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1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Insertion Devices Toshi Tanabe Insertion Device Group Leader Accelerator System Advisory Committee October 22-23, 2009.

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1 1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Insertion Devices Toshi Tanabe Insertion Device Group Leader Accelerator System Advisory Committee October 22-23, 2009

2 2 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Outline Changes / Progress since last ASAC ID review ID Table / Official Schedule Progress on Each Device R & D (PrFeB, IVMMS, 4m Square Chamber) FY10 Goals and Milestones Conclusions

3 3 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Changes since ASAC07 PCR to reschedule (pushed later due to labor shortage) some activities in & PCR approved to add SRX beamline device (1.5m IVU with 21mm period) with canting magnet and vacuum chamber for the second device section Additional IVUs requested to be added to the baseline For IXS beamline (2 x 3m IVU with 22mm period having wider pole) Additional IVUs might be added to outside the project baseline 2-3 IVUs for NIH funded beamlines 6-7 MIE devices (specs not decided)

4 4 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Progress since ASAC07 Technical Status of Systems PM Damping Wiggler (DW)  Design and Build Contract with APS In-Vacuum Undulator (IVU)  Mechanical design started Elliptically Polarized Undulator (EPU)  Specs determined Three Pole Wiggler (3PW)  Interraction study on going Magnet Development Laboratory (Insertion Device Magnet Measurement Facility)  Hall probe bench purchased, Clean room RFP completed. New Hires A Mechanical Engineer (0.9FTE: starting on 11/08) An Electrical Engineer (0.8FTE: starting on 04/09) One Mechanical Technician (T6) position open One Assistant Scientist (S1) position open One Electrical Engineer (P5) position open

5 5 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II Insertion Devices (SEP/09) *For each plane


7 7 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Damping Wiggler NdFeB-PM with Side Magnets and Permendur Pole (width 80mm), u =90mm, Gap=12.5mm, Symmetric magnetic field Vacuum Chamber (APS type? ), Aperture Size 9.5mm (v) x 76mm (h) Symmetic Field with 37 Full Strength Periods Conceptual Design

8 8 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES APS Proposal Similar concept as LSLS undulator CAD Model

9 9 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II In-Vacuum Undulator X25-MGU based IVU  u =20mm, Minimum Gap=5.0mm, 3m Long Baseline design uses conventional NdFeB (Br=1.12T, Hcj=30kOe) Future cryo-option with PrFeB Magnet Cold Measurement System is being developed for CPMU mode Vacuum Chamber shape still undecided (Square v.s. Cylindrical) NSLS MGU-X25 Opera 3D Simulation

10 10 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Elliptically Polarized Undulator (EPU) Apple -II, u =49mm, 2x2m Long (canted -0.125mrad:0.25mrad:-0.125mrad) Gap=11.5mm (Enough space for current strips for dynamic multipole correction) Vacuum Chamber Aperture Size 8.0mm (v) x 61mm (h) (tentative) Linear Helical Vertical 45°Inclined

11 11 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Three Pole Wiggler (3PW) (WBS1.03.07.04) Br=1.22T, Permendur Center Pole & Soft Iron (1006) Side Poles Rectangular Magnets Insert / Extract from a side of the chamber Design (Central Pole Gap=28mm) ACD Design

12 12 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES TPW Estimated Emission Spectra (taking into account contribution from Bending Magnets) Electron Energy: 3 GeV; Current: 0.5 A; Emittance: 0.9 nm Rel. Energy Spread: 8.9x10 -4 Twiss Parameters of Dispersion Section (end) Spectral Flux per Unit Surface at Different Horizontal Positions at 30 m from TPW

13 13 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES 35 mm Dipole 3 Pole Wiggler 156mm Corrector 225mm 200mm Interaction Study for 3PW, Corrector and Dipole Magnet Electron Beam

14 14 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES ID Tolerance Requirement (SEP/09) Insertion Device Integrated Multipoles Unit  1 st & 2 nd Integrals

15 15 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Feedback on Feedback off ID at Short straight section at 80 m with kicks at the ends vertically corresponding to ID with correction coils I 1 =5, I 2 =300 2, for one sample. Detail near ID, Feedback on Feed Back Estimate (by L.H. Yu)

16 16 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Magnet Development Lab (WBS1.02.01.03) Insertion Device Magnetic Measurement Facility (WBS ISO 14644-1 Class 7 (former Class 10000) Temperature Controlled Semi-Clean Room for IVU Measurement 25.5 °C ± 0.2 °C  < 20 °C for IVU Array cooling water, 25.5 °C for tunnel temp, and 28 °C for genetic cooling water Low vibration required by pulsed wire measurement Cleanliness is also required for air-bearing stage in Hall probe bench Standard ID measurement setups 6.5 m Hall probe bench (Kugler) Integrated Field Measurement System (Flip coil, Moving wire, etc. ) Stretched / pulsed wire system (3-4m)  HV pulser for pulsed wire. Magnet characterization equipment (Helmholtz coil / small moving coil) 3D-Probe calibration system with a dipole magnet (PS ~ 200A / 80V) Preparation for Phase-2 device development In-Vacuum measurement apparatus Superconducting measurement apparatus

17 17 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Bldg. 832 3D-Layout Pulsed Magnet Lab RF Lab ISO-7 Clean Room for Measurement ID Lab Tech Shop

18 18 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Insertion Device R&D Remaining R&D activities In-Vacuum Hall probe measurement system Square UHV-ID chamber development Improved pulsed wire system development PrFeB array test in VTF with re-circulating refrigerator Possible Additional Future R&D activities SCU development (APC wire, HTS tape and bulk HTS) Micro multi-turn coils development Textured Dy pole development

19 19 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES PrFeB Magnet 77K Measurement PrFeB (53CR v2 magnet) Manget Arrays Cut from a large piece  M vector uniformity is poor  Sorted by signature method Period Length = 14.5mm, Gap=4.85mm RT measurement on granite Hall probe bench (Gap=4.85mm) for references RT & LN (77K) measurement on VTF Increase of ~19 % in Br


21 21 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Phase Error Change from RT to LN 2 temp. RMS Phase Error = 3.1 degree RMS Phase Error = 3.5 degree u = 14.503 mm u = 14.489 mm

22 22 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Phase Error Change from LN 2 to LHe temp. RMS Phase Error = 3.5 degree RMS Phase Error = 6.8 degree u = 14.489 mm u = 14.433 mm Hall Probe Output Voltages

23 23 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES 4m Square UHV Proto Type (Preliminary) 4m Square UHV Chamber Test of sealing, deformation Either Aluminum or 316LN Will be mated to IVMMS for testing Impedance Effect  OK

24 24 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES FY10 Goals & Milestones DW Detailed Design Set up a Clean Room and Hall Probe Bench in Bldg. 832 Procure or Develop Wire Based Integrated Field Measurement System Proto Type In-Vacuum Magnetic Measurement System (IVMMS) Proto Type 4m Square UHV Chamber Proto Type ID Control HW Test

25 25 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES ID-Group FTE Profiles in the Baseline Budget Category200920102011201220132014 Scientist (T.Tanabe, O.Chubar Assig and S1) 1.51.0 Mechanical Engineer (J.Rank, C. Spataro Assig ) 1.41.5 1.00.5 Electrical Engineer (D.A.Harder and P5) 0.5 Mechanical Technician (T6) 0.21.0 Total 5.53.0

26 26 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Summary IVU Design effort starts with SRX-IVU Transition region design is unconventional due to adjacent small gap for ID-BPM Long Straight IVU not trivial EPU Active shimming with current strips are being investigated. Damping Wigglers Negotiations of design and build contract with APS continue 3PW Only Design budget is in the baseline budget. Need to create PCR to construct a proto type R&D and Future Devices IVMMS design continues 4m Square vacuum chamber design continues PrFeB CPMU will be very promising candidate for next generation undulator

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