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Fundamentals of Electrochemistry Introduction 1.)Electrical Measurements of Chemical Processes  Redox Reaction involves transfer of electrons from one.

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1 Fundamentals of Electrochemistry Introduction 1.)Electrical Measurements of Chemical Processes  Redox Reaction involves transfer of electrons from one species to another. - Chemicals are separated  Can monitor redox reaction when electrons flow through an electric current - Electric current is proportional to rate of reaction - Cell voltage is proportional to free-energy change  Batteries produce a direct current by converting chemical energy to electrical energy. - Common applications run the gamut from cars to ipods to laptops

2 Fundamentals of Electrochemistry Basic Concepts 1.)A Redox titration is an analytical technique based on the transfer of electrons between analyte and titrant  Reduction-oxidation reaction  A substance is reduced when it gains electrons from another substance - gain of e - net decrease in charge of species - Oxidizing agent (oxidant)  A substance is oxidized when it loses electrons to another substance - loss of e - net increase in charge of species - Reducing agent (reductant) (Reduction) (Oxidation) Oxidizing Agent Reducing Agent

3 Fundamentals of Electrochemistry Basic Concepts 2.)The first two reactions are known as “1/2 cell reactions”  Include electrons in their equation 3.) The net reaction is known as the total cell reaction  No free electrons in its equation 4.)In order for a redox reaction to occur, both reduction of one compound and oxidation of another must take place simultaneously  Total number of electrons is constant ½ cell reactions: Net Reaction:

4 Fundamentals of Electrochemistry Basic Concepts 5.)Electric Charge (q)  Measured in coulombs (C)  Charge of a single electron is 1.602x10 -19 C  Faraday constant (F) – 9.649x10 4 C is the charge of a mole of electrons 6.)Electric current  Quantity of charge flowing each second through a circuit - Ampere: unit of current (C/sec) Relation between charge and moles: Coulombs moles

5 Fundamentals of Electrochemistry Galvanic Cells 1.)Galvanic or Voltaic cell  Spontaneous chemical reaction to generate electricity - One reagent oxidized the other reduced - two reagents cannot be in contact  Electrons flow from reducing agent to oxidizing agent - Flow through external circuit to go from one reagent to the other Net Reaction: Reduction: Oxidation: AgCl(s) is reduced to Ag(s) Ag deposited on electrode and Cl - goes into solution Electrons travel from Cd electrode to Ag electrode Cd(s) is oxidized to Cd 2+ Cd 2+ goes into solution

6 Fundamentals of Electrochemistry Galvanic Cells 2.)Cell Potentials  Reaction is spontaneous if it does not require external energy Reaction TypeECell Type Spontaneous+Galvanic Nonspontaneous-Electrolytic Equilibrium0Dead battery Potential of overall cell = measure of the tendency of a reaction to proceed to equilibrium ˆ Larger the potential, the further the reaction is from equilibrium and the greater the driving force that exists

7 Fundamentals of Electrochemistry Galvanic Cells 3.)Electrodes Cathode: electrode where reduction takes place Anode: electrode where oxidation takes place

8 Fundamentals of Electrochemistry Galvanic Cells 4.)Salt Bridge  Connects & separates two half-cell reactions  Prevents charge build-up and allows counter-ion migration Two half-cell reactions Salt Bridge  Contains electrolytes not involved in redox reaction.  K + (and Cd 2+ ) moves to cathode with e - through salt bridge (counter balances –charge build-up  NO 3 - moves to anode (counter balances +charge build-up)  Completes circuit

9 Zn|ZnSO 4 ( a ZN 2+ = 0.0100)||CuSO 4 ( a Cu 2+ = 0.0100)|Cu anode Phase boundary Electrode/solution interface Solution in contact with anode & its concentration Solution in contact with cathode & its concentration 2 liquid junctions due to salt bridge cathode Fundamentals of Electrochemistry Galvanic Cells 5.)Short-Hand Notation  Representation of Cells: by convention start with anode on left

10 Ag + + e - » Ag(s)E o = +0.799V Fundamentals of Electrochemistry Standard Hydrogen Electrode (S.H.E) Hydrogen gas is bubbled over a Pt electrode Pt(s)|H 2 (g)( a H 2 = 1)|H + (aq) (a H + = 1) || Standard Potentials 1.) Predict voltage observed when two half-cells are connected  Standard reduction potential (E o ) the measured potential of a half-cell reduction reaction relative to a standard oxidation reaction - Potential arbitrary set to 0 for standard electrode - Potential of cell = Potential of ½ reaction  Potentials measured at standard conditions - All concentrations (or activities) = 1M - 25 o C, 1 atm pressure

11 Fundamentals of Electrochemistry Standard Potentials 1.) Predict voltage observed when two half-cells are connected As E o increases, the more favorable the reaction and the more easily the compound is reduced (better oxidizing agent). Reactions always written as reduction Appendix H contains a more extensive list

12 Fundamentals of Electrochemistry Standard Potentials 2.) When combining two ½ cell reaction together to get a complete net reaction, the total cell potential (E cell ) is given by: Where:E + = the reduction potential for the ½ cell reaction at the positive electrode E + = electrode where reduction occurs (cathode) E - = the reduction potential for the ½ cell reaction at the negative electrode E - = electrode where oxidation occurs (anode) Electrons always flow towards more positive potential Place values on number line to determine the potential difference

13 Fundamentals of Electrochemistry Standard Potentials 3.) Example: Calculate E o for the following reaction:

14 Fundamentals of Electrochemistry Nernst Equation 1.) Reduction Potential under Non-standard Conditions  E determined using Nernst Equation  Concentrations not-equal to 1M aA + ne - » bB E o For the given reaction: The ½ cell reduction potential is given by: Where:E = actual ½ cell reduction potential E o = standard ½ cell reduction potential n = number of electrons in reaction T = temperature (K) R = ideal gas law constant (8.314J/(K-mol) F = Faraday’s constant (9.649x10 4 C/mol) A = activity of A or B at 25 o C

15 Fundamentals of Electrochemistry Nernst Equation 2.) Example:  Calculate the cell voltage if the concentration of NaF and KCl were each 0.10 M in the following cell: Pb(s) | PbF 2 (s) | F - (aq) || Cl - (aq) | AgCl(s) | Ag(s)

16 Fundamentals of Electrochemistry E o and the Equilibrium Constant 1.) A Galvanic Cell Produces Electricity because the Cell Reaction is NOT at Equilibrium  Concentration in two cells change with current  Concentration will continue to change until Equilibrium is reached - E = 0V at equilibrium - Battery is “dead” aA + ne - » cC E + o dD + ne - » bB E - o Consider the following ½ cell reactions: Cell potential in terms of Nernst Equation is: Simplify:

17 Fundamentals of Electrochemistry E o and the Equilibrium Constant 1.) A Galvanic Cell Produces Electricity because the Cell Reaction is NOT at Equilibrium Since E o =E + o - E - o : At equilibrium E cell =0: Definition of equilibrium constant at 25 o C

18 Fundamentals of Electrochemistry E o and the Equilibrium Constant 2.) Example:  Calculate the equilibrium constant (K) for the following reaction:

19 Fundamentals of Electrochemistry Cells as Chemical Probes 1.) Two Types of Equilibrium in Galvanic Cells  Equilibrium between the two half-cells  Equilibrium within each half-cell If a Galvanic Cell has a nonzero voltage then the net cell reaction is not at equilibrium For a potential to exist, electrons must flow from one cell to the other which requires the reaction to proceed  not at equilibrium. Conversely, a chemical reaction within a ½ cell will reach and remain at equilibrium.

20 Fundamentals of Electrochemistry Ni(s)|NiSO 4 (0.0025M)||KIO 3 (0.10 M)|Cu(IO 3 ) 2 (s)|Cu(s) Cells as Chemical Probes 2.) Example:  If the voltage for the following cell is 0.512V, find K sp for Cu(IO 3 ) 2 :

21 Fundamentals of Electrochemistry Biochemists Use E o ´ 1.) Redox Potentials Containing Acids or Bases are pH Dependent  Standard potential  all concentrations = 1 M  pH=0 for [H + ] = 1M 2.) pH Inside of a Plant or Animal Cell is ~ 7  Standard potentials at pH =0 not appropriate for biological systems - Reduction or oxidation strength may be reversed at pH 0 compared to pH 7 Metabolic Pathways

22 Fundamentals of Electrochemistry Biochemists Use E o ´ 3.) Formal Potential  Reduction potential that applies under a specified set of conditions  Formal potential at pH 7 is E o ´ Need to express concentrations as function of K a and [H + ]. Cannot use formal concentrations! E o ´ (V)

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