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Hi! The staff at Wellness First is sending you an educational message from your chiropractor, Dr. Mike The topic of this show is the Healthy Adjusting.

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Presentation on theme: "Hi! The staff at Wellness First is sending you an educational message from your chiropractor, Dr. Mike The topic of this show is the Healthy Adjusting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hi! The staff at Wellness First is sending you an educational message from your chiropractor, Dr. Mike The topic of this show is the Healthy Adjusting of Children. Dr. Mike Note: To watch this show just keep pressing your mouse button or press page down or arrow key. Press escape (ESC) to exit anytime. Enjoy!

2 Why should my child get adjusted? Spinal dysfunction or nerve irritation at any age can cause pain and effect optimal health. Many spinal problems seen in adults start in childhood. Chiropractic improves spinal function thereby optimizing the body’s ability to heal. Each state of our life subjects us to a variety of situations which may create spinal dysfunction. Infants In addition to the birth process, infants may suffer spinal dysfunction due to the simple strain of holding their head up a well as from the bumps and falls they take when first exploring their horizons.

3 Children Children can suffer various injuries from contact sports, falling off a bike or other slips and falls. They may also have poor posture from sitting improperly at school, watching television or playing video games. In addition, children often suffer back strain from over-loaded school back packs (packs should not exceed 15% of your child’s weight.) Teens Teens often suffer from the same strains they did as children plus the additional emotional stress, hormonal changes associated with puberty or their growing responsibilities. Chiropractic care can help teenagers adapt to their new bodies.

4 At what age should I take them? Chiropractic care can start immediately after birth however your child will benefit from chiropractic care at any age. Bring them in with you for an evaluation during your next appointment.

5 Common conditions that chiropractors care for: Infants -Colic -Irritability -Constipation -Recurring Ear Infection -Some respiratory conditions Children -Bed wetting -Frequent colds -Growing pains or painful joints -Headaches -Poor concentration -Scoliosis -Sinus problems -Stomach aches or poor appetite

6 Before & After Nerve and Muscle Study (EMG) Before After Your child will receive before and after computer postural analysis and nervous system scans as shown in the next few slides. Chiropractic care can reduce stress (long color bars) and provide wellness and a healthy spine (colorless bars).

7 Does your child have pre-symptomatic subluxation? Schedule a no-obligation scan for your child now.

8 What About Me? Did you forget someone who should be checked?

9 Have You Used Your Family Gift Certificate Yet? Make sure you take advantage of this great offer! Call today to arrange an appointment for your whole family to receive a thorough Chiropractic examination!

10 Drop in next time and ask about our Family Gift Certificate! Hope you have a wonderful day!

11 Are a child’s adjustments different? Your chiropractor will modify their adjusting technique based on your child’s size and condition. They may use special instruments or vary their technique and the force of the adjustments. Gentle specific pressure is usually effective to remove nerve stress from a child’s spine. Often children’s spines are more flexible than those of adult’s. This means that children often require less adjustments and respond much quicker to chiropractic care. Also, Dr. Mike has an additional two year certification in pediatrics. He has helped lots of infants and children including his own kids. Sincerely, Dr. Mike and the Wellness First Team 7315 Woodbine Ave. Markham, Ontario L3R 3V7 (905) 477-6578 (416) 318-5939 Note: If interested, extra slides about WFFC and Dr. Mike follow this educational show.

12 Available at Comprehensive Chiropractic Exam and Care for all ages Spinal Rehabilitation Spinal Decompression Therapy (DTS) Sports and Work Injuries Active Release Therapy (ART) Acupuncture Nutritional Consulting and Computer Testing X-rays, Computer Posture Exams and Nerve Scans Stress Counseling and Hypnotherapy Discovery Workshops Wellness Talks and Company Lunch and Learns Registered Massage Therapy Foot and Gait Assessments

13 Available at Nutrition Supplements and Raw Foods Exercise & Spinal Equipment Orthotics and Orthopedic Shoes Wellness DVD’s including Spinal Rehab, Detox, Stress, Disorders, etc.. Wellness Guide on CD Supports, Motion Seats, Pillows and Braces Monthly Newsletters

14 About the Doctor D.C – Doctor of Chiropractic Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (1998) C.C.Ac - Certified Clinical Acupuncturist (1999) B.Sc., B.Ed. – University of Toronto (1984- 1989) –Neuroscience & Certified Teacher C.B.P. (Clinical Biomechanics of Posture) Certified A.R.T. ( Active Release Therapy) Certified Pediatrics & Pregnancy Certified Member of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association Member of the Canadian Chiropractic Association Member of the Ontario Chiropractic Association Diplomat of the American National Boards Nutritional Consultant Ontario Teacher’s Certificate (O.T.C) Certified Tennis, Ski and Golf Fitness Coach Dr. Michael Whitley

15 Delivering Results Dr. Michael Whitley practices up-to-date research-based chiropractic. Specifically, his additional 4 year U.S. certification in pediatrics, pregnancy & posture and spinal correction provides patients with a comprehensive proven analysis & treatment protocol. This means that research supports its effectiveness and safety in optimizing posture, spine and nervous system health for all ages. Dr. Whitley helps all kinds of health complaints such as headaches, asthma, digestive problems, fatigue, depression, allergies, scoliosis, spinal and extremity pains and many more. His primary focus goes beyond symptom relief or patch work. His goal is to restore spinal function to maximize nerve integrity in the shortest amount of time without drugs or surgery. This is done through a spinal rehabilitation program of postural adjustments, traction, spinal weights, spinal molding, exercises, etc.. and lifestyle recommendations like nutrition and stress.

16 Before & After Nerve and Muscle Study (EMG) Before After Before & After Computerized Postural Analysis After Before

17 A Revolutionary Technology: Spinal Decompression Therapy Several studies show over 70% of patients report good to excellent relief of their symptoms! In fact, “86% of patients experienced complete elimination of pain even after numerous other types of treatment had failed, including surgery!” (sourced from the Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain)

18 Chiropractic has proven itself to be among the safest of all healing arts: Just How Safe is Safe? A study in the Journal of the Canadian Medical Association (Oct. 2001) found the risk of a stroke from a Chiropractic neck adjustment is only 1 in 5.85 million. Whereas the probability of death from stroke caused by 1 aspirin a day is 7000 per million. A 7- year international multidisciplinary study published Feb. 15, 2008 in the medical journal Spine provides further evidence that chiropractic care is extremely safe. The study concluded that when patients see a medical doctor or a chiropractor for neck problems or headaches, they found that “…stroke is a very rare event and the risk of stroke associated with a visit to the chiropractor’s office appears to be no different from the risk of stroke following a visit to a family physician’s office.” This study also found that adjustments are among the short list of effective treatments for the most common types of neck pain and headaches. By choosing Chiropractic care, you have chosen one of the safest, most effective modes of health- care delivery available today. Just ask the millions of people who receive chiropractic care every day around the world how safe and beneficial it is!

19 WELLNESSFIRST.CA What to expect on the 1 st & 2 nd visits Health Tips Anti-inflammatory Guidelines Newsletter Recipes Stress Tips Talks & Events Schedules Breathing Favourite Links

20 Our Patients Speak “ Since being under chiropractic care, my 8 years of shoulder pain has completely disappeared.” Anna M.—patient “Thanks to chiropractic care I no longer suffer with neck pain and headaches and my family and daily life is back to normal!” Lisa P.—patient “My years of back pain and wrist pain has improved due to chiropractic adjustments and health advice. My x-ray changes are impressive!” Paul S.—patient “I have more energy and take less medication” Jill H.—patient

21 Half Hour To Optimal Health Dr Whitley conducts a FREE “Half Hour to Optimal Health” seminar every second Wednesday Evening at 6:30pm and every second Thursday at 12 noon The seminar covers: How to increase your energy by 300% Build your immune system The secret cause of illness and how to stay well naturally The dangers of modern medicine Home and clinic exercises designed to restore proper posture and nervous system function are demonstrated The latest techniques on correcting posture,spine and nervous system demonstrated with before and after x-rays Why the healthiest people on the planet are under regular chiropractic care

22 Dr. Whitley also offers a complimentary “Lunch & Learn” wellness workshop. This is a fun, fast and informative FREE workshop that will educate you and your company/church/organization on how to get well, stay well and save time and money ….during your lunch break! Biomechanics at work: Proper Ergonomics Blast Stress – Increase your energy by 300% Arthritis Spinal Health: Safety and Prevention Power Stretching and ergonomics The Truth about Fibromyalgia Freedom from Headaches and Stress Protecting yourself from heart disease Other The ADHD controversy Advanced Nutrition and Wellness Sitting on the job “How to stay fit while you sit.” Standing on the job “ Your Back to the Future.” Asthma, Allergies and Immune Boosting Chronic Ear Infection Repetitive Strain injuries at Work Health Quest: 5 Secrets to Optimal Health & Healing Optimize Digestion and Detoxification Topics of the Workshop : To book workshops call our Special Events Coordinator at: (905) 477-6578 (416) 318-5939

23 We’ve Helped Many People with the Following Problems: Arm Pain and/or Numbness Arthritis Asthma Attention Deficit Disorder Auto Injuries Back Pain Bedwetting Blood Pressure Problems Bursitis Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Digestive Disorders Disc Problems Dizziness Epilepsy Fatigue/Lack Energy Female Disorders Foot Pain Frequent Colds Frequent Ear Infections Hand & Wrist Pain Hip Pain Joint Pains Knee Pains Leg Pain and/or Numbness Lifting Injuries Lower Resistance Migraine Headaches Neck Pain/Stiffness Nervousness On-the-job Injuries Pinched Nerve Poor Circulation Pre-Menstrual Syndrome Sciatica Shingles Shoulder Pain Sinusitis Spinal Curvatures Sport Injuries Stiffness Stomach Ulcers Stress/Tension Headaches Tingling and Numbness Turned-in Feet Whiplash Injuries Work Injuries Allergies

24 Take the First Step to Wellness! Visit Wellness First Family Chiropractic Today!

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