perfectionistic

10 Phallic Stage Genitals – masturbation Oedipal complex Phallic character –Male –female

11 Latent Stage Genital Stage

12 Thought Question It has been said that psychanalytic theory suffers from a number of cultural biases due to the limitation in kinds of patients seen and the Victorian era from which the concepts were originally derived. Which concepts or parts of the theory would be particular targets for arguments of cultural bias?

13 Assessment Projective techniques ambiguous stimuli Not told purpose Subjective e.g. Rorschach

14 Behavior Change 1.Free association 2.Dream analysis Manifest content Latent content Symbols 3.Insight

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