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Best Practices in FTA Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Implementation Presented by Diana Byrnes, C-SAPA.

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Presentation on theme: "Best Practices in FTA Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Implementation Presented by Diana Byrnes, C-SAPA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Best Practices in FTA Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Implementation Presented by Diana Byrnes, C-SAPA

2 About the Presenter  Diana Byrnes, C-SAPA  Project manager for the FDOT Substance Abuse Management Oversight and Technical Assistance Program with CUTR  Senior Associate Staff Instructor for the Transportation Safety Institute  Specializes in the training and education of FTA covered employers and employees, in the field of substance abuse management

3 Today’s session will:  Describe best practices in the following program areas:  Identifying covered employers and covered employees  Policy  Training  Pre-employment Testing  Random Testing  Post Accident Testing  Record Maintenance  Vendor and Contractor Compliance Monitoring  FDOT SAM Program description  What’s on the horizon in DOT testing

4 Applicability of Regulations

5 FTA Covered Employers  Each recipient (grantee) or sub recipient (indirect grantee) receiving Section 5311, 5307, 5309 funding  Contractors- when any of the above funding sources are used to compensate contractor s, they are “covered contractors” and the same regulations that are applicable to your agency are applicable to the contractor. As the funding recipient– your agency is responsible for the contractor’s compliance  NOTE: Medicaid contractors that only receive Section 5310 funding are EXEMPT (see next slide)


7 FTA Covered Employees  Performs or could be called upon to perform these functions:  Operate a revenue service vehicle (regardless of in or out of service)  Operate a non-revenue service vehicle when a CDL is required to operate  Perform maintenance on a revenue service vehicle  Control the movement of a revenue service vehicle (as determined by the employer)  Carries a firearm as part of transit securitydetail

8 Regulations 49 CFR Part 655- The FTA regulations that tells us “when and why” drug and alcohol tests are required to be conduct specific to FTA covered employers. 49 CFR Part 40- The US DOT regulations that tell us “how” drug and alcohol testing must be conducted. These regulations cover all DOT modes.

9 Record Maintenance and Retention Testing conducted in accordance with 49 CFR Part 40 and Part 655 Education and Training Policy Development and Dissemination

10 Policy Statement Requirements

11 FTA Regulation- 49 CFR Part 655.15 Policy must be approved and adopted by governing board and must include the following: The agency contact, aka Designated Employer Representative (DER) The categories of employees that are subject to testing (job titles and positions that are deemed safety-sensitive) Prohibited behaviors and conduct Circumstances (reasons) for testing Procedures that will be used for testing (can reference Part 40)

12 Policy Statement Requirements Continued The requirement that a covered employee must submit to testing in accordance with Part 655 The actions and behaviors that constitute a refusal to test Consequences of positive results and refusals to test  Employer may not impose requirements that are inconsistent with, contrary to, or frustrate the provisions of this part  All covered employees must receive a copy of the substance abuse policy and any subsequent revisions  Documentation of employee policy receipt must be obtained and kept on file for at least 2 years.

13 Florida Model Policies FDOT issued new substance abuse policy templates in October 2011 5311 sub-recipient agencies (and/or contractors) are required to adopt the FDOT Available on the FDOT SAM Website

14 Training and Education Requirements

15 Training Requirements  49 CFR Part 655.14  Display and distribute informational material including hot line telephone numbers for assistance  60 minutes of drug awareness training provided to all covered employees (alcohol awareness training not required, but is a best practice)  Supervisor Training for Reasonable Suspicion Determinations (60 minutes on signs and symptoms of alcohol misuse AND 60 minutes on signs and symptoms probable drug use)  Supervisors must receive this training prior to making a referral for testing

16 Training Tools  To meet the Display and Distribution requirement:  FDOT’s Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Manual for FTA Covered Employees  US DOT’s What Employees Need to Know About DOT Drug and Alcohol Testing  Posters, fliers, postcards,  Restrooms  Driver’s lounge  Timeclock area  Memo in paycheck

17 Training Tools Continued  To meet the Employee Drug Awareness Training Requirement (60 minutes)  FDOT’s Clean, Sober and Safe video (only 23 minutes, must supplement!)  FDOT’s Clean, Sober and Safe Web-based Training (time varies based on user)  Classroom style training incorporating the videos and other material regarding the detriments of prohibited drug use on the mind, body and the workplace dangers.  DO NOT use policy review to fill the 60 minutes  If you include a segment on alcohol misuse, DO NOT count it toward the 60 minutes

18 Training Tools Continued  Supervisors must meet the training requirement prior to making a referral  Training is only required once during the tenure of employment but annual refresher training is highly recommended  To meet the FTA Supervisor Training Requirement:  FTA video training package available on Safety and Security Website:  FDOT agencies: REACT video training package (new)  Mailed to all Florida transit systems in March

19 Additional Training Best Practices  FTA Post Accident Testing Determination Training  Prescription and Over the Counter Medication Awareness  Substance abuse training topics to safety meetings  DER training to keep abreast of regulatory changes

20 Test Types and Potential Areas of Non-Compliance for Each

21 Test Types 1 Pre-employment 2 Random 3 Post Accident 4 Reasonable Suspicion 5 Return to Duty 6 Follow Up Note: Most frequent areas of non-compliance are underlined in yellow

22 Pre-employment Testing All new safety-sensitive employees and transferees must have a negative pre-employment drug test on file PRIOR to the performance of any safety- sensitive duty. Employee can not take part in any behind the wheel training until negative result is obtained Pre-employment alcohol testing is authorized but not required A pre-employment test must be administered to an employee returning from an extended leave of 90 days or more, IF they have been removed from the random testing pool. ( this is NOT a return to duty test)

23 Drug and Alcohol Background Checks  49 CFR Part 40.25  Must obtain employee consent to inquire with all DOT employers within the previous 2 years (no consent, cannot hire)  Any positive drug or alcohol tests conducted under DOT authority?  Any refusals to submit to DOT testing?  Must make a good faith effort to receive information  If response is “yes”, must ensure that RTD process has been completed

24 Random Testing Random testing must be spread throughout all hours of operation and all days of the week that safety-sensitive duties are performed Failure to conduct testing in this manner will be deemed a “finding” if audited- no excuses Alcohol test only just before, during or just after the performance of s/s duties Current annual minimum testing rates: 25% of the average # of employees must be tested for prohibited drug use annually 10% of the average # of employees must be tested for alcohol misuse annually

25 Random Testing Continued:  Random testing must be conducted in manner that does not develop a predictable pattern of testing that could be identified by employees  No group testing  Spread testing throughout the entire testing period  Test on weekends and holidays if your agency performs safety- sensitive duties on weekends and holidays

26 Post Accident Testing Must follow FTA criteria to test- refer to form If FTA accident “definition” is not met, DO NOT perform a DOT post accident test Fatality- Test without question Transport away from scene for medical treatment- test unless driver’s actions can be completely discounted Vehicle REQUIRES towing due to disabling damage- test unless driver’s actions can be completely discounted

27 Post Accident Testing Continued  Cannot test an employee who is unconscious  Must conduct test as soon as practical following an event that meets the testing criteria but no more than:  8 hours after the event for alcohol  32 hours after the event for drugs  Document any delays in testing after the first two hours following the event* see form

28 Reasonable Suspicion Testing Supervisors must have received required training before making a referral for testing Supervisors must use specific and contemporaneous indicators as a determining factor (no rumor or second hand information) Only ONE supervisor is required to make a referral. Employer can not require more than one supervisor to concur with decision. Must document the observations and the referral process- See Form

29 Return to Duty and Follow Up Testing Return to Duty and Follow Up tests ONLY apply to employees who have previously violated the DOT drug and alcohol policy Return to Duty is the test type conducted on an employee after they have completed the SAP evaluation and treatment program Employee’s who return to duty after a violation are subject to Follow Up tests. SAP determines number and frequency of tests BOTH test types must be Directly Observed Collections

30 Collection Site Compliance

31 Monitoring Your Collection Site  The collection site’s compliance to regulations is directly tied to your agency’s compliance to the regulations  Monitoring your collection site is highly recommended  Start by developing a rapport with the site manager  Bring a current copy of Part 40 and US DOT Specimen Collection Guidelines to the site  Suggest scenarios and ask questions about how problem collections are handled  Conduct an inspection of the site  Ask the collector to walk you through their procedures

32 Monitoring Your Collection Site Continued  Conduct clandestine inspections  Solicit information from employees after they return from the site  When areas of concern are noted, bring it to the attention of your TPA (if applicable) and the site manager.  Point out that collections for ALL DOT modes are to be conducted uniformly– so deeming them non-compliant for an FTA covered employer applies to the FMCSA regulated employers as well (often more clients are FMCSA)

33 Alcohol Misuse  Although alcohol is a legal substance for those of legal age, the misuse of alcohol among safety-sensitive employees can be an extreme safety risk.  All covered employees are prohibited from consuming alcohol within 4 hours of the performance of safety-sensitive functions and while on call to perform safety-sensitive duties  DOT Alcohol testing can only occur just before, during or just after the performance of safety-sensitive duties

34 Alcohol Testing  Technicians must meet qualification training in accordance with Part 40.213  Saliva tests are authorized for initial screening only– not confirmation tests  Evidential Breath Testing Devices must be used for confirmation testing  Must be on National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Conforming Products List

35 Record Maintenance and Retention

36 Retention Requirements  Five Year  All records related to positive results  SAP Referrals  Return to Duty Process, Follow Up testing documentation  Documentation of employee refusals to test  DAMIS Reports  Three Years  Previous employer background checks  Good faith efforts

37 Retention Requirements Continued  Two Years  Testing documentation Collection log books, if used Random selection process Reasonable suspicion documentation Post accident testing documentation MRO documents verifying existence of a medical explanation for insufficient volume Records of inspection, maintenance, and calibration of EBT

38 Retention Requirements  One Year  Cancelled drug test results  Negative test results Alcohol test results less than 0.02 Alcohol test form with results Employer’s copy of the federal CCF. BEST PRACTICE: KEEP ALL RECORDS FOR 5 YEARS.

39 Record Maintenance  Ensure that all records are kept in a locked file cabinet with access limited to only the DER and Alternate  Keep drug and alcohol testing records stored separately from other types of employment records  If records are kept electronically, ensure that they are password protected

40 FDOT SAM Program Expansion for 2012-2013

41 FDOT SAM Program  Program was initiated August 1, 2003 as a compliance oversight tool for FDOT’s Section 5311 sub-recipient agencies  In February 2004 FDOT underwent its first FTA Drug and Alcohol Program audit  SAM Program was immediately expanded in February 2004 to assist agencies in preparing and responding to the audit  Further expansion to the technical assistance and training aspects of the program were made in 2005, but the primary focus was still on the rural agencies

42 FDOT SAM Program Cont.  FTA audit of FDOT August 2011 emphasized the importance of the SAM program  May 1, 2012 FDOT expanded the SAM program to to all Florida transit systems, regardless of size.  Compliance reviews of rural systems are still conducted, however the training and technical assistance benefits are available to all agencies, statewide  Regional outreach training sessions and webinars are being coordinated (see next two slides)

43 Regional Outreach Training Sessions  Region A- Districts 1 and 7 was held on July 18 th, 2012  Region B- Western portion of District 2 and District 3: November 13, 2012  Region C- Districts 4 and 6: March 27, 2013  Region D- Eastern portion of District 2 and District 5: August 23, 2012  Full day interactive workshop style sessions (not just lectures!)  All sessions are open to all agencies (you must register for the session though.)  Training session information is posted on SAM website, registration is coordinated through Molly Buffington at CUTR.

44 Webinars  Monitoring Collection Site Compliance: September 12th, 2012  Record Maintenance Best Practices and DAMIS Reporting Instructions: January 10th, 2013  Developing Compliant and Effective In-house Training Programs: April 24th, 2013  Additional topics will be added, please feel free to contribute topic suggestions!

45 In-House Training Opportunities  Supervisory Training for Reasonable Suspicion and Post Accident Drug and Alcohol Testing Thresholds  Employee Drug Awareness refresher training  Prescription and Over-the-Counter Medication Awareness training  One-on-One Drug and Alcohol Program Management training for new DERs or back-ups  Contact me directly to set up in-house training:

46 FDOT Substance Abuse Website FDOT Substance Abuse Management Resource Website: Training Tools Training Announcements Videos FTA Regulatory Updates Newsletter “Quick Regs”- regulatory references Links to additional web resources

47 On the Horizon Forthcoming Changes to Regulations

48 On the Horizon  On January 26, 2012, the Department of Health and Human Services accepted the Drug Testing Advisor Board’s recommendations:  to expand the drug testing panel for Federal Workers to include Schedule II drugs (oxycodone, hydrocodone, etc.)  to recognize oral fluid as an alternative specimen for Federal workplace drug testing programs.  The USDOT is required by law to follow HHS procedures, so as soon as the guidelines are established, Part 40 will be amended in accordance with the new guidelines.

49 On the Horizon Cont.  We can anticipate a revision to Part 655 in the near future (within the next couple of years), according to Jerry Powers  Electronic CCFs  National database for violators is being developed (will start first with FMCSA)

50 Statewide Testing Services Contract

51 New TPA Contract Awarded  Benefits of using statewide contract with FirstLab:  Scope of Service includes provisions for collection site monitoring and minimum collection site availability  FDOT support (assurance that contract obligations will be met)  No state interference with your individual testing account  BEST PART: Significant cost reduction for volume pricing  DOT urine drug tests – 25.00!

52 Contact  Please do not hesitate to contact me for information about drug and alcohol testing regulations or to schedule training  Diana Byrnes  813-426-6980   Thank you for your attendance today.

53 Contacts  Diana Byrnes, C-SAPA Substance Abuse Management Specialist CUTR 813-426-6980 http://

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