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I. The two houses of Congress II. Congressional elections III. The organization of Congress a. leadership positions b. the committee system c. congressional.

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Presentation on theme: "I. The two houses of Congress II. Congressional elections III. The organization of Congress a. leadership positions b. the committee system c. congressional."— Presentation transcript:

1 I. The two houses of Congress II. Congressional elections III. The organization of Congress a. leadership positions b. the committee system c. congressional staff

2  I. The two houses of Congress -divided government -House: 435 members since 1913 (law in 1929) -CA: 53, TX 36, NY & FL 27; MT, WY, SD, ND, DE & VT only 1

3  Capitol Hill

4  II. Congressional elections -“mid-term elections” -1 st Congress: “second constitutional convention”

5  Congressional districts  “redistricting”  “gerrymandering”

6  1964: Wesberry v. Sanders  incumbent/incumbency  2010: average: $1.5M for a House seat, $9M for a Senate seat  “straight-ticket voting”

7  III. The organization of Congress a. leadership positions

8  Speaker of the House (John Boehner, Rep - OH)

9  House Majority Leader (Kevin McCarthy, Rep - CA)

10  Senate Majority Leader (Mitch McConnell, Rep – KY)

11  House Minority Leader (Nancy Pelosi, Dem – CA)

12  Senate Minority Leader (Harry Reid, Dem – NV)

13  party whips  caucus  Mitch McConnell: “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”

14  b. the committee system -Congress: a “collection of committees” -“committee of the whole” -“floor action”

15  3 types of committees: -standing committees -select/“ad hoc” committees -joint committees, including the conference committee

16  Ways and Means committee (tax legislation)

17  c. congressional staff -Library of Congress (Congressional Research Service) -General Accounting Office for financial matters -Congressional Budget Office: help with technical advice

18 House of Representatives SenateJoint Agriculture Appropriations Armed Services Budget Education and the Workforce Education and the Workforce Energy and Commerce Ethics Financial Services Foreign Affairs Homeland Security House Administration Intelligence (Permanent Select) Intelligence (Permanent Select) Judiciary Natural Resources Oversight and Government Reform Oversight and Government Reform Rules Science, Space, and Technology Science, Space, and Technology Small Business Transportation and Infrastructure Transportation and Infrastructure Veterans' Affairs Ways and Means (Whole) () Aging (Special) Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Appropriations Armed Services Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Budget Commerce, Science and Transportation Commerce, Science and Transportation Energy and Natural Resources Energy and Natural Resources Ethics (Select) Environment and Public Works Environment and Public Works Finance Foreign Relations Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Indian Affairs Intelligence (Select) Judiciary Rules and Administration Rules and Administration Small Business and Entrepreneurship Small Business and Entrepreneurship Veterans' Affairs (Conference) Economic Library Printing Taxation

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