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Fatigue Brooks Ch 33
Outline Definitions Exhaustion (depletion) Hypothesis
Central Fatigue Peripheral Fatigue Exhaustion (depletion) Hypothesis Phosphagens Glycogen / glucose Accumulation Hypothesis pH Phosphate Calcium Potassium (Foss p 65) Oxygen Future of Fatigue
Fatigue During Exercise
Fatigue - inability to maintain a given exercise intensity or power output Reversible with rest (recovery) rarely completely fatigued - can maintain lower intensity output Studied with EMG and observation of contractile function with electrical (nerve) or magnetic stimulation (cortex) Observe reduction in force and velocity and a prolonged relaxation time after fatigue The effect of exercise at an absolute or relative exercise intensity will be more severe on an untrained individual
Advanced Neuromuscular Exercise Physiology - Human Kinetics 2011
Fatigue During Exercise
Causes of muscle fatigue have been classified into central and peripheral Central - includes CNS, motivation and psychological factors restoration of force with external stimulation of muscle -indicates central fatigue NH3, hypoglycemia, reticular formation Peripheral - PNS to muscle - EC coupling, energy supply and force generation
Exercise Metabolism - Human Kinetics - 2006
Exercise Metabolism - Human Kinetics - 2006
Identifying site of Fatigue
fatigue can be identified specifically - eg. Glycogen, Ca++ depletion Compartmentalization within the cell increases the difficult of determining the source of fatigue eg. ATP may be depleted at the myosin head, but adequate elsewhere in the cell - is this detectable? Often the origin of fatigue is diffuse eg dehydration several factors then contribute to a disturbance of homeostasis Often easier to identify correlations to fatigue, rather than causal contributions to fatigue
Environment and Fatigue
Heat and humidity - can affect endurance performance inc sweat, heat gain, dehydration, changes in electrolytes results in redistribution of Cardiac Output Uncoupling of mitochondria - less ATP with same VO2 changes in psychological perception of exercise Fatigue is cumulative over time dehydration yesterday can influence performance today Glycogen depletion cumulative as well Reduced circulation to muscle may result in glycogen depletion Reducing endurance capacity
Central Fatigue possible to have fatigue w/out the muscles itself being fatigued eg pain may affect drive to continue Compare force output during fatigue with force output during maximal external stimulus (eg electrical impulse on motor nerve) An ability of this external stimulation to restore force would indicate central fatigue Psychological Fatigue understanding is minimal With training - athletes can learn to minimize influence of sensory inputs Able to approach performance limits
Central Fatigue Central fatigue - Stechnov Phenomenon
Fig faster recovery of strength with distraction or “active pauses” during recovery from exhaustion
Peripheral Fatigue Fig ulnar stimulation is constant - force development decrease over time - indicating peripheral fatigue
Peripheral Fatigue Fig large increase in EMG signal - no increase in force - also indicates peripheral fatigue (see slide 5)
Peripheral Fatigue Two hypothesis for peripheral fatigue
a) Exhaustion - depletion of energy substrates - eg ATP, CP, glycogen Phosphagens are present in low quantities Must match use with restoration from other metabolic pathways - or fatigue b) Accumulation of metabolic byproducts - eg H+, Ca++, Pi Likely a combination of factors with contributions influenced by the specific conditions of the activity
Exhaustion Hypothesis
Depletion of metabolites Phosphagens Fig 33-2a - CP levels decline in two phases - drop rapidly, then slowly Rate of ATP synthesis by CK decreases along with decrease in CP content - rate is fastest at rest
Exhaustion Hypothesis
both severity of first drop and extent of final drop related to work intensity fig 33-3
Exhaustion Hypothesis
Fig 33-2b - ATP well maintained compartmentalization? Down regulation / protection theory? ms cell shuts off contraction - with ATP depletion in favor of maintaining ion concentration gradients and cell viability
Depletion (continued)
Glycogen depletion associated with fatigue moderate activity - uniform depletion from different fiber types Also activity specific fiber depletion Carbohydrate loading can improve performance Caffeine (inc FFA mobilization) can also offset fatigue Blood Glucose During short intense exercise bouts - blood glucose rises With prolonged activity- blood glucose may fall Fatigue at blood glucose below 3.5 mM Anapleurotic substrates Krebs cycle intermediates - decline results in reduced capacity of Krebs
Accumulation Hypothesis
H+ (acidity) Lactic acid accumulates during short term high intensity exercise As production exceeds removal exported into blood from muscle As it is a strong acid -blood pH decreases H+ in blood - affects CNS pain, nausea, discomfort, disorientation inhibits O2 / Hb combination in lung reduces HS lipase - dec FFA oxidation **still unsure if this induces fatigue**
Accumulation Hypothesis
muscle acidosis all glycolytic intermediates are weak acids ATP breakdown also produces H+ may inhibit PFK - slowing glycolysis may interfere with calcium binding TnC may stimulate pain receptors
Phosphate( Pi) and Diprotenated phosphate (H2PO4)
Accumulation Phosphate( Pi) and Diprotenated phosphate (H2PO4) phosphagen depletion (CP) - results in Pi accumulation behaves like proton inhibiting PFK interfering with X-bridge attachment, detachment and force production
Accumulation Fig 33-4 H2PO42- acid and Pi
indicative of non steady state - fatigue
Accumulation Calcium Ion Accumulation
mitochondrial coupling efficiency some Ca++ stimulates Krebs cycle accumulation - requires energy to remove the calcium Creates oxidative phosphorylation uncoupling in test tube exacerbated by reduced Ca++ sequestering by SR with fatigue
Calcium (cont) Fig changes in Ca++ flux and signaling in fatigued muscle Po refers to max isometric force
Calcium (cont) symptoms of fatigue (fig 33-5) 1. dec free calcium
decreased force generation - with single or tetanic stimulation related to SR Ca++ release, and/or pH affects on opening of SR channels 1. dec free calcium May be EC coupling at T tubules, sarcolemma, or SR channels Accumulation in mito, dec SR uptake Lactate anion interference with ryanodine receptor Pi precipitation with free calcium 2. Responsiveness - down shift H+ interference with Ca++ binding 3. Sensitivity - small L-R shift given free Ca++ - less force less impact than dec release or responsiveness
Potassium (K+) Foss p 65 K+ is released from contracting muscle resulting in reducing cytosolic and an increasing plasma K+ content Release high enough to block nerve transmission in T tubules Concomitant increase in Na+ intracellulary disrupts normal sarcolemmal membrane potential and excitability High Na+/K+ pump activity improves performance Rapid recovery of K minutes Complete in ~30 minutes During exercise inactive tissues take up K+
O2 depletion and Mitochondria
O2 depletion and Mito density dec in ms O2 or circ O2 can lead to fatigue eg - altitude, circulation impairments low O2 often indicated by lactate accumulation, CP depletion or both exercise depends on integration of many functions - any upset -- fatigue Doubling of oxidative capacity with training increases use of FFA -sparing glycogen Minimizes impact of the damaging effects of free radicals
Advanced Neuromuscular Exercise Physiology - Human Kinetics 2011
Heart Fatigue Heart as site of Fatigue
no direct evidence that heart is site of fatigue Arterial PO2 is maintained during exercise, heart gets Q priority heart can utilize lactate or FFA ECG - no signs of ischemia at maximal effort or fatigue if there are signs- heart disease is indicated With severe dehydration... Cardiac arrhythmia is possible
Future of Fatigue Technology is making available new devices - further investigation of fatigue NMR possible to determine [ ] of Phosphagens, protons, water, fat, metabolites without breaking the skin Fig 33-11 a at rest - before fatigue b after fatigue area under curve represents [ ] of metabolites (ATP, CP, Pi) Clear indication of declines and accumulations at fatigue Table 33-1 comparison of values NMR vs muscle biopsy
Fig. 1. Estimation of critical power (CP) in a representative subject
Critical Power - highest constant work rate that can be maintained without fatigue Jones, A. M. et al. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 294: R585-R ; doi: /ajpregu Copyright ©2008 American Physiological Society
Exercise Metabolism - Human Kinetics - 2006
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