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FUN WITH FRACTIONS! A Study Guide and Review Game.

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Presentation on theme: "FUN WITH FRACTIONS! A Study Guide and Review Game."— Presentation transcript:

1 FUN WITH FRACTIONS! A Study Guide and Review Game

2 What is a fraction? A symbol that is used to name equal parts of a whole. A fraction has a NUMERATOR. The numerator is the top number and it names the part that is shaded or unshaded. A fraction has a DENOMINATOR The denominator is the bottom number and it names the total number of pieces in the whole.

3 Here’s a Hint… 24 24 The number in the NORTH is the Numerator! The number that is DOWN is the Denominator!

4 Part of a whole 3 is yellow 8

5 Part of a set 4 of the set are pears 5

6 Position on a number line

7 Naming Parts of a Whole

8 Naming Fractional Parts

9 Finding Equivalent Fractions EQU iv AL ent means EQUAL ! 3 is EQU iv AL ent to 1 6 2

10 Here’s a Hint… To find equivalent fractions… LOOK FOR A PATTERN 1 2 3 4 5 2 4 6 8 10

11 Here’s Another Hint… To find equivalent fractions… USE BOTTOMS UP! 3468 3468 24 =

12 Comparing Fractions… Use Bottoms Up! 2168 2168 166 > Two-sixths is greater than one-eighth

13 5 2 12 3 1524 < Comparing Fractions… Use Bottoms Up! Five-twelfths is less than two-thirds

14 Ordering Fractions You will be asked to order fractions from Greatest to Least and from Least to Greatest You have three strategies to choose from: 1. Draw a picture 2. Use Bottoms Up 3. Use Fraction Fringe

15 Ordering Fractions with Drawing A Picture 1 1 1 3 6 9 Least to greatest: 1 1 1 9 6 3

16 Ordering Fractions with Bottoms Up 1 1 1 3 6 9 1.Compare 1 and 1 3 6 2.Compare 1 and 1 3 9 3.Compare 1 and 1 6 9 1 3 6 > 1 3 9 > 1 6 9 > Since 1/3 was largest 2 times, it is the largest fraction! 1/6 is next, followed by 1/9.

17 Ordering Fractions with Fraction Fringe (you can draw it!) 1 Whole 1212 1212 1414 1414 1414 1414 1818 1818 1818 1818 1818 1818 1818 1818 1 16

18 Finding Parts of a Set When a picture is given, put the items into groups based on the number in the denominator. 1 of 9 books = 3 books in each group 3

19 Finding Parts of a Set When a picture is not given, you have two choices: 1.Draw a picture and solve! 2.Do the math!

20 1 Of 64 = 8 ? x = 8 times what = 64?

21 Mixed Numbers A mixed number is a whole number and a fraction combined

22 Mixed Numbers Count the WHOLEs first Then find the FRACTIONal part

23 Fraction Problem Solving USE YOUR STRATEGIES!!! Do not try to work out the problems in your head !!! Review all of the tricks and hints in this slideshow! Review your notes from class! PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE!

24 Why do I need to know this stuff? Fractions can and will help you in real life. In order to figure out how to make only part of a recipe because you do not want to feed ten people, but only five, fractions will be very helpful. You can use fractions to divide cake, or candy, and you will need fractions to help figure out percents. Fractions are useful when you buy paint to make your house look nice and for figuring how much interest you will pay to the bank when you take a loan. Fractions may be a bit difficult to learn, but believe me, you will be happy that you spent the time.

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