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Life Cycle of a Star. Stars are born, live, and die. Just like people!

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Presentation on theme: "Life Cycle of a Star. Stars are born, live, and die. Just like people!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Life Cycle of a Star

2 Stars are born, live, and die. Just like people!

3 When a Star is Born They are born in places called Stellar Nurseries, which are also called Nebula (Nebulae is the plural) These are made of huge clouds of gas and dust.


5 Protostars In Nebulae, gravity brings dust and gas and other things together, and they make baby stars called Protostars

6 Protostars are still growing. Gravity is still adding more and more gas and dust, making the mass bigger.


8 Main Sequence Stars Protostars keep growing and growing until gravity makes them stop.

9 Main Sequence Stars It’s like blowing up a balloon as far as you can. Eventually, you must stop, because the balloon is as big as it can be.

10 Main Sequence Stars When Protostars stop growing, they are called Main Sequence Stars This is the longest part of their life, and it’s like an “adult” star. It’s not a baby or a child anymore.

11 Our sun is a main sequence star right now. It is about half way done its main sequence period. The sun is about 4.5 billion years old, and most main sequence stars live to be about 10 billion years old.


13 A Star’s Death The way a star dies depends on its size. Small stars, medium stars, and large stars all die differently!

14 A Small Star’s Death We don’t know. Small stars have a reeeeeeeeaaaallllllllyy long main sequence period, and the small stars in the universe aren’t old enough to die yet. So we haven’t seen any die. We don’t know what will happen.

15 A Medium Star’s Death When a medium star dies, it will first expand and grow into a Red Giant Our sun will get so big that it will come and cover the Earth!


17 A Medium Star’s Death


19 A Big Star’s Death



22 Neutron Stars P + E = N 1 + -1 = 0


24 Black Holes Super Giant stars make Black Holes. The gravity is very strong in these enormous stars, and it keeps pushing and condensing the gases and matter (stuff).

25 Black Holes Eventually it will get smaller than an atom. All of the stuff from a star, smaller than an atom!!

26 Black Holes The gravity of black holes is so strong that nothing can get away from it. Not even light!


28 We don’t know what a Black Hole looks like, because we can’t see them!!

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