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Native New Yorkers. Prehistoric New York First people arrived around 11,000 years ago. Water was lower, which meant land was exposed in between North.

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Presentation on theme: "Native New Yorkers. Prehistoric New York First people arrived around 11,000 years ago. Water was lower, which meant land was exposed in between North."— Presentation transcript:

1 Native New Yorkers

2 Prehistoric New York First people arrived around 11,000 years ago. Water was lower, which meant land was exposed in between North America and Asia.

3 Paleo-Indians Believed to have travels into modern day New York from Asia. Around 12,000 to 10,000 years ago. Hunters and gatherers. Many new inventions (made from stone, etc.) Used environment for shelter and food.

4 Archaic Indians Period began when Earth started to become warmer. About 10,000 to 8,000 years ago. Around until about 2,500 years ago. Many large animals (mammoths) had become extinct. Many more inventions. Small gardens may have been planted by Archaic Indians.

5 Woodland Indians About 2,500 years ago, until about years ago. Farming began, which allowed permanent villages. Better tools. Villages began creating jobs (priests, doctors, etc.) Trading began between villages.

6 Historic Indians About 500 years ago, until present. Descendants of Paleo, Archaic, and Woodland Indians. Two main groups: Algonquian and Iroquois. Iroquois is the Algonquian name for the group, which means “rattlesnakes.” They prefer the title, “Haudenosaunee,” which means, “people of the longhouse.”

7 Algonquin vs. Iroquois Algonquin Indians were here before the Iroquois. They fought for the land. The Algonquin Indians were pushed into the modern day Hudson Valley region and New York City area. Iroquois now had possession of most of NYS. Iroquois broke up into 6 tribes, which were spread out over NYS.

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