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Special Education 447 Physical and Health Disabilities

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Presentation on theme: "Special Education 447 Physical and Health Disabilities"— Presentation transcript:

1 Special Education 447 Physical and Health Disabilities

2 Assessment of Ability Determination of disability Ability assessment
Formal and informal Tools and methods Data

3 Categorical Responsibilities
Physical impairment Other health disabilities Traumatic brain injury

4 All Categories Intellectual functioning Academic performance
Social, emotional, behavioral performance Communication Motor ability Functional skills Physical status Sensory status Transition

5 Physical Impairment Organizational and Independent Work Skills Checklists Motor Skills Checklist Systematic observations Interviews Review and gathering of medical history Records review

6 Other Health Disabilities
Standardized academic assessment OHD criteria worksheet Systematic observations Interviews Review and gathering of medical history Records review

7 Traumatic Brain Injury
TBI criteria checklist/worksheet Medical documentation Functional impairment related to TBI (not result of pre-existing condition)

8 Traumatic Brain Injury
Information from subjective data Checklists Work samples Medical history Observations Interviews Information from objective data Criterion-referenced measures Personality or projective measures Sociometric measures Standardized assessment of intelligence, achievement, communication and sensory/motor ability

9 Special Considerations
Adaptations to evaluation for students with physical impairments Alteration of presentation Modification of test materials Alternative response formats Documentation of adaptations Reduced verbal or motor response Test of Non-Verbal Intelligence (TONI) Comprehensive Test of Non-Verbal Intelligence

10 Special Considerations
Adaptations to State-wide testing Role of P/HD teacher Providing accommodations and modifications Adapting or providing alternative tasks Material accessibility and project formats Video or audio presentations Internet searches Interviews Powerpoint presentations Slideshows Assistive technology Alternate assessment Checklist Portfolio


12 Resources for P/HD Teacher
Reference tools Physical Impairment Handbook Other Health Disabilities Handbook Traumatic Brain Injury Handbook Consultation to medical community Representation at state network meetings and conferences

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