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Draft ICATUS and activities relating to Work Activities ILO Department of Statistics Sophia Lawrence ILO Department of Statistics ICATUS Revision New York,

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Presentation on theme: "Draft ICATUS and activities relating to Work Activities ILO Department of Statistics Sophia Lawrence ILO Department of Statistics ICATUS Revision New York,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Draft ICATUS and activities relating to Work Activities ILO Department of Statistics Sophia Lawrence ILO Department of Statistics ICATUS Revision New York, (11-31 June 2012)

2 Work-related activities ILO is in process of revising the 13 th ICLS international standards on employment... A revised framework for all Work statistics is being proposed: –For discussion at the 19 th ICLS in October 2013 The revised ICATUS will need to reflect the new framework for work ILO Department of Statistics 2

3 Implications for revising ICATUS Best finalize ICATUS once revised work framework has been adopted Comments by the Expert Group on Classifications would be opportune Would ensure adoption or endorsement by the Statistical Commission, if anticipated? ILO Department of Statistics 3

4 ILO proposed conceptual framework for Work statistics ILO Department of Statistics 4

5 New framework characteristics (building-block approach) 1.Distinguish between different forms of work based on persons’ “main purpose” 2.Allow separate identification and exhaustive measurement of participation in each/all form(s) of work 3.Allow exhaustive measurement of labour input into all productive activities (volume of work) within and beyond SNA production boundary 4.Sum of all parts = “Work” statistics ILO Department of Statistics 5

6 Proposed concept of Work Work comprises all inputs of labour by all persons for: –Production of goods and services for payment, profit or family gain; –Unpaid production of goods and services for consumption by others (ex. as a volunteer, as part of education and training); –Unpaid production of goods and services mainly for own use or for consumption by members of one’s own household (ex., subsistence production, household management, cleaning, child care) ILO Department of Statistics 6

7 Rationale in updating standards Employment, defined as: –“Work whose main purpose is to generate income in the form of wage, salary, profit or family gain, paid in cash or in kind Paid employment Self employment in market oriented enterprises –Including Contributing Family Workers”t Can further develop international guidelines for full measurement of all work Can study interactions & overlaps in participation in different forms of work ILO Department of Statistics 7

8 Participation in different forms of work Volunteers Producers of goods mainly for own final use Unpaid household service workers Employed 8 ILO Department of Statistics

9 Re the nature of ICATUS structure Conceptual model underpinning the classification requires clarification: –Including entities classified, –Similarity criteria Structure at top level: major divisions seem based on purpose More detailed categories use nature of the activity, but mixed at different levels ILO Department of Statistics 9

10 Current boundary problems Boundaries regarding travel and work-related learning based on purpose are unclear: –Both conceptually and operationally Treatment at detailed classification levels is problematic: –Much of the time spent on either can be for multiple purposes Ex. When is reading for learning or for work? ICATUS can aggregate totals, but beware of issues of mutual exclusiveness, and repeated activities ILO Department of Statistics 10

11 Remarks on work in draft ICATUS Despite discomfort perpetuating SNA predominance of economic over social statistics in general… Still need to be able to distinguish SNA boundaries: Within and Beyond production boundary, particularly for volunteer work In general the “Other” categories done well and consistently Categories are quite exhaustive – each has separate labels “Paid work” categories, however, cannot include activities that are: –Not paid and not work ILO Department of Statistics 11

12 Remarks on work in draft ICATUS In line with the Work framework: –ICATUS would have to delineate “production for own consumption” from “market-oriented activity” (throughout) – Employment activity combined with non-employment activity (other work forms) would both be reflected Need to deal with (coding) multiple/secondary activities: Is riding a bicycle to work = commuting or exercising ? Formal / informal sector distinction not operational; may not be necessary if paid work separated from unpaid –In any case “work for corporations or for households” (in D1, and elsewhere) does not reflect this –If retained, every TUS would require an informal module ILO Department of Statistics 12

13 Similarity criterion Both 'type' and 'context' of time use activities used Criteria still not applied consistently at different levels of the classification Duplicate categories make it hard to identify the types of nature of activity to be classified in different parts of ICATUS ILO Department of Statistics 13

14 Contextual codes Desire to open ICATUS up to better encompass employment (work) activity codes brings repetition with non-work activity codes –Especially without appropriate contextual codes Use of contextual codes can alleviate problems of repetition/overburdening the classification: –Allows fewer activity codes –Ancillary information replaces repetitions (places activities in context) ILO Department of Statistics 14

15 Mutual exclusivity However, –Mutual exclusivity of activities: within employment; in other work forms; and of personal activities opens a debate: –Resolve whether activity (codes) for paid work are that different from other activities… Are most jobs’ activities close to other everyday activities? –So are contextual variables (codes) fundamental to comprehend work- related activity (and to analyse TUS data)…? ILO Department of Statistics 15

16 Suggested solutions / questions for draft ICATUS (D1) “Work within SNA and related activities”: – 11 “Paid work (employment) for corporations….,and market-oriented household units Move work that is not paid to other groups... Breaks for lunch are not employment –New 12 “Activities related to paid employment …” – Bring 15, 16, 18 here Group non-employment activities of D1 into new, 2nd level group -> would allow identification of Employment activities according to new ILO framework (but not at 1 st level) –18 travel: formal vs household sector inconsistent other standards ILO Department of Statistics 16

17 Suggestions (2) (D2) new division “Production of goods for own final use” 22+ (old 12-14) Primary production… for own final use Separated from market-oriented activity Mining/quarrying with food and shelter production...? 131-132 Processing vs Making..? 144 Acquiring inputs/supplies… ≠ own production ? (D3) “Unpaid household services for own final use.” (old D2) and (old 21-28 as were) ILO Department of Statistics 17

18 Suggestions (3) (D5) “Community services and work for other households”: (Old 41) Separate work resulting in goods vs services; Unpaid services to other households is beyond SNA (old 415) “Unpaid help in business/farm...” => within SNA production boundary... and “ Employment ” as help to other households” => terminology (Old 43) Unpaid volunteer services through organizations => consistent with ILO Manual but requires more categories ILO Department of Statistics 18

19 Suggestions (4) (D6) “Learning” (old D5 ) If a person is enrolled in a Vocational Training Institute/University, is the training activity part of Work or Study..? Boundaries between Self-study, Homework and e.g. reading for a job...? (D8) “Personal care and maintenance” – 853 Reflecting... Thinking, Planning, should also be work-related activities ILO Department of Statistics 19

20 TUS for work statistics We need: Persons in employment: –at least one activity to generate income Multiple activities: –more than one form of work activity identified Working time: sum of all periods spent on all productive activities Scheduling: –location during the day and week (and stability) of hours worked

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