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Rheological study of a simulated polymeric gel: shear banding

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1 Rheological study of a simulated polymeric gel: shear banding
J. Billen, J. Stegen+, M. Wilson, A. Rabinovitch°, A.R.C. Baljon + Eindhoven University of Technology (The Netherlands) ° Ben Gurion University of the Negev (Be’er Sheva, Israel) Funded by:

2 Polymers Long-chain molecules of high molecular weight polyethylene
[Introduction to Physical Polymer Science, L. Sperling (2006)]

3 Motivation of research
Polymer science Polymer chemistry (synthesis) Polymer physics *natural: starch, cotton, wool, proteins *Nylon, bakelite *length of chain: polyethylene: gas-liquid-medium viscosity-crystalline-plastic-fibers *focus on materials and their properties, only later academic Polymer rheology

4 Introduction: polymeric gels

5 Polymeric gels Reversible junctions between endgroups (telechelic polymers) Concentration Differnet chemistry endgroups Micelle transition Temperature Sol Gel

6 Polymeric gels Examples Importance:
PEO (polyethylene glycol) chains terminated by hydrophobic moieties Poly-(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) Importance: laxatives, skin creams, tooth paste, paintball fill, preservative for objects salvaged from underwater, eye drops, print heads, spandex, foam cushions,… cytoskeleton

7 Visco-elastic properties
Viscosity Shear rate [J.Sprakel et al., Soft Matter (2009)]

8 Hybrid MD/MC simulation of a polymeric gel

9 Molecular dynamics simulation
ITERATE Give initial positions, choose short time Dt Get forces and acceleration a=F/m Move atoms Move time t = t + Dt

10 Bead-spring model U [e] Distance [s]
[K. Kremer and G. S. Krest. J. Chem. Phys 1990] Distance [s] U [e] Attraction beads in chain Repulsion all beads LJ pure repulsive Temperature control through coupling with heat bath 1s

11 Associating polymer Ubond Unobond U [e] Distance [s]
[A. Baljon et al., J. Chem. Phys., ] Junctions between end groups : FENE + Association energy Dynamics … Ubond Unobond U [e] Distance [s] Uassoc negative

12 Dynamics of associating polymer (I)
Monte Carlo: attempt to form junction Distance [s] Uassoc D U [e] P<1 possible form P=1 ?

13 Dynamics of associating polymer (II)
Monte Carlo: attempt to break junction Distance [s] -D U [e] Uassoc P=1 break P<1 possible break ?

14 Simulation details 1000 polymeric chains, 8 beads/chain
Units: s (length), e (energy&temperature), m (mass), t=s(m/e)1/2 (time); Box size: (23.5 x 20.5 x 27.4) s3 with periodic boundary conditions

15 Simulated polymeric gel
only endgroups shown

16 Shearing the system Some chains grafted to wall;
move wall with constant shear rate moving wall fixed wall

17 Shear banding in polymeric gel

18 Shear-Banding in Associating Polymers
PEO in Taylor-Couette system Plateau in stress-shear curve two shear bands shear rate stress velocity distance fixed wall moving wall [J.Sprakel et al., Phys Rev. E 79, (2009)]

19 Shear-banding in viscoelastic fluids
Interface instabilities in worm-like micelles time [Lerouge et al.,PRL 96, (2006).]

20 Stress under constant shear
30 distance from wall [s] All results T=0.35 e (< micelle transition T=0.5 e) stress yield peak plateau

21 Velocity profiles After yield peak: 2 shear bands Before yield peak:
30 distance from wall [s] After yield peak: 2 shear bands Before yield peak: homogeneous

22 Velocity profile over time
Fluctuations of interface moving wall distance from wall [s] velocity [s/t] fixed wall time [t]

23 Chain Orientation Qxx=1 Qzz=-0.5 Shear direction x z y rij

24 Chain orientation Effects more outspoken in high shear band

25 Aggregate sizes Sheared: more smaller and larger aggregates
High shear band: largest aggregates as likely size=4

26 Conclusions MD/MC simulation reproduces experiments
Plateau in shear-stress curve Shear banding observed Temporal fluctuations in velocity profile Microscopic differences between sheared/ unsheared system Chain orientation Aggregate size distribution Small differences between shear bands Current work: local stresses, positional order, secondary flow, network structure

27 Equation of Motion K. Kremer and G. S. Grest. Dynamics of entangled linear polymer melts: A molecular-dynamics simulation. Journal of Chemical Physics, 92:5057, 1990. Interaction energy Friction constant; Heat bath coupling – all complicated interactions Gaussian white noise <Wi2>=6 kB T (fluctuation dissipation theorem)

28 Predictor-corrector algorithm
1)Predictor: Taylor: estimate at t+dt 4) Corrector step: 2) From calculate forces and acceleration at t+dt 3) Estimate size of error in prediction step: Dt=0.005 t

29 Polymeric gels Associating: reversible junctions between endgroups Gel
Concentration Sol Gel Temperature

30 Simulation details 1000 polymeric chains, 8 beads/chain
Units: s (length), e (energy&temperature), m (mass), t=s(m/e)1/2 (time); Box size: (23.5 x 20.5 x 27.4) s3 with periodic boundary conditions Concentration = 0.6/s3 (in overlap regime) Radius of gyration: Bond life time > 1 / shear rate

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