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Published byLouisa Tate Modified over 9 years ago
Room 506 Tahoma High School Syllabus
Digital Art & Graphic Design is a one semester course designed for students interested in learning about art & design theory and practice. The basic elements and principles of Art are used to analyze and compare different aspects of the media driven society. This department’s emphasis is on individual creativity and growth of skills which make creative, original expression possible. Digital Art can be taken for an Art or a Vocational Credit, NOT BOTH. Learning through photographic imagery is vital within the art curriculum. This class is designed to introduce students to contemporary issues. It also enhances a meta-cognitive state in students where they must reflect upon how the media influences them on a daily basis. This is explored through advertisement, subliminal messaging, and through the use of digital manipulation of imagery. Upon successful completion of the class, the student will be able to use the artistic elements (line, shape, value, color, texture, space & form) and the artistic principles (balance, rhythm, unity, emphasis, contrast & movement) consciously to construct and/or analyze all aspects of an artistic piece and be able to utilize the technology in class to create original pieces of computer generated art and graphics. The student will also be more prepared for the work place and be able to incorporate life long learning skills with a moralistic attitude and ethics within the work place, preparing students for their future. GRADING 70% Digital Art Works: These pieces of art are 70% of your overall semester grade. This is based on teacher and self evaluation of creativity and craftsmanship. Your art work reflects your time and technique. This is a hands on activities, content and process class. Please work at your best ability at all times. (See Vertical Assessment Rubric) 20% Participation & Empathy - Citizenship : Be on task with necessary materials. Always have your class booklet with you at all times. Attendance – Assisting students in establishing lifelong habits of reliability and promptness is an instructional objective of this particular course. Progress toward this goal will be measured, at least in part, by tracking student attendance. Tardiness or Unexcused Absences will directly affect your grade. The way you treat the teacher (THE BOSS) and your peers (CO-WORKERS) will be monitored in this classroom. Points will be awarded for outstanding employability. Points will be subtracted daily for bad behavior (lack of empathy, inappropriate language), poor work ethics, tardiness, absentness, and misuse of equipment (etc…). 10% Exams & Quizzes: (Written and/or Performance) These will be given at random to test skill level. Expect a Midterm and a final exam.
TEACHER EXPECTATIONS As your teacher, I will expect you to: 1.Be in the room before the bell stops ringing. If you are not in the room, you will be marked tardy. 2.A POSITIVE & SAFE leaning environment towards art and peers are always reinforced in this room. 3.Please Respect others. Rudeness and inconsideration is frowned upon in this classroom. You will loose citizenship points off of your grade. 4.Use your time wisely, and put forth your best overall effort. 1.You will be deducted participation points for not working the entire class. 2.I will return work for further re-working, if I believe that effort was not given. 5.Follow the rules and direction of the teacher. This includes all substitutes and student teachers. 6.CLEAN WORK SPACE…Take pride in this classroom and the materials that you use. 7.Habits of the Mind & Thinking Skills will be used in daily lessons. 8.Please follow the dress code policy for the district (hats & sunglasses are also a part of this code). If you choose not to, you will be asked to go to the office. Please respect and follow the rules. 9.Cell Phones will be confiscated if they are out or ring during class time. You will need to pick up the phone from the main office at the end of the day! 10.Loud disruptions and/or inappropriate behavior will be an immediate detention. 11.Your work will be posted on an international website for Art ( As your teacher, reserve the right to post any student work and use these pieces of artwork for future examples. STUDENT EXPECTATIONS As one of my students, you can expect me to: 1.Make lessons and information clear and understandable. 2.Respect individuality & Challenge you to do your absolute best. 3.Create a relaxed, safe, and POSITIVE & SAFE learning environment. 4.Make my self accessible to you and your parents for personal conferences and critiques. 5.Expose you to all types, styles and aspects of the artistic experience. 6.HOLD YOU ACCOUNTABLE FOR ALL OF YOUR ACTIONS! 7.Contact Parents Immediately concerning Behavior/Tardy Issues. CLASSROOM EXPEXTATIONS, RULES, SUPPLIES, GRADING & Tips for Success. Your Actions Have Consequences!!! Lets Have Good Actions for Good Reactions!
Classroom/Lab Expectations Continued… 1.Responsibility – Please Be in the room on time. a. Admit slips in my hand (on my desk) if you are absent. b. Not in classroom when bell finishes ringing…..YOU ARE TARDY! 2% for every tardy after the first 2. I will keep all Tardy forms and notify you when you reach 3 Tardies. Parents will be notified when you reach 3 rd, 5 th - 8 th Tardy. 2.Classroom Management – Please Keep the room Clean a. Your computer work area, Basically the entire room b. Your computer and floor area ( if dirty when you leave, a 5 Point Deduction off your citizenship grade.) NO FOOD, JUICE, POP, Etc…in the Classroom If you choose to not to follow this NO FOOD rule, your actions have consequences, 1 hour detention will be issued & Points deducted from grade. 3.Keep your hands and other objects to your self (Roughhousing breaks the NO fighting rule, and you will be issued an infraction and sent to the office). 4.No Printing of other classes homework from the printer in this lab. 1.Actually no printing at all unless otherwise directed by the teacher. 5.No students allowed in back storage room. 6.Stay off of my computer and out of my desk. 7.Use school & Lab appropriate language (Show Empathy or you will be removed and an infraction will be issued). 8.Bad Language and Inappropriate Behavior is an IMMEDIATE Referral Notice and sent to Administration. 9.Please Hand in all work on time. No work will be taken after being late for 2 unexcused or any truant days. 10.Originality (Creativity) and Craftsmanship (Technical Skills) are very important, these skills you will acquire during this class. See Copy write / Plagiarism Law 11.Damage to School Equipment (Computer, Tables, Chairs, Scanners, Cameras will get you an immediate removal from the class & A Fine Card for the cost of a new piece of equipment! 1.Do Not Unplug any part of the computer (Mouse, Keyboard, monitor, internet connections etc…). 1.Do not change the screen resolutions or any screen settings.
OBJECTIVES: The Student will be able to before leaving this class: 1.Demonstrate a basic knowledge of Illustrator. 2.Understand the production and printing processes (RGB, CMYK). 3.Understand computer graphics as a fine art and a vocational commercial art. 4.Apply skills learned in Illustrator 5.Understand basic digital & commercial art terminology and technology. 6.Develop the capacity to identify computer imagery (PBL). 7.Understand how Digital Imagery influence society and the decisions people make. 8.Understand the characteristics of three basic lettering styles: Script, Serif and Sanserif. 9.Understand how a digital camera, scanner, universal USB card reader and CD burner works. 10.Explore the use of several techniques that may be combined to produce a commercial ad. 11.Understand how to use the computer to create a graphic symbol (Logo). 12.Use the digital camera and computer as a creative tool for expression. 13.Develop leadership and decision making skills. 14.Improve written, oral and visual communication skills. 15.Understand what a JPEG, TIFF, PSD and PDF files are. TECHNOLOGY: Adobe Creative Suite – Illustrator Microsoft – Power Point Internet for images COPY WRITE / Plagiarism LAWS: These Laws will be discussed further during class lecture. Possible ACTIVITIES: 1.Experimentation with Text ( Serif / San serif) 2.Project Based Learning (PBL) on Recycled Imagery & Fine Art. 3.Learning about Ethics / Copy Write 4.Learning Adobe Illustrator 5.Create Personal Visual Logo 6.Image Manipulations & Subliminal Advertising 7.Movie Posters 8.Label Marketing & Design Coffee Bar 9.Sports/Club/Activity Poster 10.Packaging / Labels for Bottles, Cans & Boxes 11.CD & DVD case inserts 12.Resumes/Logos/ Business Card/ Letterhead 13.Tri-Fold Brochure 14.Client Based Work Experience (Theme Park Ads & Coffee Bar Ads) 15.Tutorials 16.Design of Student Planner Visual Art: Vertical Assessment Rubric 6.00 EXCELLENT QUALITY: Work at this level: Shows an Imaginative and Confident use of the Elements and Principles. Shows High Quality composition, although not all pieces will necessarily be at precisely the same level of Skill. Demonstrates evidence of Confidence with the use of Skills and Techniques. Addresses evidence of fairly Complex Visual and/or Conceptual Concepts (RIGOR & RELEVANCE) May show successful engagement with Experimentation and/or Risk-Taking (going BEYOND the requirements). 5.25-5.75 STRONG QUALITY: Work at this level: Is generally strong, although there may be inconsistencies in overall quality. Demonstrates a strong grasp of the elements and principles of art & design. Shows generally strong composition – Successfully engages with most aspects of skills/technique and materials. Shows obvious evidence of Thinking and Problem Solving skills. 5.00 GOOD QUALITY: Work at this level: Demonstrates a good understanding of the elements and principles of art & design. Shows generally purposeful composition. Has some technical aspects or ideas that are handled well but the two don’t always mesh or work together. Thinking and Problem Solving Skills are evident. 4.00-4.75 MODERATE QUALITY Work at this level: Might show a sense of real effort, but problems are not successfully resolved Might be more accomplished skillfully/technically that conceptually Shows an emerging awareness of the elements and principles of art & design. Might have erratic technique, with little or no sense of challenge. 3.00-3.75 WEAK QUALITY: Work at this level: Shows weak or lazy technique however shows some understanding. Solves problems simplistically & Lacks a clear sense of intention in thinking skills. Shows little awareness of elements and principles & composition is weak. 2.00-2.75 POOR QUALITY: Work at this level: Shows little evidence of thinking/artistic decision-making. Reveals a misunderstanding of technique & Shows a lack of awareness of tools/media. Is Poorly Composed, with minimal consideration given to elements and principles of art & design. 1.00-1.75 INSUFFICIENT QUALITY: Work at this level: Shows NO evidence of thinking/artistic decision-making. Reveals a Complete misunderstanding of technique. Shows NO awareness of tools/media. & Uses trite solutions to Visual problems. Is Insufficiently Composed, with minimal consideration given to elements and principles of art & design.
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