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Occupational Health and Safety Masters Program Mala L. (Don) Beard, PhD, CIH Middle Tennessee State University Department of Engineering Technology and.

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Presentation on theme: "Occupational Health and Safety Masters Program Mala L. (Don) Beard, PhD, CIH Middle Tennessee State University Department of Engineering Technology and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Occupational Health and Safety Masters Program Mala L. (Don) Beard, PhD, CIH Middle Tennessee State University Department of Engineering Technology and Industrial Studies

2 Established 1911 First Graduating Class 1914 A TN Board of Reagents University 7 Colleges 9 Chairs of Excellence 22,000+ undergraduate students. It is the fastest growing of Tennessee 4 year Universities

3 Department of Engineering Technology & Industrial Studies Academically located in the College of Basic and Applied Sciences Vocational Arts (Later ETIS present as a department from the beginning) 16 Faculty Members 7 staff members Physically Located in Vooheries Industrial Studies Bldg and Midgett Business Building

4 Department of Engineering Technology & Industrial Studies Undergraduate concentrations include: Engineering Technology Computer Engineering Technology Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology Manufacturing Engineering Technology Concrete Industry Management Construction management Technology

5 Department of Engineering Technology & Industrial Studies Undergraduate concentrations include: Environmental Science and Technology Energy Resource Management Environmental Health and Safety Waste Management Environmental Planning Site Analysis Water Resources

6 Requirements for Admission to MTSU’s OHS Program within ETIS Bachelors Degree from an Accredited College or University Completion of the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) No absolute GRE score but is used in conjunction with undergraduate Grade and the grades of any preliminary graduate course grades

7 Occupational Health and Safety Concentration Both Thesis (Plan A) or Non-thesis Options (Plan B) Thesis options requires the completion of 24 semester hours and a 6 hour credit thesis approved by students committee and the Department of Graduate Studies Non-thesis requires the completion of 36 hours. For both plans 18 hrs must be in the major. Student can elect to complete a minor of 12 hours in certain programs.

8 Requirements For Plan A (thesis) 21 of the 30 course hours must be at the 6,000 level. For Plan B (non-thesis) 26 of the 36 course hours must be at the 6,000 level Either plan can include a cognate of 6 semester hours in management and marketing, computer science, economics, psychology or vocational-technical education.

9 Graduation Requirements Maintain a 3.0 (B) Average Complete and Pass a Comprehensive Written and Oral Defense of Exam and Thesis (Plan A) prepared by a Faculty Committee of 3. Complete either as an undergrad or graduate student an approved research tool to include at least one course in statistics with a grade of C or better. Other research tool course include foreign languages, computer programming or computer applications courses.

10 Occupation Health and Safety Concentration Night Time Program (Earliest scheduled class is industrial hygiene from 4:30- 7:30 once per week. Most other Classes are 6-9 pm 15 week semester Approximate 2/3 to ¾ of program students are part –time students working full time.

11 Major Professor Public Health Professional of 30 + years of Experience Certified Industrial Hygienist BS Animal Science University of TN- 69 Masters in Public Health U of Oklahoma-74 Ph.D. Environmental Health (Conc. I.H.)-94)

12 Personal Philosophy of Teaching Occupational Health and Safety Safety is an applied discipline and academic courses can only take you part of the way to the goal of being an SHE professional. Life long learning on the job, professional organizations, short courses, professional conferences and professional interaction must be practiced as well.

13 Personal Philosophy of Teaching Occupational Health and Safety Courses will include regular tests usually a combination of short answer, multiple choice, matching, discussion, calculations (IH) and discussion. Take home “discussion question exams” Most Courses will involve writing such as a technical paper, term paper, safety program chapter, “Company” OEL justification etc. An oral presentation (PowerPoint) on an assigned topic is a usual requirement.

14 Personal Philosophy of Teaching Occupational Health and Safety The Occupation Health and Safety Program at MTSU must be a generalist program. It is not designed to be either a pure Safety or Industrial Hygiene program but is a blend of both with a minor amount of Environmental considerations.

15 MTSU Occupational Health and Safety and Industry Interactions In order to force more “real world” experience into our courses there is usually one industry component to each course. Safety Hazard Assessments, JSA or JHAs, Industrial Hygiene Assessments and Sampling, producing with policies on various topic are typical assignments

16 Industries that have Assisted with Student projects Saturn Corp. Bridgestone-Firestone Calsonic Eaton Paulo Goodrich Landing Gear Co Numerous others independent studies by student/employees

17 Courses in OH&S - Major Safety Planning (ETIS 6010): The human Side of Safety includes discussion into history of safety movement, accident causation theory, safety motivation techniques, Worker Comp, EAP Programs, Accident Investigation & Reporting, ADA, FMLA, Workplace Violence Programs, Safety Committees, Worker Stress & Psychology Human Resource Management, Environmental and Quality Management Programs related to safety ISO 9000, ISO14,000, OHSA 18,000, Training Methods and Techniques

18 Courses in Occupational Health and Safety Major Safety Technology & Engineering (ETIS 6020) More Technical Areas Topics: Risk Analysis, Data and Information Sources, OSHA programs Machine Guarding, LOTO, Machine Guarding, Electrical Safety, Fire Prevent and Control, Waling & Working Surface Hazards, Fall Protection Hazards, PPE, Haz. Comm., Chemical Hygiene and Process Safety Management, Metal Working Hazards Transportation Safety Excavation and Trenching Course is my advanced version of OSHA 501 course – OSHA 30 hour card

19 Courses in OH&S - Major Occupational and Environmental Hygiene (ETIS 6040) A projects based Course that has three components: Environmental Assessment either ISO 14,000 or Phase I Site Assessment Exercise Indoor Air Quality Assessment (CO2, CO, Mold, Humidity) Ventilation System Assessment (Exhaust Ventilation and General Dilution Ventilation measurement and written assessment.

20 Courses in OH&S - Major Industry Hygiene ET-4540/5450: History of IH, Respiratory System, Occupational Disease, Sampling Gases, Vapors and Particulates, Calculations, Noise Assessment, Hearing Conservation, and Noise Control Heat Stress, Non-Ionizing Radiation, Laser Safety Incorporates 3 sampling “Lab” experiences.

21 Courses in OH&S - Major ETIS 6070: Anthropometric Factors in Accident Prevention: An introduction to ergonomic factors in injury and accident prevention

22 Courses in OH&S - Major Air, Noise and Hazardous Waste (EST-4780/4780): Course examine Air Pollution, Environmental Noise and Hazardous Materials Response and Incorporates a 24 hour Hazardous Materials Response Course into the course. A separate certificate is give for the 24 hour HazMat Response portion of the Course.

23 Courses in OH&S - Major Industrial Safety ET 4420/5420: Required of all departmental majors. Basic OSHA Programs Text is “Safety for Supervisors” Fire Safety ET 4440/5440: Fire Hazards, Prevention Techniques and Systems, Fire Prevention and Inspection techniques.

24 Courses in OH&S - Major Thesis Research (ETIS 6640) Methods of Research (ETIS 6620) Independent Study Courses ETIS 6510/6520: Problems in Industrial Studies ETIS 6910/6920: Problems in Engineering Technology

25 Summary Strong Points of The MTSU OHS Program: Easy Commuting Distance from majority of Middle Tennessee Night program geared toward the part-time student A Generalist Program that provides entry level experience and training in Occupational Health and Safety. Teaches information gather techniques and OSH program building techniques and sources Program Flexibility to tailor the program to interest of the student

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