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For International Scholars

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1 For International Scholars
4/19/2017 Federal Tax Information Session For International Scholars

2 Agenda Tax Basics Forms You RECEIVE Forms You COMPLETE
Tax Residency Status Tax Filing Information for Non-residents Treaty Information Filling out the Tax Returns Completing the Process State Tax Issues

3 Tax Basics

4/19/2017 DO I HAVE TO FILL OUT TAX FORMS? Aahhh! No Matter What You Have Heard… All “tax non-residents” are legally required to file at least one federal income tax form for each year they are in the U.S. (by April of the following year) Everyone should copy and keep files for 7 years (or until you become a permanent resident, if applicable)

5 4/19/2017 What happens if I don’t? You may be overpaying your taxes (i.e., giving away your hard-earned money) Non-filing of taxes may affect a future application for U.S. Permanent Residency (i.e., “green card”) If you owe money, you could be subject to substantial monetary fines In extreme cases involving fraud, you could lose your legal immigration status in the U.S.

6 Which Income Taxes? Federal State Local (not in Albuquerque)
4/19/2017 Which Income Taxes? Federal State Local (not in Albuquerque) If you have income you are normally responsible for completing tax forms for ALL relevant governments This presentation only covers FEDERAL (US) taxes collected by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) with some state at the end

7 4/19/2017 3 Things to Remember: 1)This is NOT a conspiracy against you! (It’s just a pain for everyone!) 2)The rules are NOT logical! 3)YOU are responsible for doing it correctly and YOU suffer the consequences even if you were misinformed. This is more unfair for internationals as very few people know non-resident tax laws (including IRS)

8 Who Is This Presentation For?
4/19/2017 Who Is This Presentation For? International Scholars: Researchers, Teachers, Medical Residents in J-1 Scholar status (may be students in home country, but are not full-time students here) Dependents: J-2 status here with the scholar and had no income. Most dependents CANNOT be claimed, but if so will need an SSN or ITIN# (requires form W-7 and supporting documents)

9 Other Presentation Information
4/19/2017 Other Presentation Information For scholars with income typical at UNM. If you have income from other sources you should seek professional tax advice from a qualified accountant Rules for students and scholars are different Special Cases: Anyone whose total stay will be less than one year; some special treaties: Canada, Korea, Mexico, China (we will discuss these at the end)

10 What happens if I have questions later?
4/19/2017 What happens if I have questions later? Come to the Tax Volunteer Site! "Volunteers in Tax Assistance" (VITA) Site Volunteers will be available to help you: No income: Wednesdays 2 – 4:30, March 18–April 8 With Income: Fridays from 2 – 4:30, from March 20-April 10 WHERE: Language Learning Center, Ortega Hall, 1st floor..

11 4/19/2017 You Can Also Consult: Internal Revenue Service (IRS): or call , Press 4 and then 4 again for an International Tax issue for individuals. Tax treaties and forms are online. Commercial sites: offer information and paid tax return preparation Residents for Tax Purposes: Go to CNM website for appointment with the Resident tax volunteers, or seek paid preparers

12 Overview of Tax System:
4/19/2017 Overview of Tax System: U.S. tax system = Employer “withholding” + individual “reporting” at end of year. They take money out based on forms you fill out (W-4, 8233) At year end YOU need to do the accounting; if the calculation was incorrect then either you will owe money or get it back If you worked at UNM all year, completed employment forms correctly, and your situation did not change, the tax withheld should be “near” correct

13 Copies to be sent to IRS with your tax returns
Forms you RECEIVE Copies to be sent to IRS with your tax returns

14 Forms From Employer/School
4/19/2017 Forms From Employer/School W-2: lists wage income and tax taken for federal, state, and local governments (if applicable); must be sent to you by 1/31 1042S: lists scholarship and treaty income; must be sent by 3/15 1098T: lists school tuition paid; cannot be used as deduction by tax non-residents This information is also sent to IRS

15 Gross Earned Income Money taken out of your pay Box 1 = Wages Box 2 = Federal Tax Withheld Box 17 = State Tax Withheld Non-residents should not have amounts taken in 5 &6

16 Income Type (key attached) Gross Income Federal tax taken Box 1 = Income Code/Type Box 2 = Income exempt from tax Box 7 = Federal Income tax withheld Box 23 = State Income tax withheld State tax taken

17 Other Forms You May Receive
4/19/2017 Other Forms You May Receive 1099-INT: Interest report (Bank sends to you if over $10) 1099-DIV: Dividend report (Financial institution sends to you – if you have this you will use 1040NR) 1099-MISC: Honoraria or contractor income report This information is also sent to IRS

18 Make copies for your files!
Forms you COMPLETE Make copies for your files!

19 4/19/2017 Forms You Send to IRS 8843: Must be completed by all F and J students, scholars, and dependents who are “tax non-residents” This form is also called, “Statement for Exempt Individuals and Individuals with a Medical Condition”

20 Forms You Send to IRS (Cont’d)
4/19/2017 Forms You Send to IRS (Cont’d) 1040NR: “U.S. Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return” OR 1040NREZ: “U.S. Income Tax Return for Certain Nonresident Aliens with No Dependents” Forms for all tax non-residents with U.S. income; also called “Tax Returns” (“Return”  you get money back)

21 Important Tax Treaty Form
4/19/2017 Important Tax Treaty Form 8233: Must be completed and given to the UNM payroll office every year if you want to benefit from a tax treaty in advance (i.e., you don’t want them to take extra money from each paycheck) You can still get the benefits of any treaty at the end of the year even if you did not complete this form.

22 IRS Information/Publications
4/19/2017 IRS Information/Publications Publication 519: U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens Publication 901: U.S. Tax Treaties These publications have additional information for those with unusual situations or for whom a tax treaty exists between the U.S. and the country of permanent residence

23 Tax Residency Status

24 Am I a Resident or Non-resident for Federal Tax Purposes?
4/19/2017 Am I a Resident or Non-resident for Federal Tax Purposes? Tax residency determines your basic obligations under U.S. “federal” tax law (state is different) You CAN be a “tax resident,” even if you are not a "permanent resident" of the US (green card) If you are a resident taxpayer you must pay federal income tax on your worldwide income. However, you do not have to file a "tax return," unless your worldwide income exceeds a certain amount (This year: $10,150 if single and $20,300 if married)

25 Resident or Non-resident for Tax Purposes? (Cont’d)
4/19/2017 Resident or Non-resident for Tax Purposes? (Cont’d) If you are a nonresident taxpayer, you pay federal income tax only on income you receive from U.S. sources, but you must file an annual income tax form, even if you had no income Most J scholars at UNM are tax nonresidents If you were in a status other than J since your arrival, please see IRS pub 519, U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens you may be “Dual Status”

26 Residency Test for Scholars SCHOLARS (J-1), in the 6 years prior to tax year 2014 ( ), during how many calendar years were you present in the US on an J, Q visa? (Even one day of presence counts ) 2 or fewer of the previous 6 years More than 2 of the previous 6 years You are probably a non-resident for tax purposes (If you entered the US for the first time after 12/31/12 this is you) You are probably a resident for tax purposes (If you entered the US for the first time before 1/1/2013 in J status and haven’t left this is probably you)

27 4/19/2017 More Info for Scholars If you have only 3 yrs of presence and your foreign employer paid all of your compensation, you may still qualify to be a non-resident (you will need form 8840) Even if you were a tax resident you may still be able to benefit from a tax treaty for 2014 (see IRS Publication 901)!

28 Info for Scholars NOT in J Status
4/19/2017 Info for Scholars NOT in J Status If you are on an H-1 visa and arrived in the U.S. in 2013 or earlier, you were a resident in 2014 (but you may still be able to benefit from a treaty) If you are on an H-1 visa and arrived in the U.S. in 2014, or if you are here on any type of visa other than H or J, please see the discussion of tax residency and non-residency on pp of IRS Publication 519, U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens

29 4/19/2017 Tax Residents “Residents for tax purposes” will need to go elsewhere for tax information You would file: 1040EZ OR Form 1040A OR Form 1040 and other forms depending on your situation; if a treaty applies, you complete form 8233 also (we can help) Get help from the resident volunteers at CNM You are subject to the Affordable Care Act requirements of having health care all year!

30 Tax Residents 4/19/2017 Those who were single and earned less than $10,150 worldwide income in 2014 (or married and earned less than $20,300) do not have to file a federal tax return, but may want to get a refund if taxes were taken Remember, that as a tax resident, you can claim education credits for tuition that you paid. To do so, you will need to contact the UNM Bursar’s office to ask for a 1098-T form to get these credits on your resident tax return.

31 Filing Information for Non-Residents

32 Which federal forms do TAX Non-residents fill out?
Who Completes? 8843 ALL non-resident students and scholars and their dependents. If you did not have any US income you ONLY need to complete this form 1040NR If you received money from a US source, you also MUST complete form 1040NR if: Your income was $100,000 or more, OR You had dividend, capital gains or other US income that his not wage or scholarship YOU MAY ALSO WANT TO COMPLETE FORM 1040NR IF: You were married and you can claim your spouse (you can claim an exemption for your spouse ONLY if your spouse did not work AND you are from Canada, Mexico or Korea) (for US-born children ask) OR IF: d. You can claim educational, travel, or living expenses* 1040NREZ If you received money from a US Source and none of the conditions for 1040NR above apply fill out this form with 8843

33 Every Tax Non-resident fills out this form, even dependents
8843 Every Tax Non-resident fills out this form, even dependents

34 SSN or ITIN otherwise write “None”
4/19/2017 8843 Student Sample SSN or ITIN otherwise write “None”

35 Number of days you were in Scholar status
4/19/2017 Number of days you were in Scholar status

36 4/19/2017

37 Sign here if no tax return
4/19/2017 Sign here if no tax return

38 No Income? If you had no US income in 2014 and you are a non-resident you are DONE! Make a copy for your files and mail before June 15, 2015 If you are leaving the US you can find this form in January at under form 8843!

39 Internal Revenue Service Center
Mailing Address Internal Revenue Service Center Austin, Texas

40 Have Income??? Deductions and Exemptions to Income
Remember you will never get back more than they took, so there is no need to claim these if you will get all your money back

41 Can I deduct living expenses?
4/19/2017 Can I deduct living expenses? Scholars can only deduct travel and living expenses if you are a tax nonresident and your entire program in the U.S. lasts less than one year (365 days) If this applies to you, you may be able to treat your stay in the U.S. as a "business trip" and deduct your airfare, rent, local transportation expenses and part of a daily allowance for food from your income. If you will be in the U.S. for a total of less than one year and your expenses are more than 2% of your income, get Form 2106 from the IRS website, complete it and list your expenses on page 3, line 7 of form 1040NR. NO NEED IF YOU GET ALL YOUR MONEY BACK!

42 Can I Deduct Moving Expenses?
4/19/2017 Can I Deduct Moving Expenses? Scholars who will be in the U.S. for more than 365 days may be able to deduct moving expenses (including one way airfares for you and your family) If you moved to or from Albuquerque to accept employment during the year look at IRS form 3903 to see if this applies to you (enter on Line 26 of form 1040NR)

43 Income types we WILL cover:
4/19/2017 Income types we WILL cover: Wages from any U.S. job, on-campus or off-campus, that you had in 2014 (Included in this category is all income that your employer(s) reported to you on Form W-2 or 1042S) Bank interest (Not considered U.S. source income for nonresidents so nontaxable)

44 Income types we will NOT cover (These are also subject to tax)
4/19/2017 Income types we will NOT cover (These are also subject to tax) Dividends or capital gains from U.S. mutual funds, stocks or bonds Any other income (such as rent, royalties, copyright earnings) from U.S. sources If you had these types of income you will need form 1040NR and you may want to seek professional advice in preparing your return

45 Treaty Information

46 General Treaty Information
4/19/2017 General Treaty Information Some countries have tax treaties with the U.S. which save you money on your federal income tax. You can get the treaty benefit even if you did not complete the 8233 in 2014 Treaty benefits depend on country of last tax residence, not citizenship Benefits are different for each country and depend on your U.S. activity (e.g., teaching or research) and type of income

47 Scholar Treaty Information
4/19/2017 Scholar Treaty Information Most treaties allow a scholar to exclude the entire University salary from federal taxation for a period of 2 or 3 years from the date of arrival in the U.S. But beware!: some treaties provide no benefit at all if you stay in the U.S. more than two years and back taxes may be applicable (UK, Lux, NL, India)

48 Scholar Treaty Information
4/19/2017 Scholar Treaty Information The numbers or Roman numerals in the third column identify the relevant treaty article and paragraph numbers (you will need these for your income tax return) Also note any letters next to the name of your countries; there is a key at the end of the chart

49 Scholar Tax Treaty Summary
4/19/2017 Scholar Tax Treaty Summary Country Maximum Presence Amount Article # Special Restrictions* see below Armenia 2 yrs. No limit VI(1) b, d Azerbaijan Bangladesh 21(1) Belarus Belgium 19(2) b, e Canada $10,000 XV f China (PRC) 3 yrs. 19 Czech Republic 21(5) b, c, d Egypt 22 France 20 b, c Georgia Germany 20(1) Greece XII Hungary 17 b

50 Scholar Tax Treaty Summary
4/19/2017 Scholar Tax Treaty Summary India 2 yrs. No limit 22 a, b Indonesia 20 b, c Israel 23 b, e Italy b Jamaica Japan b, d Korea Kyrgyzstan VI(1) Luxembourg 21(2) Moldova Netherlands 3 yrs. 21(1) a, b, e Norway 15 Pakistan XII

51 Scholar Tax Treaty Summary
4/19/2017 Scholar Tax Treaty Summary Philippines 2 yrs. No limit 21 b, e Poland 17 Portugal 22 b, c Romania 19 Slovak Republic 21(5) b, c, e Slovenia 20 (3) b, d Tajikistan VI(1) Thailand 23 Trinidad/Tobago 18 Turkey 20 (2) Turkmenistan 2 yrs. No limit VI(1) b, d Uzbekistan d, e United Kingdom 20A a, b Venezuela 21(3) b Special Restrictions a tax is retroactive if the scholar remains past 2 years b If within the treaty time limit, the scholar may claim tax treaty benefits even if he/she qualifies as a resident for tax purposes. Not applicable for permanent resident or immigrant status c may only claim treaty exemption once in a lifetime d if claiming back-to-back student/scholar, 5 year total limit on treaty benefits e student & teacher benefits may not be claimed back-to-back without re-establishing home country residency f scholar is taxable on full amount if income is over $10,000

52 Filling out the Tax Returns

53 Completing the “Tax Returns”
4/19/2017 Completing the “Tax Returns” Always look to complete the easiest form first. If you can get all your money back, there is no reason to complete the long form We will review form 1040NREZ; you can come to the VITA site to complete the forms using the software or do it on your own

54 Form 1040NREZ Complete this form first unless you have non-wage income
If you get all your money back, you will send this form If you have other income or deductions (such as contributions to US charities), the 1040NR may help you get a larger return

55 Earnings Information Look carefully at all W-2 and 1042S forms NOW: is all your income included here? Is there any treaty income listed on the W-2 that should have been on the 1042S? Do you have any questions about what is on these forms? Contact payroll:

56 Earnings Information Add all of your earnings income together from these forms (interest and dividend income are separate) Subtract all of the income that should have been covered by the treaty For scholars, if you were covered by a treaty for the whole year, your taxable earnings income should have been “0”

57 Earnings Information The remainder is your EARNED income: this will go on the wages line of the tax return The treaty income will all go on the treaty line (s) of the tax return

58 Use a US address unless you won’t be here through June
4/19/2017 1040NREZ Student Sample Use a US address unless you won’t be here through June

59 4/19/2017 1040NREZ Scholar Sample

60 4/19/2017 1040NREZ Scholar Sample 44 44

61 4/19/2017 1040NREZ Scholar Sample

62 4/19/2017 1040NREZ Scholar Sample

63 4/19/2017 1040NREZ Scholar Sample

64 Gross Earned Income Money taken out of your pay Box 1 = Wages Box 2 = Federal Tax Withheld Box 17 = State Tax Withheld Non-residents should not have amounts taken in 5 &6

65 Income Type (key attached) Gross Income Federal tax taken Box 1 = Income Code/Type Box 2 = Income exempt from tax Box 7 = Federal Income tax withheld Box 23 = State Income tax withheld State tax taken

66 4/19/2017 1040NREZ Scholar Sample

67 4/19/2017 1040NREZ Scholar Sample

68 4/19/2017 1040NREZ Scholar Sample $3,950

69 4/19/2017 1040NREZ Scholar Sample

70 4/19/2017 1040NREZ Scholar Sample

71 4/19/2017 1040NREZ Scholar Sample

72 4/19/2017 Amount to be refunded Amount Owed


74 4/19/2017 Enter UNM Site ID#

75 Completing the process
Copy all documents for your files Mail Together: 8843 1040NREZ Copy of W2 Copy of 1042s Any other earnings forms Any payment you owe

76 Mailing Address If you do NOT need to pay any additional federal tax, mail to: Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Austin, TX If you DO NEED to pay additional federal tax mail with payment to: P.O. Box 1303 Charlotte, NC

77 1040NR Come to the volunteer hours:
For scholars with dependents from Canada, Mexico, or South Korea who cannot get all their money back from completing form 1040NREZ For scholars with income other than wage For scholars with income more than $100,000 For scholars who have other deductions (charities, losses, etc.)

78 NM State Tax Once you complete your federal tax you can complete the state tax forms You will need the “Adjusted gross income”, “Itemized deduction” and “exemption” amounts to do your forms (see handout) Forms and instructions are on the website:

79 NM State Tax People who reside in New Mexico for more than 185 days are residents for state tax You can only e-file if you: You did not have a treaty, OR If you did have a treaty and all of your non-taxable income was listed on the 1042S

80 NM State Tax If all your income was exempt by treaty and was on a 1042S (not a W2) you do need to file state forms If more than $10,000 of your income was on a W-2 OR if you had state taxes withheld and you want the money back, you will need to file state tax forms

81 NM State Tax If you will file state tax forms, and you have a treaty, you should include copies of the federal forms with your state tax forms You may also want to include a letter stating that you are a federal tax non-resident and that your income is not taxable because of the treaty (it would not hurt to include the relevant text from the treaty (available at

82 Happy Tax Preparing!!! Come to our VITA site for help! No income: Wednesdays 2 – 4:30, March 18–April 8 With Income: Fridays from 2 – 4:30, from March 20-April 10 Language Learning Center Ortega Hall, 1st Floor

83 Software Program OR:
Access Code: BNCTHSG7SEUN You should follow the instructions for “New” or “Returning” users

84 Software Program You must read all instructions and enter days in and out of the US in each tax year to get through the program successfully Once you have completed the information, you click on “Get Forms” You must print out all forms, attach your earnings statements (W-2, 1042s, etc.) Copy and Mail to IRS (instruction sheet on “Get forms” page has address)

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