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Develop professionally with the British Council. 1Starting Learning the principles 2Newly-qualified Putting principles into practice 3Developing Building.

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Presentation on theme: "Develop professionally with the British Council. 1Starting Learning the principles 2Newly-qualified Putting principles into practice 3Developing Building."— Presentation transcript:

1 Develop professionally with the British Council

2 1Starting Learning the principles 2Newly-qualified Putting principles into practice 3Developing Building confidence and skills 4Proficient Demonstrating confidence, experience and reflection 5Advanced Exemplifying good practice 6Specialist Leading and advising Continuing Professional Development Framework

3 Develop professionally with the British Council Stage 1Starting A trainee teacher of English taking initial training (or an unqualified but practising teacher of English) 2Newly-qualified A qualified teacher of English in the first two years of practice 3Developing A practising qualified teacher of English with more than two years of experience, who needs to develop essential skills 4Proficient An experienced qualified teacher of English with strong all-round knowledge and skills 5Advanced A highly experienced qualified teacher, who may also be starting to take on specialist roles 6Specialist In leading and advising roles, such as teacher trainer, manager, materials writer, researcher, ELT adviser

4 Develop professionally with the British Council Professional behaviours At each of the first four stages, the framework offers a checklist of target skills and behaviours in these areas: A.Planning lessons and courses B.Understanding learners C.Managing the lesson D.Evaluating and assessing learning E.Knowing the subject of English F.Managing your own professional development

5 Develop professionally with the British Council Planning lessons and courses – (an example of professional behaviours across the stages) Starting Newly-qualifiedDevelopingProficient Understand the principles of designing effective lesson plans Have a range of materials and resources for the classroom Plan lessons to meet the needs of learners and to achieve course objectives according to the syllabus Use a variety of materials, activities, resources and equipment as appropriate to the objectives of the lesson Design courses with a clear view of the long- term needs and goals of the group of learners, and how individual lessons contribute to these goals Design your own materials to achieve lesson aims Plan lessons and courses with an in- depth understanding of the target language, knowledge and skills Contribute to the development of course in the teaching institution

6 Develop professionally with the British Council StageExamples of CPD activity at different stages 1Starting Observe experienced teachers Read the British Council's Teaching Speaking book and DVD 2 Newly- qualified Join a professional associationGo to a workshop 3Developing Keep a CPD portfolio and planAnalyse student progress data 4Proficient Mentor less experienced teachersCreate your own materials 5Advanced Run a workshopPublish learning and teaching materials 6Specialist Lead a teachers’ associationPresent at an international conference

7 Develop professionally with the British Council The Framework and British Council teacher training courses 1Starting TKT Essentials 2Newly-qualified English for Teachers; 3Developing Learning Technologies for the Classroom CiSELT 1 4Proficient CiSELT 2 5Advanced Trainer development course E-moderator course 6Specialist Mentoring Skills

8 Develop professionally with the British Council Название курса Уровень CPD framework Очный (F2F) Онлайн с модерато ром Онлайн самообуч ение Онлайн с оценкой портфолио 1‘Steps to success’ (Шаги к успеху)1,2*** 2‘TKT Essentials’ (Основы коммуникативной методики)1,2,3** 3‘Special Educational Needs’ (Обучение анлийскому учащихся с особыми потребностями) 2,3,4** 4‘English for Teaching 1 & 2’ (Английский для учителей 1 и 2 )1,2,3** 5‘CLIL Essentials’ (Content & Language Integrated Learning) (Преподавание предметного содержания на английском) 3,4,5,6** 6‘Learning Technologies for the Classroom’ (ИКТ в обучении английскому языку) 2,3** 7‘Learning Technologies for Business English Teachers’ (ИКТ для делового английского) 2,3** 8‘Communicative Assessment’ (Коммуникативный подход к контролю и оцениванию) 1,2,3** 9‘Mentoring Skills Course’ (Курс подготовки учителей-наставников)4,5,6* 10‘Trainer Development Course’ (Курс подготовки методистов)5,6*

9 Develop professionally with the British Council English for Academics Цель: поднять уровень владения английским языком среди преподавателей и научных сотрудников вузов для улучшения интеграции в международное образовательное пространство. Учебник для: преподавателей вузов любых предметов научных сотрудников администрации университета аспирантов 9

10 Develop professionally with the British Council www.britishcouncil.org10

11 Develop professionally with the British Council Academic Teaching Excellence (ATE) ATE это: интенсивный курс для преподавателей различных дисциплин по преподаванию предметов на английском языке интенсивный практикум, который оживляет языковые умения и предлагает инновационные подходы к преподавательской деятельности курс, который объединяет языковые навыки с методикой курс, созданный специально для ситуаций, когда и преподаватель и студенты в большинстве не являются носителями языка 11

12 Develop professionally with the British Council ATE нацелен на развитие следующих умений преподавателя: готовить лекционный материал и эффективно и уверенно проводить лекции на английском языке эффективно общаться на английском со студентами, для которых английский язык не является родным, использовать английский в качестве рабочего языка во время осуществления научного руководства, проведения дискуссий, работы в малых группах 12

13 Develop professionally with the British Council Free workshops and courses Webinars: British Council Russia and globally, IATEFL Seminar and conference recordings MOOCs 22 June 31 August

14 Develop professionally with the British Council New qualification British Council / Southampton University Online MA in English Language Teaching Course information Start dates: February or October Duration: 2.5 years (2 years for taught components plus 6 months for dissertation) Who it's for: Experienced teachers who want to take on specialist or leadership roles in ELT

15 Develop professionally with the British Council Aptis Aptis – это разработанный Британским Советом экзамен, цель которого – предоставить организациям и учебным заведениям качественный инструмент для определения уровня знаний английского языка сотрудников и студентов. Преимущества: высокая надежность доступность быстрота получения результата (24 часа) гибкость использования (выбор навыков, форма проведения, ценообразование) 15

16 Develop professionally with the British Council Olga Barnashova Head of English, British Council Russia

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