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Presented by Dr. Mosses Anak Enjob, Senior Lecturer – MDIS Tashkent. 1 st Tashkent International Forum >

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Dr. Mosses Anak Enjob, Senior Lecturer – MDIS Tashkent. 1 st Tashkent International Forum >"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Dr. Mosses Anak Enjob, Senior Lecturer – MDIS Tashkent. 1 st Tashkent International Forum >

2  Small and Medium Enterprise as we know it.  Role of small business in economic development of a nation  The role of advertising in SMEs  Nature based tourism or eco-tourism – Role of Advertising  Sample of nature based tourism – From the Malaysian perspective – role of SMEs

3  The term entrepreneur and small-business owner are used interchangeably.  A small business is independently owned and operated, not dominant in their field.  Entrepreneurial ventures are those for which the principal objectives are innovation, profitability, and growth.

4  Create opportunity for enterprising people to excel  Job creation for society – private sector initiatives.  Catalyst for economic development in all sectors of society  To complement government effort to improve living standard of people  Encourage training and development in new technology  Initiate Research and development in new product and services that will benefit consumers and society

5  After reviewing the evolution of entrepreneurship and examining its varying definitions, Robert C. Ronstadt, summarised entrepreneurship, as:  “the dynamic process of creating incremental wealth. This wealth is created by individuals who assume the major risks in terms of equity, time, and/or career commitment of providing value for some product or service”.

6  All advertising programmes initiated by SMEs aimed at business audiences require answers to four important questions:

7  “Who is it that I want to communicate with?”  “What do people look for who are buying my type of product (or service)?”  “What message (or messages) can I use to get them interested in my products?”

8  “How can I reach these people?”

9  Consider them as the most likely to use your product or service, e.g. a budget traveler, as in B&B business, budget hotel, motel.  Study their demographics and AIO factors and even their psychographics make-ups.  AIO – Attitudes, Interest and Opinion.  Niche market or unmet segments by other marketers that SMEs wish to do business with. Potential target group.  Make use of any unfulfilled needs & wants in the 4P’s –product, price, place and promotion

10  Think of the AIDA concept as a starting point  Awareness – let it be known to others  Interest – Make them like your offerings  Desire – Not just like but wish to try  Action – Let do it and let spend the money

11  For the beginner, we have the most economical way like words of mouth, affordable advertisement, e.g. flyers, pamphlets.  When the budget is there, consider using printed media like newspaper, classified ads, radio, exhibitions, cooperative advertising, local special interest magazines, etc.  Electronic media – make full use of IMC if extra budget is available, e.g TV, and others.

12  The next presentation will give you an example of how an integrated advertising efforts with like-minded industry players and excellent linkages with outside world has promoted the development of tourism and hospitality business at one of the 13 states in Malaysia.  The state of Sabah, located in the northern tip of Borneo Island, in East Malaysia, is a popular destination for tourists within the region.

13 A Bachelor of forestry graduate, Mr. Jack Lee Y.J. started his eco tourism business as an SMEs 6 years ago. He is an affable character, professional and a licensed tourist guide, a mountain climber, expert in scuba diving and jungle tracker. He trained other tourist guides in his team.

14  Thank you for your attention.  If there is an feedback, kindly get back to me at MDIS at Tashkent.  I can be contacted at

15  Robert C. Ronstadt, “The Educated Entrepreneurs: A New Era of Entrepreneurial Education is Beginning,” American Journal of Small Business 11, no.4 [1978]: 37-53

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