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Statistics Presented by Lynn A. Uhlman. H igh D emand H olds screenshot Creates a report which identifies titles that have a large number of holds. Browse.

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Presentation on theme: "Statistics Presented by Lynn A. Uhlman. H igh D emand H olds screenshot Creates a report which identifies titles that have a large number of holds. Browse."— Presentation transcript:

1 Statistics Presented by Lynn A. Uhlman

2 H igh D emand H olds screenshot Creates a report which identifies titles that have a large number of holds. Browse within Sierra Desktop App View system holds or local holds Ability to export lists

3 H igh D emand H olds acquisitions Spreadsheet Export High Demand Holds Report and copy/paste data into an acquisitions spreadsheet

4 WMR - W eb M anagement R eports - Browser Interface View transactional statistics, charts, and download raw data Circulation Statistics - websitewebsite Owning/Home – ILL - websitewebsite Materials Budget - download data and copy/paste into a spreadsheet - documentdocument UPDATE: Java Exception List

5 WMR A pp - spreadsheets View transactional circulation data for: All Circ Activity Circulation Cross-Tabs Patrons Checkouts Limitation - does not include renewals Creates ready-made spreadsheets and tables for your use.

6 C reate L ists Create review files based on criteria you choose to grab from various record types. Use in conjunction with Statistics to view information found in fixed-fields. Create your own reports:  items that haven’t circulated  Patron pcode or ptype information

7 S tatistics Create queries based on criteria you choose to grab from various record types or on a review file from Create Lists Use in conjunction with Create Lists to view information found in fixed-fields. Easily create spreadsheets  Create spreadsheets based on certain fixed- fields (i.e. weeding, patron clean-up, etc.). Automate statistical queries.

8 C ount U se - I nternal U se Keep track of in-house use. Use Internal Use to track statistics of items that are used in-house. Limitation – not included in circulation transaction statistics.

9 M aine I nfo N et website Statistics – Data This page contains statistics run by InfoNet staff for the Minerva system. Support> Statistics>Web Management Reports This page contains clarification of the system’s statistics.

10 Minerva User’s Council @ Topsham Public Library 10-28-2014

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