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Standards Certification Education & Training Publishing Conferences & Exhibits Become an ISA Mentor Make a difference in someone’s life:

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Presentation on theme: "Standards Certification Education & Training Publishing Conferences & Exhibits Become an ISA Mentor Make a difference in someone’s life:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Standards Certification Education & Training Publishing Conferences & Exhibits Become an ISA Mentor Make a difference in someone’s life:

2 Does this describe YOU? Like to help people? Were helped by someone when you started out—or wish you had been?

3 Have a few hours a month to help someone transition from student to automation professional or become a better automation professional? Have experience and expertise that you are willing to share? Are enthusiastic about the “future” of automation and want to share that enthusiasm? Does this describe YOU?

4 Mentored students have increased marketability Mentees are 68% more marketable than colleagues who have not had a mentor Mentors give mentees the competitive edge!

5 As a mentor, you can Be a guide in someone’s professional development Share expertise, wisdom, and critical business experience Help determine areas where a mentee’s knowledge, skills, and experience may be lacking; identify methods and a plan for improvement Be a sounding board for a young professional or student about the job market, career advancement, resume, and other key factors Enjoy personal satisfaction!

6 Scope of ISA’s Mentor Program Mentees are matched with mentors based on their interest in these categories The ISA Mentor Program pairs experienced ISA Members in the categories of Industry and Technology

7 What mentors say “The instrument and control systems field has been good to me and I hope I can be helpful to a student or young professional in the program.” “A student I had mentored contacted me, thanking me and letting me know that he had followed my advice; he had just received a promotion. It made my day!”

8 What mentors say “My experience in working with mentees over the past several years has been very rewarding.” “I have worked with five-to-six students and have been able to answer their questions regarding career planning, ISA Member benefits, salaries and benefits, PE exam, etc. I feel I have been able to guide them effectively because of my long experience in the field. I have also been able to guide them in writing a good resume.”

9 ISA has a global membership ISA has Members in more than 100 countries, from Argentina to Zimbabwe Non-US & Canada 28% US & Canada 72% 30,000 2009 There are over 4,500 student members worldwide who could benefit from having a mentor

10 Benefits to Student Members Having a mentor cultivates students and helps them to maintain genuine professional relationships Students benefit from having a mentor who can provide critical expertise and experience about the automation profession

11 Typical careers  Control Systems Engineer  Automation Engineer  Engineering Manager  Plant Engineering  Production Engineering  Technical Support  Systems Integrator  Professor/Educator  Product Design Engineer  Network/Software Engineer  Marketing/Sales

12 Follow up Sign up to be a mentor by going to the ISA home page: > General Information > Careers > Mentor Program Questions?

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