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By: Miranda Savage EDEL 2200 Section 02.  Animals that live in the Desert:  Camels  Desert Tortoise  Fox  Mountain Lions  Meerkats  Military.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Miranda Savage EDEL 2200 Section 02.  Animals that live in the Desert:  Camels  Desert Tortoise  Fox  Mountain Lions  Meerkats  Military."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Miranda Savage EDEL 2200 Section 02


3  Animals that live in the Desert:  Camels  Desert Tortoise  Fox  Mountain Lions  Meerkats  Military Sand Dragon  Road Runner  Scorpion  Features of the Desert:  Deserts cover 1/5 of Earth’s surface and are found on every continent.  They have limited plant and animal life.  Deserts experience extreme temperatures.

4  Animals in the Ocean:  Whales  Sharks  Clams  Jellyfish  Starfish  Octopus  Lobster  Crab  Features of the Ocean:  Ocean’s contain 97% of the Earth’s water.  They cover about 75% of the Earth’s surface.  All the ocean’s are connected.  There are 5 oceans: the Atlantic, Pacific, Southern, Indian and Arctic.

5 AAnimals in the Tundra PPolar Bear AArctic Fox WWolves CCaribo SSnowy Owl MMusk OX SSeals  Features of the Tundra:  A tundra is a cold, treeless place.  This is the coldest habitat and is usually found near the North and the South Poles.  Tundra’s have a short growing season and have very little precipitation.

6  Animals in the Rain Forest:  Toucan  Red-eyed Frog  Orangutan  Gorilla  Boa Constrictor  Piranha  Jaguar  Features of the Rain Forest:  Rain Forests are dense, warm, wet forests.  Plants from the Rain Forests generate most of Earth’s oxygen.  30% of the Rain Forests are found in Brazil and located near the equator.

7 Which Animal Belongs in the Tundra?

8 Try Again!!

9 Which Animal Belongs in the Rain Forest?

10 Try Again!!

11 Which Animal Belongs to the Desert?

12 Try Again!!


14  2 nd Grade Science  Standard 4  Living Science. Students will gain an understanding of Life Science through the study of changes in organisms over time and the nature of living things.  Objective 1  Tell how external features affect an animals’ ability to survive in its environment.  Compare and contrast the characteristics of living things in different habitats.

15     MNk MNk

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