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The Opportunity in Group Risk
Good morning Many thanks to SBG for the chance to speak with all of you today. My name is Hélène Gullen and I have been in the group risk industry for over 15 years, but never have I seen such interest and growth in our market it is a great time to be realising group income protection as a growth opportunity. The Group Income protection market has grown over the last 2 years by 8.7% and 6.2% respectively. How many of you here today have your own business? Throughout this session, keep your own business situation in mind.. What keeps you awake at night? Keeping up with employment law? Do you wonder how you would manage if your staff didn’t turn up for work tomorrow? What if one of them suffered with a mental illness and struggled to work – how would you manage the situation? Think about your needs If you are an employee think about how you and your family would cope if you were taken ill today, where would you turn for help? And in the back of your mind, think of the growth you could realise for your business with your existing clients, let alone new prospects. Just one caveat – whenever I refer to we in today’s presentation I mean the group risk industry.
An Introduction to Unum
We are Unum (pronounced YOO-NUM) and we’re one of the UK’s leading financial protection insurers and have been for over 40 years We insure: 47 of the FTSE 100 1.6 million people in the UK As at the end of 2013, we paid: £320 million in claims more than £6 million a week in benefits to our customers – providing security and peace of mind to individuals and their families. We have a financial strength rating, Standard and Poor rating of A- (Strong) But first, for those of you who haven’t worked with us yet, we are YOO NUM we get called un-um, oonum but I don’t mind what you call us – just call us! We have been working with brokers in the UK for over 40 years and have much to offer you to help grow your business through group risk sales and consultancy. We specialise in providing Income Protection through the workplace, and are committed to helping the UK’s workforce get a back-up plan We work with organisations of all sizes - we are trusted by almost half of the FTSE 100 and hold almost 5000 policies for companies with less than 10 lives
Disclaimer The following presentation:
Has been designed for a Broker audience with knowledge of financial products and nothing from it should not be used with customers or as a sole basis for making decisions on selling products Uses examples to demonstrate products, but these are for illustration purposes only, for actual customer illustrations please contact your group risk provider Terms and conditions apply to all Unum products highlighted in this presentation and they may differ from provider to provider and overtime Unum is not authorised to give advice. The material contained in this presentation applies only to Unum and its products. Whilst we have taken all reasonable steps to ensure that the information within this presentation is accurate and up-to-date, we cannot accept liability for any error or omissions. Unum Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority This presentation is designed for a broker audience Any examples are for illustration only Terms and condition apply Unum is not authorised to give advice We are authorised by the PRA and regulated by the FCA
An Introduction to Group Risk – Learning Outcomes
By the end of this session: You should be able to talk to your customers about Group Income Protection and overcome many of the objections that employers may have about Group Risk products. This session will also give an insight into the opportunities of selling Group Risk products on the back of Auto Enrolment as well as highlighting some of the benefits of selling Group Risk from the adviser viewpoint. By the end of this session You should be able to start a conversation with your customers about Group Income Protection, identify their needs and overcome many of the objections they may have about Group Risk product and realise the opportunity that AE presents to engage with your clients about their benefits package.
What is Group Risk? Group Risk is an umbrella term for three employer sponsored benefits: Group Life Critical Illness Cover Group Income Protection and Sick Pay Insurance These products give employees access to preferential terms over and above individual cover they could buy themselves: Cover is available where there are pre–existing conditions Little or no medical evidence required Reduced rates due to spread risk we sell all the products under the group risk umbrella - Income Protection, Critical Illness cover and Life Insurance. The key advantages to employer paid policies are in the cover available and the convenience: Have any of you got any clients you have been unable to get income protection cover for? Why was that? With Income protection, where an individual may have suffered from or still have a health problem in past e.g. a heart attack or diabetes, providing they are working they can get cover. For example if you have a company director who has suffered from high blood pressure and has been refused cover on an individual policy if they get a group policy for themselves and their 9 employees they would typically get a free cover limit of the lower of £30,000 or 10% payroll with no medical requirements beyond being actively at work on the day cover starts. Any benefits above this would be underwritten and he may well get the further cover despite his previous medical condition. Once and Done medical underwriting above 20 lives
UK lags behind other developed countries in Protection Index
We are not well placed in the global context of protection in other developed countries, we in the UK trail behind many of our neighbours, this index combines both the level of private cover and state protection. Definitions Replacement ratio Ratio of income before unemployment to benefits in unemployment that a person is eligible for as a percentage State benefits Per annum benefits available to an unemployed single person, with no children, on 100% of average wage for private sector Unemployment levels Number of labour force unemployed which is set at 8% (average of selected countries in 2009) Labour force Number of people actively in employment or seeking employment Total A&H premium (adjusted) and pecuniary loss insurance Total value of accident and health insurance premiums if countries have a level of public health expenditure equivalent to Germany (in millions) and total value of pecuniary loss expenditure Public expenditure on health (%) Proportion of expenditure on health that comes from the public purse State protection Total state expenditure on unemployment-related benefits divided by size of the labour force State protection index Level of state protection as a proportion of the state protection in the most generous country Private protection Total value of A&H premiums divided by labour force Private protection index Level of private protection as a proportion of the protection in the country with the highest A&H (adjusted) and pecuniary insurance expenditure Total protection index An index of the average state and private protection index Source Demos (2011) Of mutual benefit - Personalised welfare for the many Summary – page 29-30 Table – page 44 Sources Demos (2011) Of mutual benefit
UK Group Risk Market – The Opportunity
19 million full time employees 19 million full time employees Potential clients 8.5m 2m So what is the size of this opportunity? Is there really a market? In the GIP market 2/3rds of employees in the private sector work for companies who have an income protection policy (Swiss Re Group Watch report, 2013) but only insure a few employees – the opportunity there is to discuss covering more staff, after all are the people they are covering the most likely to go absent? No they are more likely to be the senior staff who are less likely to take time off due to ill health and generally have more wealth to be able to cope. The remaining third of employers have no GIP cover at all. So where should you look – large or small companies? Well all sizes present an opportunity – at the small end of the market very few companies have a policy at all so there is a large potential to write new to market business. At the larger end of the market most companies have a policy but very few cover all employees so, they have bought the concept of Income protection but have many employees not covered – a growth opportunity So you can see there is a significant opportunity even the Group Life market is less than 50% penetrated. Insured Insured Employee coverage for GIP Employee coverage for GL Sources: DWP - Labour Force Survey, June 2014 Swiss Re Group Watch report, 2013
Where to focus Who needs cover the most?
Who will come to you for advice?
UK Private Sector income profile- The RDR effect
6.9% Those with incomes less than £20/25K, depending of course on their broader financial situation, may be able to survive on state benefits – if they qualify. Those with incomes greater than £52K may well be your clients? This group may well have income protection as you may have recommended it, or as part of their benefits package as a company leader. But of all the groups, if the worst happened and they couldn’t work they could probably survive on their savings, investments and pension. Those with incomes between around £25K and £52K, have the greatest need, many with high dependency on their income to service liabilities – mortgages, family expenses, school or university costs, insurances, loans – those for whom the state benefits – were they to qualify – would not come close to retaining their lifestyle – going from say a net income of £3K a month to £400? But not many of this group are seeking financial advice from you and the effects of RDR will probably not encourage more to come to you. BUT they may well work for companies whose leaders could be your clients? State benefits may replace lost income ‘Squeezed middle’ High dependency on income High outgoings limited savings High Income, Savings and investments Source: DWP (2014) Households Below Average Income
From Personal to Group Many high-net worth clients already taking advice will be company owners or hold high level positions They have access to key decision makers within the company Their concerns are likely to include: -Competition in the talent market -Business continuity -Risk management You could be making the most of your current relationships to: -Close the protection gap -Bring greater value to your clients -Improve return on client -Improve client retention So many of your clients may have an interest and influence in their company’s benefits. You could be helping them to close the protection gap for their staff and their business, helping avoid staffing issues while improving your client retention and return.
AE – How Group Risk can help employers and complement the pension scheme
For many businesses, Auto Enrolment (AE) changes their relationship with their workforce. This provides the opportunity for employers to review their benefits packages and strengthen their businesses in the process. Pension Contribution Cover is the liability taken care of if an employee is unable to work Life Cover for dependants should their loved one not survive long enough to secure a good pension Income for employees to continue to fund their own contribution to their pension when the worst happens and they cannot work EAP/Legal services to support both employer and employee through difficult times Whether or not AE provides an opportunity or a distraction for Group risk and the broader benefits review has been much debated since we first heard of AE, some say it is the greatest opportunity and has opened up the employer market to broad benefits reviews. Others say it will prove a distraction and employers will not have any budget left to buy other benefits. Those with the more positive frame of mind seem to be reaping the rewards and as I mentioned earlier the market is growing, those in the more negative camp are not doing so well. It seems to be a self fulfilling prophecy – make sure you make the most of AE before your competitor does! Auto enrolment provides an ideal setting for reviewing a clients ambitions for their business and how they engage their employees to support them – the support and benefits they provide can play a big part in differentiating them in their market We want to show you how GIP fits into the bigger picture, how it can protect pension contributions and can provide service and support to the employer to manage absence. Pension Contribution benefit – When this option is included in the gip provision, this relieves a financial burden for the employer when an employee is not working yet remains on the payroll. With no GIP cover, not only will the employee suffer financially while unable to work but if they are unable to contribute to a pension, the financial impacts will be felt well into the future and post-retirement, regardless of whether or not they are ever able to return to work. If employers and brokers believe that pensions are the most important employee benefit they offer, they must acknowledge this correlation and risk. QUESTION So what are the priorities regarding the group risk products? What would you start with?
119,000 working age people are diagnosed with cancer each year3
The need - Incapacity and death figures during working life You are 3 times more likely to be off long term sick in your working life than die1 Each year, over 300,000 people fall out of work onto health-related state benefits – 11% of the workforce2 119,000 working age people are diagnosed with cancer each year3 35% of year olds and 39% of year olds report having a long standing illness4 2. 3. 4. Every year 11% of the workforce fall out of work and onto health-related state benefits You are 3 times more likely to need income protection than life cover during your working life and not only that but Sickness absence is an increasing issue for employers as we age we are more likely to suffer a longstanding illness. Regardless of age more than a third of us will report a limiting longstanding illness Sources: ONS (2013) Business populations report; Swiss Re (2012) Group watch report DWP (2011) Health at work – an independent review of sickness absence Macmillan Cancer Support (2013) The rich picture on people of working age with cancer ONS (2012) Adult Health in Great Britain
Affordability Availability Accessibility Acumen
Simply put, the best way for people to get Income Protection is through their company Self Thru work Affordability Availability Accessibility Acumen ? The best place for the majority of those who need income protection is in the workplace for at least 4 good reasons Affordability Availability – free cover limit and cover for impaired lives Accessibility – access to advice – most people do not have a financial adviser – how do you get to these people – how do they make sure they get it right? Their employer will be using and adviser and have a duty of care to their employees. – We’ll mention this again shortly Acumen – if the normal person in the street were to try and research IP for themselves it wouldn’t be easy, where would they look? But again their employer will have used and expert be it HR or an adviser. ?
Common Practice Life = 4 x salary Future State Life = 2 x salary + IP
Still, there is an imbalance in employers’ current emphasis on Group Life over Group Income Protection Common Practice Life = 4 x salary Future State Life = 2 x salary + IP Life Life GIP Basic life coverage (1x - 2x salary) Essential GIP coverage More GIP solutions to meet all budgets Life coverage which is too rich (4x life plus dependent) No GIP coverage How will employers pay for it? Are their benefits balanced for their employees needs? Employers are funding life coverage at a high replacement ratio and not offering GIP because they are not aware of it or believe it is too expensive However, Employees need GIP more than Life coverage You can help employers to look at packaging benefits in a smart way which will provide better benefits to their entire workforce With a lower level of Life cover – and a basic level of GIP Incapacity is 3 times more likely than death during your working life1 1Source: ONS 2009 (2007 data), Unum Analysis 14
Benefits from Life Only
Value of Income Protection – Achieving balance with Group Income Protection The Return on Investment for an employer comparing spend on Life only with the same spend spread across Life and Income Protection Benefits from Life and Income Protection Life and Income Protection Employee Peace of mind Dependants provided for Financial support when sick Return to work support EAP everyday support Benefits from Life Only Life Only Employee Peace of mind Dependants provided for Employer Recruit and retain Expert absence management Return to work expertise Rehab support Third party validation Certainty of cost All employers have legal responsibility under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 to ensure the health safety and welfare at work of their employees. This includes minimising the risk of stress-related illness or injury to employees. Directors Monitor factors that might suggest there is a problem with stress-related illness in the business, for example, high rates of absenteeism, staff turnover, poor performance, conflict between staff Employer Recruit and Retain
The myths Group Income Protection
But when you talk to employers about Group income protection what is their response? How can we over come any objections….
Mythbusters Myth 1: Income Protection is for a few Reality: It’s the single most important insurance one can get Without your income, you can’t pay for your outgoings Other insurance policies will soon lapse if you don’t have the money to pay the premium Myth 2: Employees don’t value it Reality: You are 3x more likely to have a long-term illness than die in your working life1 They don’t know about it - but On average over the last 10 years, 2.6m have been off work >6 months and claiming benefit – 1 in 10 of the workforce Senior employees most likely to continue to work – on their ipad in their hospital bed, have the flexibility to work from home if necessary and take very little time off. If the worst happened they would cope. Greater impact on the business is the middle income ‘doers’ their absence can have an immediate effect on productivity – relationships suffer and production down as well as staff morale. Myth 2 They don’t know it exists, we have been working hard as an industry to raise awareness of the need for income protection – you may have seen our ads and social media campaigns. And now the market is growing. 1Source: ONS 2008
Mythbusters Myth 3: It’s too expensive Reality: CEBR research1 quantified an average return of 48p for every £1 of Income Protection plus 28p/£1 corporation tax GIP covers salary costs (up to 80%) Return to work support reduces loss of productivity and temp costs Frees up HR time and effort Myth 4: The State will provide Reality: People receive very little from the State Typical: ~£5,200 per year2 Severely disabled: ~£11,000 per year3 Very rare cases: ~£34,000 per year3(severe work related disability, poverty, many dependents, and the need for full time care) Myth 3 48p direct return Much more in indirect costs – morale, productivity etc Plus 21p Corporation tax The obviated need to pay long-term absentees occupational sick pay beyond the GIP policy’s deferred period. In other words, beyond 27 weeks (the typical length of deferred period) the insurer, rather than the insured company, pays the salary costs of the long-term absentee. This is the largest source of GIP dividend Savings on salary costs of replacement staff because the long-term absentee is returned to work more rapidly in the GIP world. b. Productivity savings because the long-term absentee is returned to work more rapidly, reducing the time in the job of less productive replacement staff. c. Savings on the recruitment and training of replacement staff because the long-term absentee is returned to work more rapidly. Savings from reduced absence management, which is now largely outsourced to the GIP provider. b. Savings in recruitment and training costs associated with improved staff retention rates, due to a ‘happier’ workforce that feels protected from unforeseen events and is, therefore, less likely to want to leave. c. Savings due to reduced red tape and legalities, because disputes would now be referred to the GIP provider. We mentioned earlier for most workers the state provision won’t even come close to protecting their lifestyle, many won’t qualify and they are assessed against household income not just the individuals income. In addition the main disability benefit – employment and support allowance will be ceased after a year for many and require a reassessment to continue. Sources: CEBR, 2014 The benefits to private sector employers from the adoption of Group Income Protection as an employee non-salary benefit DWP, 2014 (Based on weekly rate of ESA) Tax and welfare benefits can change. Further info available from HMRC (2014)
Sick Pay Insurance Your small business clients may be looking for cover for shorter term absence – we have a new product for them – Sick Pay Insurance
Sick Pay Sick Pay Insurance Long-term Protection
Sick Pay Insurance bridges the protection gap Sick Pay Sick Pay Insurance Long-term Protection Kicks in within first 4 weeks of absence Benefit payments range from 12 weeks to 52 weeks Meaning that you can choose benefit payments to complement existing arrangements There is a new product from Unum to bridge the short term absence gap – SPI which can cover from week 1 of absence and fit in with a longer term GIP policy.
Absence Rates Number of Employees: Most employees go back to work within a week, but a surprising number remain off work for longer than 8 days Source: CIPD Sickness Absence Report 2013
Sick Pay Insurance Sick Pay Insurance covers the cost of short-term absence Supplements Statutory Sick Pay (payable up to 28 weeks) Replaces Occupational Sick Pay arrangements Consistent third party validation of absence Ensures Duty of Care obligations are met Easy, online absence tracking and submission Key benefit for employers include smoothes the volatile costs of sickness absence with a set monthly premium and needn’t cost more than they already pay out in cover for sick staff members • offers professional claims management support, allowing them to flag non-work related claims and validate claims through independent, evidence-based expertise • is designed to complement their business’ existing sick pay scheme, no matter what its design, and can dovetail perfectly with long-term Income Protection plans to give complete peace of mind
What do Sick Pay Insurance and Group Income Protection offer employees and employers?
Employer Hierarchy of Needs
Staff morale Health and wellbeing Recruitment and retention Risk management Business continuity How can GIP help? Group Income Protection (GIP) provides a continuing income for employees if illness or injury prevents them from working Business Continuity Financial impact for the company is reduced Pay direct and Dual Benefit; enable to plan ahead and could fund temporary staff EAP; legal, compliant saves time and money or a prolonged period of time. Risk Management Consistent process; less chance of discrimination claims 3rd party validation; rehab and claims, consistency of decision Fixing costs removes volatility from cash flow Attract and retain staff important benefit to attract/retain quality staff – caring employer Improves the reputation of the company; keep up with peers and competitors in the market place Could be seen as more desirable than the annual pay rise Health and wellbeing RTW support, sustained, easy and accessible EAP information and support for home, work and health and family issues Support and information for employers on Legal, Regulatory and Legislative issues Staff Morale Staff feel valued and see colleagues being supported Gives staff security knowing they will be taken care of financially should the worst happen Dual benefit can pay for temporary staff relieving the burden from colleagues 24
Conversation starters
Questions you should ask employers: Tell me about the benefits you provide How do these benefits fit with your business needs? How do you keep up to date with the latest employment law requirements? What do you do if one of your employees goes off sick? How does this impact your business? What are the nature of the absence problems? What are the likely causes of the problems? What steps are likely to be most effective at addressing the problems? How do you prevent the problems from recurring? How would you feel about a solution to better balance benefits? A starter for 10 is to simply ask about the benefits they currently offer. Then you can follow this up with asking how they fit with their needs. By now you start to get more of an idea about the company and their needs as potential purchaser of a Group Risk product. If they are responsive you can start to pry a little deeper about how they operate such as how do they keep up with the latest employment law or what do they do if someone is off sick. These can be followed up with asking them the impact absence has on the business. By doing this they will probably be forthcoming in the type and causes of the absences. Once you have this information you can try and find out how they address these problems and stop them from occurring in the future. At this point it is probably a good time to ask them their thoughts on a cost neutral way of helping with their absence management.
Tailored Cover for Differing Needs
Options for all budgets 80% 65% 50% 0% Classic Paid to State Pension Age 80% of salary Increasing Cost to Employer Capital option 5 year payment term 65% of salary Lump sum to cover settlement Percentage of Salary Paid Sick Pay Insurance 1 day to 4 week deferred period 50% of salary Typical payment period 22 weeks Unum and other providers now have a wide range of features on their income protection policies which mean they can be tailored to suit your clients needs including integrating them with their current sick pay arrangements, from the level of their statutory sick pay responsibilities through to 80% of salary replacement until pension is payable and to suit a wide range of budgets. Day Wk 4 Wk Yr 5 State Pension Age Time since 1st Day of Absence Terms and conditions apply. Cover depends on policy.
Employee Assistance Programme
Employer Employee HR and Manager Helpline Absence Management Support Legal Advice Creation of Employment Contracts Help with Duty of Care obligations Practical, Confidential Information Support for Work / Life Issues Face to Face Counselling Sessions Blended Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Support Guides and videos All income protection policies come with these additional services providing hugely valuable everyday benefits for your clients be they large or small. 27
What’s in it for employers? – reasons to buy
Financial Protection benefits for employers Financial benefits For employer and employee Visible, valuable employee benefits attract and retain talent Free legal guidance For employer Legal documents save £££’s in legal costs Support for employer’s Duty of Care Expert resource to help manage and reduce sickness absence Increased productivity/ profitability Return to work planning and management So why would an employer want to buy income protection? And of course – what’s in it for you?
What’s in it for you?
Examples of Group/Personal Income Protection
Personal Income Protection Group Income Protection Illustration based on 45 year old business owner Income £60K Benefit of 50% of salary (tax free) Cover to 68 26 weeks deferred period Small business – 10 people Total salary roll of £542,000 Benefit of 66.67% of salary (taxed through payroll) RPI 2.5% cap Cover to 70 Max Benefit Max initial benefit up to £250k per year or up to 50% of gross earnings Max initial benefit up to £350k per year or up to 80% of employee’s gross earnings Access to cover Requires full Medical Underwriting Free Cover Level (FCL) ** £70,000 benefit (Once and Done >20 lives) Pension Contributions No cover Can be covered up to lower of 1/3 of salary or £120k Assistance Programme included? Personal Personal and Business including line manager, business legal and documentation services Typical annual premium* £1118 £5594 Annual Commission Option 1 : 130% of Lautro, 3.25% renewal Option 2 : 21% level* £234.78* 12-20% level £671 - £1119 Here’s an example of a comparison between an individual and group policy The individual on the right assumes ordinary rates and no medical issues – if you have any clients with impaired lives this could easily double or worse you may not be able to get cover. Member Date of Birth Sex Cat /ANB Salary (£) Benefit (£) Supplementary Benefit (£) Annual Premium (£) 05/06/1983 M 1 42,450 28, 15/12/1968 M 1 65,000 43, 22/08/1971 M 1 90,000 60, 06/02/1949 M 1 40,000 26, 26/05/1975 M 1 42,750 28, 01/04/1980 M 1 65,000 43, 29/12/1953 M 1 40,000 26, 12/12/1972 M 1 48,000 32, 06/11/1957 M 1 70,000 46, ,380.64 12/04/1991 M 1 39,000 26, Designs, markets, manufactures, innovative products for use in broadcast, distribution, live event and production applications Location southeast * Illustrative costs will differ for companies with different demographics and benefits ** Guaranteed level of cover for all members without Medical Underwriting, benefits over FCL will be subject to medical underwriting Terms and conditions apply
Group Income Protection Commission Table
Timeline Premium* 12% 20% Year 1 £10,000 £1,200 £2,000 Year 5 £10,824 £1,299 £2,165 Year 10 £11,950 £1,434 £2,390 £100,000 £12,000 £20,000 £108,243 £12,989 £21,649 £119,509 £14,341 £23,902 £500,000 £60,000 £541,216 £64,946 £597,546 £71,706 £1,000,000 £120,000 £200,000 £1,082,432 £129,892 £216,486 £1,195,092 £143,411 £239,018 Here are sample commissions based on a variety of portfolios and levels of commission – if you approach existing clients and look at how you by using Group risk products you can increase the return on each of them you can see how you can grow your business without even looking at new prospects. Did you know that the GIP market has grow 8.7% and 6.2% respectively over the past 2 years (Swiss Re Group Watch Data, 2014) – and that after many years of no growth at all – the lean times of the past 6 years or so have emphasised the need for protection and many are seeking to put cover in place – if you don’t talk about it with your clients someone else will. We at Unum have written x new to market policies comprising x% of our sales in 2013 and meaning another x000 people in the UK have a back up plan. Executive commission Option 1 : 130% of Lautro, 3.25% renewal Option 2 : 21% level Commission rates of 20% may mean an increase in the annual premium paid *based on a 2% salary roll increase
What’s in it for you? – Reasons to sell
Helps defend core business from competitors Increase client retention/loyalty Benefits to working in the Financial Protection market Additional income through offering additional services Further contact with clients Good fit with core business Develop a broader holistic offering Help corporate clients to cut costs Lower cost of sale by targeting existing customers
Summary of Group Risk Key facts to take away:
Group Risk comprises of 3 key products: Critical Illness - Lump sum in event of certain critical illnesses Income Protection - Proportion of salary after a deferred period Life Insurance - Lump sum on death Group protection is easier and cheaper to quote for than personal protection due the risk being spread thus reducing the requirement for medical underwriting Employers get a greater return on investment with income protection than life cover Large potential market in the UK, especially for income protection Many thanks for listening today, I would urge all of you who see group risk as an opportunity for you to grow your business to get in contact with us as we have a wide range of support to help you get up and running, from face to face consultancy in your region, through our network of regional offices to a wealth of materials both online on our website and in social media as well as in print. We can help with prospecting, training and much more.
Handset question Yes please call me - I write group risk already
Would you like us to contact you? Yes please call me - I write group risk already Yes please call me – I have business clients but don’t do group risk Yes please call me – I would like to know more No thanks
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