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Personality ADAPTING TO THE WORLD. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Explain different psychological perspectives on personality Explain different psychological perspectives.

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Presentation on theme: "Personality ADAPTING TO THE WORLD. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Explain different psychological perspectives on personality Explain different psychological perspectives."— Presentation transcript:


2 LEARNING OBJECTIVES Explain different psychological perspectives on personality Explain different psychological perspectives on personality Point out criticisms & revisions Point out criticisms & revisions Describe shared principles Describe shared principles Describe the value of each perspective Describe the value of each perspective

3 Organizing the Information Value Criticisms Features Beliefs People Describe Shared Principles Point out criticisms Describe Value Explain different perspectives

4 Psychodynamic Perspective When inspiration does not come to me, I go halfway to meet it. SIGMUND FREUD

5 Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory Underlying Beliefs Societal Influences

6 Freud’s Psychoanalytic Approach to Personality Theory based on unconscious [sexual] drives and hidden impulses rooted in childhood development

7 Behaviors are a result of conflicts between levels of consciousness Freud’s Psychoanalytic Approach to Personality


9 Defense MechanismsDefense Mechanisms RepressionRepression DisplacementDisplacement RationalizationRationalization SublimationSublimation ProjectionProjection Reaction FormationReaction Formation DenialDenial RegressionRegression (Anna) Freud’s Psychoanalytic Approach to Personality REDUCES ANXIETY WHY? You get your own little interpretation of reality Created all for you Deep in your subconscious

10 The sexual life of adult women is a “dark continent” for psychology. SIGMUND FREUD Focus on sexFocus on sex Heavily influenced by beliefsHeavily influenced by beliefs Lack of evidenceLack of evidence Theories too universalTheories too universal Stress on childhoodStress on childhood Stress on unconsciousStress on unconscious Stress on neurosesStress on neuroses Omits socio culturalOmits socio cultural Omits healthy behaviorsOmits healthy behaviors Criticisms & Revisions of Freud’s Psychodynamic Approach Karen Horney: feminist responseKaren Horney: feminist response Carl Jung: collective unconsciousCarl Jung: collective unconscious Alfred Adler: individual compensationAlfred Adler: individual compensation

11 Organizing the Information Value Criticisms Features Beliefs People Describe Shared Principles Point out criticisms Describe Value Explain different perspectives

12 Man's task is to become conscious of the contents that press upward from the unconscious. CARL JUNG Psychodynamic/ Analytical Theory

13 Conscious and unconscious are both in the service of the individual, who uses them to further personal goals. ALFRED ADLER Psychodynamic/ Individual Psychology

14 Organizing the Information Value Criticisms Features Beliefs People Describe Shared Principles Point out criticisms Describe Value Explain different perspectives

15 The more we learn about man’s natural tendencies, the easier it will be to tell him how to be good, how to be happy, how to be fruitful, how to respect himself, how to love, how to fulfill his highest potentialities … Abraham Maslow Humanistic Perspective

16 Maslow’s Humanistic Approach to Personality Critical Response Emphasis on Positive

17 The only person who is educated is the one who has learned to learn…and change…. CARL ROGERS Humanistic Perspective

18 Rogers’s Humanistic Approach to Personality Innate Ingredients Happiness/Unhappiness

19 Organizing the Information Value Criticisms Features Beliefs People Describe Shared Principles Point out criticisms Describe Value Explain different perspectives

20 Trait Perspectives

21 O.C.E.A.N. Trait Perspectives



24 Organizing the Information Value Criticisms Features Beliefs People Describe Shared Principles Point out criticisms Describe Value Explain different perspectives

25 Life Story Perspective Finding out more about the individual through their stories, their interpretations Example:

26 Partners  Try to find someone in the class for each item.  Get that person to initial it.  Turn it in with your names.  Turn in your notes.

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