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ITEC 5321 Information Systems Security Spring ‘07 Slax KillBill Edition v5.1.8.1 Deepanwita Bagchi 03-03-2007.

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Presentation on theme: "ITEC 5321 Information Systems Security Spring ‘07 Slax KillBill Edition v5.1.8.1 Deepanwita Bagchi 03-03-2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 ITEC 5321 Information Systems Security Spring ‘07 Slax KillBill Edition v5.1.8.1 Deepanwita Bagchi 03-03-2007

2 3/3/2007 Deepanwita Bagchi Agenda  Why is Security important?  Role of NIST  Different Technical Controls suggested by NIST  What is a Live CD?  SLAX KillBill Edition v  How to implement a technical control with SLAX KillBill live CD?  Q/A

3 3/3/2007 Deepanwita Bagchi "If you think technology can solve your security problems, then you don't understand the problems and you don't understand the technology." - Bruce Schneier

4 3/3/2007 Deepanwita Bagchi National Institute of Standards and Technology  Non Regulatory agency of the US Department of Commerce’s Technology administration  Suggests control categories to prevent, detect and recover IT systems from security threats. Categories are: technical, managerial and operational  Technical control are subdivided into three categories: Supportive, Preventive and Detective/Recovery

5 3/3/2007 Deepanwita Bagchi National Institute of Standards and Technology Technical Security Controls:  Support:  Identification  Cryptographic Key Management  Security Administration  System Protections  Preventive  Authentication  Authorization  Access Control Enforcement  Nonrepudiation  Protected Communications  Transaction Privacy  Detection / Recovery  Audit  Intrusion Detection & Containment  Proof of Wholeness  Restore Secure State  Virus Detection and Eradication

6 3/3/2007 Deepanwita Bagchi National Institute of Standards and Technology Source: Technical Security Controls

7 3/3/2007 Deepanwita Bagchi Live CD?  Bootable CD with pre-configured software  Easy way to try out multiple operating systems without having to install them  Read-only CD, hard to tamper with  Wide range of distros to choose from while implementing a technical security control

8 3/3/2007 Deepanwita Bagchi My Choice?  Slax KilBill Edition v5.1.8.1  Slackware Linux based liveCD  Pocket operating system, merely 204MB  Uses Unification File System (also known as unionfs), allowing read-only filesystem to behave as a writable one, saving all changes to memory. Why Slax KB?  Modularity  Speed  Easy CD/ USB creation

9 3/3/2007 Deepanwita Bagchi Default Features in SLAX KB v5.1.8.1 CD  Linux kernel 2.6 offering excellent hardware support  The newest ALSA sound drivers  Ndiswrapper for loading Windows drivers for WIFI cards  Madwifi drivers for native support for WIFI cards (Multiband Atheros)  KDE 3.5 desktop  Webconfig allowing you to save your session data to slax‘ web

10 3/3/2007 Deepanwita Bagchi Easy CD creation with MySLAX

11 3/3/2007 Deepanwita Bagchi Demo of Easy LiveCD Creation

12 3/3/2007 Deepanwita Bagchi Security Modules available in SLAX KB  87 Security Modules available to choose from Source:

13 3/3/2007 Deepanwita Bagchi Security Modules I Installed  BCrypt 1.1  Ccrypt 1.7.7  Ethereal 0.10.11  Snort  TrueCrypt 4.2a

14 3/3/2007 Deepanwita Bagchi Technical Control Implemented Protected Communications: Truecrypt & Ccrypt

15 3/3/2007 Deepanwita Bagchi Protected Communications (Contd…): Keyfile created

16 3/3/2007 Deepanwita Bagchi Protected Communications (Contd…): File to be encrypted Encryption command

17 3/3/2007 Deepanwita Bagchi Protected Communications (Contd…): Encrypted File Decryption Command

18 3/3/2007 Deepanwita Bagchi Protected Communications (Contd…): Back to original file

19 3/3/2007 Deepanwita Bagchi Questions / Comments?

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