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C/Maj McCoy. Origins / History  The Marines were formed by captain Samuel Nicholas  10 November 1775.  The 1783 Treaty of Paris ended the Revolutionary.

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Presentation on theme: "C/Maj McCoy. Origins / History  The Marines were formed by captain Samuel Nicholas  10 November 1775.  The 1783 Treaty of Paris ended the Revolutionary."— Presentation transcript:

1 C/Maj McCoy

2 Origins / History  The Marines were formed by captain Samuel Nicholas  10 November 1775.  The 1783 Treaty of Paris ended the Revolutionary War and Marines disbanded.  July 11 1789 the marines were re established.

3  Four Principal subdivision's 1.The Headquarters (HQMC) 2.The Operating forces 3.The Supporting Establishment 4.The Reserves

4 James F Amos Commandant of the Marine corps Joseph. F Dunford, JR Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps Michael P. Barrett Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps.

5 Missions/ Specialty Forces  Defending our nation at home protecting her interests abroad  Scout snipers  U.S Marine corps scout snipers are highly trained Marines, skilled in sniping  Maritime Raid Forces  The Maritime Raid Force was established to fill a capability gap left by the deployment of MARSOC units in Afghanistan Weaponry  M9 Beretta  lightweight semi automatic double action pistol  M32  Delivers six 40mm high explosive grenades in under 3 seconds  M2403  Continuous at long rage of fire.  Bayonet  Marines use it in close hand to hand combat

6  There Are over 33,000 active members in the USMC Reserves  Variety of ages and reasons for joining the reserves.  Individual gives up at least one weekend per mouth to take part in USMC activities.  They can get called to active duty at any time and be sent to a foreign country in which they will have to fight.

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