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Slyter Nutrition Consulting Services

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2 Slyter Nutrition Consulting Services

3  Define celiac disease  Understand the diagnostic criteria  Understand nutritional concerns with celiac disease  Define the gluten-free diet  Understand the types of foods to avoid  Know ways to avoid cross-contamination of gluten-free foods at home or away

4  It is a chronic autoimmune intestinal disorder  Can develop at any age  Continued exposure to gluten can cause neurological disorders, and vitamin and mineral deficiencies.  May be triggered by a gastrointestinal or viral infection, severe stress, surgery or pregnancy  One of the most common inherited diseases, with a world prevalence estimated at 1:266 people.

5  Also known as gluten-sensitive enteropathy or celiac sprue  A chronic autoimmune intestinal disorder  Specific proteins in grains wheat, rye, and barley, known as gluten, cause damage to the absorptive surface of the small intestine for susceptible individuals

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