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Jesus and the Kingdom 09/08/2015 Teaching of Jesus - 01 Slide 1 John Jesus.

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Presentation on theme: "Jesus and the Kingdom 09/08/2015 Teaching of Jesus - 01 Slide 1 John Jesus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jesus and the Kingdom 09/08/2015 Teaching of Jesus - 01 Slide 1 John Jesus

2 Structure of the life of Jesus according to Mark  There are two ways to outline Mark  One way of outlining Mark follows geography  Introduction to the Gospel (1:1-13)  Jesus' Galilean Ministry (1:14-9:50)  East Galilee (1:14-7:23)  North Galilee (7:24-9:50)  Jesus' Judean Ministry (10:1-13:37)  The Passion Narrative (14:1-15:47)  The Resurrection of Jesus (16:1-8) 09/08/2015 Teaching of Jesus - 01 Slide 2

3 Alternative Outline 09/08/2015 Teaching of Jesus - 01 Slide 3

4 Alternative outline explained  Another way of outlining Mark is more literary and thematic  Introduction 1:1-13  The announcement of the good news by Jesus 1:14-3:12  The nature of the kingdom of God 3:13-6:6  The crisis of faith 6:7-8:26  The way of the cross 8:27-10:52  The final confrontation 11:1-13:37  Crucifixion and resurrection 14:1-16:8 09/08/2015 Teaching of Jesus - 01 Slide 4

5 Structure of the other two synoptics  Matthew  Birth narrative (1-2)  The five books (narrative + discourse)  Sermon on the Mount (5-7)  Mission charge (10)  Parables of the kingdom (13)  Church discourse (18)  Eschatological discourse (24-25)  Passion – resurrection 09/08/2015 Teaching of Jesus - 01 Slide 5

6 Other synoptics - Luke  Luke  Prologue  Introduction (1:1-4)  Birth narrative (1:5-2:52)  John the Baptist (3:1-22)  Genealogy (3:23-38)  Galilean ministry (4:1-9:50)  Travel narrative (9:51-18:34 or 19:27)  Passion/Resurrection (19:28-21:53) 09/08/2015 Teaching of Jesus - 01 Slide 6

7 Introduction: Jesus and John (1:1-13)  Title of the Gospel (1:1)  The first verse  The Isaiah citation (1:2-3) 09/08/2015 Teaching of Jesus - 01 Slide 7

8 Jesus and John  John is presented as an eschatological prophet  Prophetic people in the pre-John-the Baptist period  Prophetic functions of John the Baptist  preaching  dressed like a prophet and perhaps Elijah  he was in the wilderness  he demanded radical repentance  he announced eschatological judgment 09/08/2015 Teaching of Jesus - 01 Slide 8

9 Jesus’ introduction  Jesus is identified with and by John as his mission is publicly announced  Jesus takes the servant role via baptism  Jesus is granted the Spirit  Messianic sign  Inaugurated him as the one doing God's will  Jesus must have the Spirit to grant it 09/08/2015 Teaching of Jesus - 01 Slide 9

10 Jesus: Testing  Jesus' obedience and sonship is immediately tested  The test is Spirit directed  Jesus is victorious in the test  Matthew and Luke each show their interests in how they describe the test  Luke - movement towards Jerusalem  Matt - parallels Deut 6-8 and wilderness 09/08/2015 Teaching of Jesus - 01 Slide 10

11 Jesus: Mission  The mission of Jesus continues that of John  Mark stresses the continuity time reference + working  The message of Jesus is similar to that of John (Mark 1:14-15)  He announces the fulfillment of time  The rule of God is upon them  Kingdom of God = reign  Kingdom of God is to be "received" = obeyed  It is both present and future  Repent  Believe the good news 09/08/2015 Teaching of Jesus - 01 Slide 11

12 Jesus goes beyond John in three ways  He calls disciples to follow him personally (Mark 1:16-20)  He looks for no one beyond himself  Jesus works the signs of the presence of the Kingdom  Authoritative teaching  Victory over evil powers  Healing of physical disease 09/08/2015 Teaching of Jesus - 01 Slide 12

13 Sample day in Capernaum  Demon driven out  Peter’s mother-in-law  Summary healing statement (Mark 1:32-34)  Missionary statement (Mark 1:35-39)  Summary about the day in Capernaum  Cleansing of a leper (Mark 1:40-45 09/08/2015 Teaching of Jesus - 01 Slide 13

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