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 CEC National Legislative Conference June 9, 2014.

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1  CEC National Legislative Conference June 9, 2014

2 Tips for the Day  Wear comfortable shoes. You may be doing a lot of walking!  Be prepared to go through metal detectors and security lines.  The schedule is unpredictable. You may have to wait through no fault of the Member of Congress or their staff.  Keep the contact information for the offices your are visiting with you. Should you be delayed, call the office and let them know.  If in a large group – identify speakers for your group.

3 Things that May Surprise You  Youthful Staffers  Meeting Location  Meeting space is limited  Nontraditional locations (hallway, cafeteria)  Meeting Length  Approx. 30 minutes  Important to be clear and concise

4 Meeting Pointers  Introductions  Introduce yourself – your professional role, overview of children you work with, etc.  Key Legislative Issues  Choose 2-3 issues to discuss, you will not be able to cover all eight  Conclusion  Thank them for their time  Ask them what would be the best way to follow up with them

5 Meeting Pointers  Avoid special/gifted education jargon or acronyms  Congressional staff have multiple responsibilities  Familiarity with our issues may vary  Be an honest broker  Your credibility is EVERYTHING  It’s okay if you don’t know the answer; Tell them you will get back to them; Relay the question to CEC staff and we will be sure to get back to them.

6 Meeting Pointers  Advocacy Packets  Serve as a framework for your meetings  Hand staff the information from the packets  Discuss 2-3 issues included & reference other issues of concern are included.

7 Taking your message to Capitol Hill  Make it personal  YOU are special/gifted education’s best advocate  Connect with your legislators  Where are you from?  Where do you teach/work with children/research?  Why did you become a special /gifted educator?  Convey the link between policy and children & youth with exceptionalities and their families  You are their constituents

8 Meeting Pointers  Be respectful of the staffers time  Offer yourself as a resource  Leave your packet with the staff  Ask when and how to follow up with them  Ask them for business card for follow up  Ask to take a photo with them – then share it with CEC!

9 What else is going on?  Senate Labor-Health & Human Services-Education Appropriations Mark-Up  June 10 @ 2:30pm – 124 Dirksen Senate Office Building

10 Do your Homework  Take 15 minutes to learn a little bit about the offices you are visiting.  Use the Legislative Action Center to do some research 1. Are they already a cosponsor of the legislation? Then thank them! 2. Visit their website to see if they highlight issues that can be related back to special/gifted education or to establish common ground.  Using a Smartphone? Download the “Congress” app from the Sunlight Foundation or the Captiol Visitor Center app:

11 Most Importantly…  YOU are the EXPERT  Convey your passion for children with exceptionalities  Express your concerns  Have FUN!


13 Getting Around  10-15 Minute walk from Union Station to Senate Office Buildings  2-5 Minute walk from Capitol South Metro to House Office Buildings  15 Minute walk from Senate Office Buildings to House Office Buildings



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