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Last time we met we discussed Shtika and Shmirat Lashon which means Silence and Careful Speech. I know how hard it is to be quiet sometimes and how really.

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Presentation on theme: "Last time we met we discussed Shtika and Shmirat Lashon which means Silence and Careful Speech. I know how hard it is to be quiet sometimes and how really."— Presentation transcript:

1 Last time we met we discussed Shtika and Shmirat Lashon which means Silence and Careful Speech. I know how hard it is to be quiet sometimes and how really hard it is to be careful what we say to others…so… Did anyone have a chance to practice being silent or speaking carefully over the past month? If so, can you share your experience so we can learn from it?


3 BITACHON Let’s talk about Bitachon first. This word means trust. Can you define the word trust? What does trust mean to you? Do you think that Moses trusted God to help him rescue his people? Did God have to prove that he could be trusted first? Did Moses believe him right away or not? What would it take for you to trust someone?

4 Can you name some people that you trust? Can you name some animals that you may trust? Is there anything else that you trust? Why do you think that trust is good. Can trust ever be bad?

5 “Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”Jeremiah 17:7-8 Does anyone know what this means? So what happens when a tree is not planted by the water? What do you think it means to plant by the water?

6 Trust is only good if we trust ourselves and part of us is God. So, if God is water and if we put ourselves nearby; then we have a better chance of doing well in life.

7 EMUNAH Emunah means faith or trustworthiness. What do you think having faith means? Do you have faith in yourself? This is kind of like trust, but, a little different. Faith is believing something without any evidence that it will happen or work out. Can you think of anytime when you have had faith in someone even though you may not have been sure of them?

8 For example, you may fight with your brother or sister, or best friend. But when you really need them to help you they are usually right there. You have faith that no matter what happens they still love you. The same with your parents, you may get mad at them because they won’t buy you what you want or let you go somewhere, but, when you get hurt you have faith in them to help you get better. You have faith in their love for you.



11 So, is there anyone else that you might have faith in? Here are a few small hints…

12 And, a final hint:

13 We will meet for the last time on May 3 and at that time we will be talking about SEDER a word that you should be familiar with since we just used it a lot. Seder means Order. Why do you think that this word is important? Think about it and next time we will discuss why Seder is the last thing we will study after we have just studied Trust and Faith. See you next month.

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