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Preparing for Employment How to search for a job.

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1 Preparing for Employment How to search for a job

2 How many of you have looked for a job? How did you go about finding the job? In many cases, knowing someone who works at the place of employment or networking with people who have jobs where you would like to work is a very good strategy for finding a job. But, what if you don’t have any connections? What other steps can you take to find a job? Today, we are going to go over different resources that you can access to look for jobs.

3 One Stop Career Centers Many communities have “One Stop” Career Centers that provide support for individuals seeking employment. These Centers often have resources including: Find out about job openings, internships, community service, & summer employment Get assistance with obtaining work permits (more about this later) Get information on how to find jobs, prepare for interviews, prepare resumes Learn new job skills or improve current job skills Prepare for GED Get information about schools and training programs Get help with living expenses while in training Get help finding child care Learn about financial aid for training Get career planning assistance

4 Where are One Stop Centers in NH? NH WORKS Nashua 6 Townsend West Nashua, NH 03063 603-882-5177 ext.7521810.5 NH WORKS Manchester 300 Hanover Street Manchester, NH 03104 603-627-784118.5

5 Ways to Find Jobs Pound the pavement. Or, in other words, go to places you would like to work. Request to speak to someone in human resources or a manager who is responsible for hiring. Dress the part and go in with enthusiasm and a positive attitude Bring resumes with you Request a job application Attend job fairs

6 Ways to Find Jobs Classified Ads - Look in the local newspaper Online Search Engines: http://www.s

7 Ways to Find Jobs Network….and talk, talk, talk…. Although it my feel awkward, talk with parents or other adults you know to see if they are aware of any job opportunities in the area. Ask friends who are working if they know of any other openings at their place of employment.

8 What are the labor rules for minors in NH? Employers of youth ages 16 or 17 years must obtain and maintain on file a signed written document from the youth’s parent or legal guardian permitting the youth’s employment Minors under the age of 16 must acquire a New Hampshire Youth Employment Certificate (Work Permit)

9 What is a Work Permit? Do I need one? Child labor laws state that teenagers below the age of 16 who are seeking employment must first apply for a work permit. Work permits can usually be obtained at the main office of a local school district. A parent or legal guardian may also have to be present, depending on the district's policy. Proof of age (such as a birth certificate ) is required.

10 Steps For Obtaining A Work Permit 1.Stop by the main office at school. All school buildings have the authorization to give out work permits. 2. State the places to which you are applying (or have received job offers). The secretary (usually in charge of filling out the underage information) writes the data down on the work permit card. 3. Sign the work permit card and take it with you to your employer. Have the employer sign the card, then return to the school office with the completed card. 4. Get a couple of copies of the work permit. You may want a copy and the employer will probably want one on file for legal reasons.

11 What hours can a minor legally work ? 16 & 17 year old minors may NOT work: More than 6 consecutive days or more than 30 hours/wk during the school year More than 6 consecutive days or more than 48 hours/wk during school vacation weeks and summer vacation (June 1 through Labor Day) More than 10 hrs/day in manufacturing, mechanical or manual labor More than 8 hrs/night if working at night

12 Let’s go online and search for jobs Go to: Complete workbook 4a-11 with the information you find in your online job search

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