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OER Case Study TJTS569 Advanced Topics in Global Information Systems Savenkova Iuliia.

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Presentation on theme: "OER Case Study TJTS569 Advanced Topics in Global Information Systems Savenkova Iuliia."— Presentation transcript:

1 OER Case Study TJTS569 Advanced Topics in Global Information Systems Savenkova Iuliia

2  Course title: An introduction to data and information  Target group: Higher education, learner  Age group: 18-U  Topic: Computer as tools for finding  Learning outcomes  give a simple explanation of why computers are important to people in terms of data and information;  conduct your own searches efficiently and effectively;  critically evaluate information from a variety of sources;

3  Method & activities: Lessons, discussions, practical assignments  Assessment: The total assessment for the practical assignments on a scale of 1 to 5,  and additional points for the active participation in the discussions (+ to the total assessment)

4  Computers are used to find, store, process and share data and information.  The World Wide Web is an example of a vast store of information, which can be searched.  This material will introduce you to what a web browser is and how to use one.  The use of search engines to find information more effectively on the web will also be demonstrated.

5  It is important that you develop effective information retrieval skills so that you can:  Get perspective on a topic  Identify information and ideas relevant to your work  Avoid reinventing the wheel  Increase your knowledge of a subject area  Provide intellectual content for your own work  Complete a successful search for a literature review

6  Reflect on your information needs before you start  Identify key concepts from your assignment requirements  Background reading & viewing, brainstorm with peers, concept map  Identify synonyms, related terms, alternative spelling and abbreviations  Determine search limits such as date, geography  Determine appropriate types of sources of information you need (journal articles, books, reports, statistics, conference proceedings)  Determine best search tools (Database(s), Library Catalogue, Google)

7  Using ‘AND’ narrows a search: results must include both terms, e.g:  Inflation AND“developing countries”  Using ‘OR’ broadens a search: results can include either term, e.g:  planning OR management  benefits OR strengths OR advantages  GFC OR“global financial crisis”  Using ‘NOT’ specifies a term must not appear in the results, e.g:  accounting NOT forensic  When searching for phrases, enclose using: “….. ”, e.g:  “forensic accounting”“behavioural economics”

8  Databases  Library Catalogue  Google

9  Catalogue  Books, eBooks, chapters  Journals and conferences  Standards (International)  DVDs, CDs  Selected websites  Selected reports  Databases  Journal articles  Conference papers  Newspaper and trade magazines  Professional membership resources  Online reference and statistics  Company reports  Google  Professional association resources  Government sites and reports  Company information

10  Questions:  What is a search engine?  What you choose from the list of search tools to search for information? Why?

11  Use advanced search  Limit to file types and domains  Use phrase searching  Use Google Scholar  Set up access full-text at QUT  Consider other search engines

12  Start with keyword searching  Use items records to identify subject headings  Use Subject Headings to focus your search  Use Advanced Search  Limit item types  Use Journal Title search to locate full text

13  Use the Library Database guides to help you  EIU Country Data  Informit  Proquest  EbscoHOST  Informaworld  Emerald  Tip: If you know a key journal in your field identify which database it is in and search that database – often you will find similar journals in the same database

14  Use the database guide  Research is interdisciplinary – think outside of the box  Do not limit yourself to full text only  Use limiters and controlled vocabulary to focus your search

15  Too Much Information  Is your topic too broad?  Narrow your topic using more specific terms  Use AND  Use date limiters / search limiters  Not enough information  Is your search too specific?  Check your spelling!  Use TRUNCATION and OR operators  Are you looking in the right place  Maybe there isn’t much on the topic

16  Think before you start – concept map / brain storm  Start with the catalogue – database – internet (or at least use all of the tools)  Develop a search strategy and be prepared to change it!  Record all the details of all your references as you go  You will need this information for your in text citations and reference lists  Remember one useful book / article leads to others  References (back in time)  Cited By (forward in time)

17  Prepare the presentation with your conclusions.  Activity 1.  This introduces you to search engines. It shows you how to invoke a search engine from your browser and make simple searches for topics of interest.!via/oucont ent/course/159/activity1.pdf  Activity 2.  This gives you the chance of using some advanced search facilities (such as the two mentioned above) to make more targeted searches.!via/oucont ent/course/159/activity2.pdf

18  Questions?

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